Some example sentences of “discovery”

How to use in-sentence of “discovery”:

– During the Age of Discovery many more ships sailed far from home.

– The Hughes Medal is awarded by the Royal Society of London for original discoveries in electricity and magnetism or their applications.”In recognition of an original discovery in the physical sciences, particularly electricity and magnetism or their applications”.

– According to the discovery of Chinese ancient letters in the Tompaso area, Minahasa shows the cultural interaction between the Chinese and Minahasa have existed since the Han dynasty.

– Hassium was discovery of the chemical elementsfirst made in 1984.

– Subsequent investigations by Dawson led to the discovery of one of the most important fossils in the history of science, Hylonomus”Hylonomus lyelli”, which remains the earliest known reptile in the history of life, but not the earliest known amniote.

– Among his best-known writings is “History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent”.

– It was the first Sun-like star, other than the Sun, found to have a planet orbiting it, this discovery was first made public in 1995.

– Although the discovery of the coolest dwarf was highly significant at the time, it was debated whether GD 165B would be classified as a brown dwarf or simply a very-low-mass star, because observationally it is very difficult to distinguish between the two.

Some example sentences of discovery
Some example sentences of discovery

Example sentences of “discovery”:

– The idea goes back to when director Andrew Stanton was a child, when he loved going to the dentist to see the fish tank, assuming that the fish were from the ocean and wanted to go home.Finding Nemo, 2004 DVD, commentary In 1992 shortly after his son was born, he and his family took a trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

– This discovery led him to stop using the electric battery current.

– He donated his discovery to be used in Africa and Latin America.

– Woodward’s discovery saved chemists from spending a lot of time using chemical methods to work out the structures of compounds.

– His 1964 discovery of “Deinonychus” was one of the most important fossil finds in history.

– Over 40 years after the discovery of Woodhenge, another timber circle of comparable size was discovered in 1966.

– The discovery was announced in the journal “Science” on March 6, 2008.

- The idea goes back to when director Andrew Stanton was a child, when he loved going to the dentist to see the fish tank, assuming that the fish were from the ocean and wanted to go home.Finding Nemo, 2004 DVD, commentary In 1992 shortly after his son was born, he and his family took a trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

- This discovery led him to stop using the electric battery current.
- He donated his discovery to be used in Africa and Latin America.

– The team leader, paleontologist Barnum Brown, was primarily concerned with excavating and preparing the remains of the ornithopod dinosaur “Tenontosaurus”, but in his field report from the dig site to the American Museum of Natural History, he reported the discovery of a small carnivorous dinosaur close to a “Tenontosaurus” skeleton, “but encased in lime difficult to prepare.” He informally called the animal “Daptosaurus agilis” and made preparations for describing it and having the skeleton, specimen AMNH 3015, put on display, but never finished this work.

– It was also the site of the recent discovery of a bag which had been lost in the Second World War by a dispatch rider of the Long Range Desert Group, part of the British Army.

– Until the discovery of the tablets, historians could only speculate on whether the Romans had a nickname for the Britons.

– Lederman and Jack Steinberger for their development of the neutrino beam method and their demonstration of the doublet structure of the leptons through the discovery of the muon neutrino.

More in-sentence examples of “discovery”:

- The First Park that was declated the National Historic Site of Canada at Fort Anne, Nova Scotia Was where a discovery of unmarked Acadian Graves were found.

- This discovery made Western Australia very rich, and iron ore still brings in a lot of money.

– The First Park that was declated the National Historic Site of Canada at Fort Anne, Nova Scotia Was where a discovery of unmarked Acadian Graves were found.

– This discovery made Western Australia very rich, and iron ore still brings in a lot of money.

– Lord Carnarvon, a sponsor of Carter’s work, was impatient of the slow progress at this point, and if the discovery had not been made, then it likely would not have been discovered at all.

– The assumption that the New South Greenland sighting was simply invented by Morrell is dismissed, primarily on the grounds of the very little weight given to the discovery in Morrell’s 500-page account.

