Some example sentences of “corporal”

How to use in-sentence of “corporal”:

– A cadet is eligible to be promoted to Flight Corporal after completing level 2 training.

– They were commanded by Ensign Boylan, one corporal and 51 men.

– The other 19 states still allow corporal punishment in public schools.

– A corporal had two stripes while a sergeant had three.

– He cancelled all debts for peasants over 10 pesos, restored communal property and forbade all forms of corporal punishment.

– In the United States Marine Corps, Corporal is the rank for a team leader of a squad, machine gun team or the equivalent.

– In the United States, corporal punishment is not used in public schools in 34 states, banned in 31, permitted in 19, of which only 16 actually have school districts actively administering corporal punishment.

– When Adolf Hitler was still a corporal in the German army, he was ordered to spy on the DAP during one of its meetings at the “Sterneckerbräu” on 12 September 1919.

Some example sentences of corporal
Some example sentences of corporal

Example sentences of “corporal”:

– In the United States Army a Corporal is usually a fire team leader or second-in-command of a squad of soldiers.

– All the music is made with voices and corporal noises, heavily edited with computers.

– Lee’s government inherited judicial corporal punishment from British rule, but greatly expanded its scope.

– In 1951, Firestone was given the defense contract for the MGM-5 Corporal missile.

– At home, corporal punishment is allowed.

– Unlike Roman Citizenshipcitizens, they could suffer corporal punishment, sexual exploitation, summary execution legally.

– However, there was no corporal punishment.The only exception to this was the draft, not yet instituted, from Lutze, Oberpräsident of Hannover.

– Fifty-eight countries, mostly in Europe and Latin America, have banned corporal punishment in the home or at school.

– In Australia, school corporal punishment has been banned in public schools in all states, but as of 2019, it is still permitted in private schools in Queensland and the Northern Territory.

– In some parts of the United States, corporal punishment is allowed in schools.

– He briefly attended College of William and Mary, studied law in the office of a private attorney, and served as a Virginia militia cavalry corporal near Petersburg in 1807.

– School corporal punishment was likewise inherited from the British, and this is in widespread use to discipline disobedient schoolboys, still under 1957 legislation.

– The mother gives out corporal punishment to the daughter.

– Five years later Staunton published “Great Schools of England” public schools but which also presented some progressive ideas: learning can only take place successfully if the active interest of the student is engaged; corporal punishment is to be avoided and fagging should be abolished.

- In the United States Army a Corporal is usually a fire team leader or second-in-command of a squad of soldiers.

- All the music is made with voices and corporal noises, heavily edited with computers.

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