Some example sentences of “critical of”

How to use in-sentence of “critical of”:

– He was critical of President Enrique Peña Nieto.

– The AfD’s first supporters were economists, business leaders, journalists and former members of the Christian Democratic Union of GermanyChristian Democratic Union who were critical of the eurozone.Matthew Boesler, Business Insider.

– It was extremely critical of Donald Trump when Trump was running for President of the United States, though it generally reported on him more positively after he became president.

– The party is nationalismnationalistic, and is very critical of the European Union.

– Because the magazine is often critical of the local mining company, Cerro Verde, as well as the regional government, they do not put ads in the magazine.

– He was critical of members of the regional committee accusing them of sloppiness.

Some example sentences of critical of
Some example sentences of critical of

Example sentences of “critical of”:

- Many, including Huxley, Hooker, and Darwin himself, were highly critical of these ideas.

- In general, conservative circles regard Rhee as the patriarch of the nation, while liberals tend to be critical of him.

– Many, including Huxley, Hooker, and Darwin himself, were highly critical of these ideas.

– In general, conservative circles regard Rhee as the patriarch of the nation, while liberals tend to be critical of him.

– Despite being critical of Malcolm Fraser whilst he was in office, Forrester later reflected that Fraser was one of the few Prime Ministers who sat down to talk with indigenous communities about issues affecting them.

– The party was critical of Prayut.

– He has been critical of President Barack Obama and has proposed his own ideas in place of Obama’s plans on more than one issue.

– In addition, thinkers like John Dewey were strongly critical of the transmission of mere facts as the goal of education.

– Vlk has been sharply critical of the rise of far-right and xenophobic sentiment in Central Europe, joining Jewish protests in 2007 when right-wingers planned a march through Prague’s Jewish quarter on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

– She is very critical of the feminist movement, saying that “it teaches women to be victims.” She helped with Ronald Reagan’s campaign for the presidency in 1980.

– In the 1970s, Young released two songs critical of racism in the Southern United States.

– I’m bothered when I see administrators being in any way critical of other administrators on talk pages.

– As a backbencher, Heseltine became very critical of Thatcher’s government and refused to support the Poll Tax in 1989.

– He was critical of the civil rights movement.

– This was written by Martin Mudrick, who saw Austen as lonely, defensive, and critical of her society.

– After retirement, she returned to writing a series of articles and books critical of Islam and Arabs and some people interpreted the articles under the guise of racism and so-called Islamophobia.

– Klavan was also critical of conservatives who opposed the election of Donald Trump.

– While minority leader, Boehner was one of the main people who were critical of President Obama.

– He was very critical of senior CIA officials for not doing everything possible to stop terrorism.

– Shevchuk is very critical of the Vladimir Putin’s government.

– Sorry for being so critical of you, but you must understand that I am only being extremely critical of you in order to help make you a better editor here on this site :.

More in-sentence examples of “critical of”:

- She was critical of the HMs needed to play the game and the perceived imbalance that favored Water-type Pokémon.

- Although Schonberg had been critical of Lupu's debut with the Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Barenboim in February 1972, he was far more enthusiastic of Lupu's performance in November 1972 of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No.

– She was critical of the HMs needed to play the game and the perceived imbalance that favored Water-type Pokémon.

– Although Schonberg had been critical of Lupu’s debut with the Cleveland Orchestra conducted by Barenboim in February 1972, he was far more enthusiastic of Lupu’s performance in November 1972 of Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.

– This pamphlet was critical of organized religion.

– He was very critical of Israel, but also Islamist groups that wanted an extreme Islamic state.

– Under then-editor Piers Morgan, it opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and ran many front pages critical of the war.

– She is known for being critical of female genital mutilation and Islam.

– He was against Batista since the general’s effective Coup d’étatcoup in 1952, which he called unconstitutional, but became more critical of the movement’s shift towards Marxist principles, and closing ties with leaders of the Communist Party of Cuba.

– Although he was a CatholicismCatholic, he was critical of the Roman Catholic Church and wrote satires of them.

– President Trump was critical of voting by mail saying that it would make it easier for voter fraud to happen.

– It was critical of Germany’s policy toward the eurozone crisis.

– Chavarria’s books are strongly critical of the violence in Fascism.

– Many songwriters made songs critical of Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos and his use of martial law and the Batasang Bayan, other songs were subversive and others were about national pride.

– He was critical of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize going to Liu Xiaobo as “western arrogance”.

– Because he was critical of the U.S.

– It became strongly anti-fascist and was generally critical of the government policy of appeasement of Mussolini and Hitler.

– Bachmann has been critical of the Education in the United StatesAmerican education system, in part because it teaches evolution.

– He may have thought that Shostakovich was being critical of the leaders of the Soviet Union.

– His lectures are known as “Kadve Pravachan” because they can be critical of common practices and views.

– Islamophobia is a political term and a slur used against people critical of Islam.

– He was highly critical of Russian foreign policy, supporting a call for Chechen independence.

– He had been very critical of the famous Rosé Quartet, so they refused to play his music when they were asked.

– A number of experts were critical of the debate saying that it did not discuss important areas.

– The guards, Red WestRobert Gene West, his cousin Sonny West, and David Hebler, had been fired, officially for cost-saving reasons, but at the time, many suspected it was because they had been heavily critical of Elvis’ increasing intake of, and dependence upon, various drugs.

– Some Catholics have been critical of the overly sentimental nature of such devotion, but most of these critics concede that the images essentially reflect the core Christian tenet of love.

– The party is British unionist, opposing Irish reunification, Scottish and Welsh independence, and is generally critical of devolution.

– The Independence was particularly critical of misconducts of government officials, which brought wide reactions from the conservatives.

– Gabbard, a vice-chair of the Democratic National Committee, was critical of the decision by DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to hold only six debates during the 2016 Democratic Party primary season, compared with 26 in 2008 and 15 in 2004.

– Macri has been critical of the government of Nicolas Maduro, and feels that the Venezuelan President is undemocratic and oppressive.

– The report was clearly critical of many areas and made strong Recommendation.

– Klavan was critical of the media saying that it refused to ask necessary questions about the attack on the American embassy in Benghazi.

– The Forum for Democracy is critical of the current political situation in the Netherlands.

– He is critical of Islam, European Union, communism, feminism, abortion and a man-made climate change.

– Many early labor historians have been very critical of Powderly and the Knights of Labor.

– She has often been critical of President Obama, who she considers anti-American.

– Radhakrishnan was critical of the way teaching of Western Philosophers.

– In a communist country like the GDR it was a bad thing to be critical of the government.

– Anarcho-primitivism is a form of anarchism that is critical of the progress of human civilization.

– He has also been critical of Hillary Clinton, and has said that she got her office by her husband’s fame and not on her own ability.

– After months he became highly critical of the involvement of Confederación Nacional del Trabajo.

– Pamphlets were published which made fun of the doctors, and William Hogarth was very critical of the profession.

– Müller was involved in protests critical of globalization.

– His art is often critical of politicians on the local, state, and federal level.

– Many scientists were critical of Nye for accepting Ham’s invitation.

– Owen was highly critical of Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, in part because Darwin did not refer much to the previous scientific theories of evolution.

– They liked its special effects, but were critical of its length and screenwriting.

– Infocracy challenges parliamentary systemparliamentary democracy, is unintelligent and avoids discussing social problems, he said: it takes more interest in individual politicians than political issues and is never critical of its own actions.

– The article was highly significant as one of the first published in Turkey critical of Zhirinovsky and his views.

– The party is highly critical of the more known Communist Party of Chile and its moderate views.

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