– Leakey’s research team at Lake Turkana, Kenya made a discovery in 1999 that changed our understanding of early human ancestry.

– He won the 2007 Tour de France riding for the Discovery Channel team.

– The search for stable carbocations led to the discovery of protonated methane.

– The building project was one of the largest in the world, and featured in Discovery Channel’s “Ten Greatest Modern Projects of the World”.

– The discovery of a more complete skeleton made palaeontologists think they were correct.

– It was seen as the largest land animal known at the time of its discovery and might be a synonym of “Triceratops”.

– Pterosaur from the latest Cretaceous of West Texas: discovery of the largest flying creature.

– Another clue pointing towards acknowledgement of the brain is the discovery of skulls with holes drilled into them in 2000BC.

– Not until the discovery of other methods of genetic transfer by Joshua Lederberg were Avery’s experiments accepted.

– It was the first new moon of Jupiter since Galileo Galilei’s discovery of the Galilean moons in 1610.

– The discovery of Neanderthals brought the first addition.

– The island was first under Spanish control following Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the New World.

– Galileo’s discovery proved the importance of the telescope as a tool for astronomers.

– Once in a while there is a discovery of a Spanish treasure fleettreasure ship, often from the period of European colonisation.

– This was not the first or last time Owen would deliberately claim a discovery as his own, when in fact it was not.

– HMS “Endeavour”, also known as HM Bark “Endeavour”, was a British Royal Navy ship commanded by Lieutenant James Cook on his first voyage of discovery to Australia and New Zealand from 1769 to 1771.

– This is about the descent through evil and the discovery of rebirth and liberation.

– He was known for the discovery of actinomycin, and the development of the industrial production by fermentation of many natural products.

– This time was also just after the Old World’s discovery of the Americas in 1492, and therefore was influenced greatly by the New World.

– It airs on the Discovery Channel.

– Rutherford was one of the first researchers in Nuclear physicsnuclear physics, after the discovery of radiation by the French physicist Henri Becquerel in 1896.

– Milk pasteurization standards have been subject to increasing scrutiny in recent years, due to the discovery of pathogens that are both widespread and heat resistant.

– The discovery was said on August 2, 1989, but the text only talks of “10 frames taken over 5 days”, giving a discovery date of sometime before July 28.

– The discovery of REM and non-REM sleep has been important.

– The discovery of the specimen was important in another way, because it helped to convince Cuvier that extinction of some species was a fact.

– The three companies were formed after the discovery of a gas field in Saint-Marcet in the Aquitaine region of south-western France.

– North Florida has dominated Florida oil production since the discovery of the Jay field.

– The discovery of pulsars in 1967 first suggested that neutron stars exist Other types are magnetars and binary pulsars.

– This discovery was part of the so-called November Revolution of particle physics.

– They were discovered by the famous artist, Andy Warhol, who produced and designed the cover for their first album “The Velvet Underground and Nico”, which paired them with another discovery of his, germanyGerman model/singer, Nico.

– The discovery of introns led to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1993 for Phillip Sharp and Richard Roberts.

– Matyjaszewski is best known for the discovery of atom transfer radical polymerization.

– Somerville’s second book lead to the discovery of Neptune.

– This discovery gave us much scientific evidence.

– Schmidt, along with Riess and Perlmutter, jointly won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics for their observations which led to the discovery of the accelerating Universe.

– It led to the discovery that size and shape is different between species, whereas pollen grains within a species are all alike.

– This was based on the discovery of his original works in two museums.

– Since the discovery of “Neovenator” on the Isle of Wight, UK, it has become one of the best-known large carnivorous dinosaurs in Europe.

– He was also nicknamed “Jimmy Neutron” because of his discovery of the neutron.

– Alternative splicing is a modern discovery of great importance.

– He had received news of the discovery of the South Shetland Islands while he was anchored at the Falkland Islands.

– Dalrymple was angry that it was Captain Cook and not him who was put in charge of the expedition which led in 1770 to the discovery of the east coast of Australia.

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