Some example sentences of “convince”

How to use in-sentence of “convince”:

– According to Aristotle, Cleon was the first one who would shout down anyone who disagreed with him and accuse any and all opponents of being essentially traitors to ‘the people’ and who did everything he could to convince the people that the only way for them to have power was to let him do what he wanted even if it were against the Constitution.

– The lawyer will use their knowledge of the law to convince the court that the client is on the right side of the argument.

– This lost opportunity held up McClellan for two additional weeks while he tried to convince the U.S.

– This is done by putting a code on your user page so that, in the event that your account is compromised, you can convince someone else that you are really the person behind your username.

– These people should then convince the local population to convert to the Christian faith.

– The song talks about a husband trying to convince his wife to visit her sister out west, but the narrator notices that something is going on, which her husband is trying to hide.

– He thought that the role of a journalist must be to convince people with sound arguments.

– The Jedi use the Force to convince the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, to let them leave safely.

Some example sentences of convince
Some example sentences of convince

Example sentences of “convince”:

– Obscure cross-wiki links don’t convince me.

– Unable to convince his wife to accompany him, Coleman’s father left the family when she was nine.

– Parth and his mother tried to convince her and failed by the cause of Teni’s memory loss.

– New club president Walter Gisande hired former player Guillermo Sanguinetti as team coach and tried to convince former players, notably Diego Alonso and Guillermo Barros Schelotto, to return to Gimnasia.

– The companies often used these to convince more people to take loans.

– The Pope Joan story states that she was German and arrived in Rome dressed in men’s clothes, managing to convince people that she was in fact a man.

– Legolas follows, and tries to convince her to return, but when she refuses, saying that the Elves are part of Middle Earth and that they must fight in the upcoming war, Legolas joins her pursuit.

– That is why these do not convince people that they are intelligent and still cause them to believe they do not deserve to be where they are.

– Despite his disappointments in Arkansas and Louisiana, Price managed to convince his superiors to permit him to invade Missouri in the fall of 1864.

– The centerpiece of Peña Nieto’s governorship was his claim that he was to deliver his “compromisos” – 608 promises he signed in front of a notary to convince voters that he would deliver results and be an effective leader.

– He paid the bishop in gold and a great many hides of land to convince her but Etheldreda would not change her mind.”The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England”, eds.

– Despite this, the children manage to convince Paddy to go.

- Obscure cross-wiki links don't convince me.

- Unable to convince his wife to accompany him, Coleman’s father left the family when she was nine.
- Parth and his mother tried to convince her and failed by the cause of Teni's memory loss.

More in-sentence examples of “convince”:

– He was also the only man to ever convince George Bernard Shaw to adjust his scripts to the new medium of cinema, gaining concessions from Shaw that no other man could.

– They tried to convince Saldivar to give herself up.

– After the occupation ended, nationalist groups in Japan tried to convince the government to bring back the holiday.

– Firestar finally manages to convince the other clan leaders, to come with him, and the four clans travel to a new territory by a lake.

– Instead Baldwin joined others in trying to convince the East Frankish king Arnulf to also take the west Frankish crown.

– By flying his dirigible around the Eiffel Tower and landing on purpose, Alberto Santos-Dumont helped convince people that flying machines were not only interesting inventions but that they could be useful in real life.

– Another kind of swerve is when a booker does everything in their power to convince the fans that something specific is going to happen at a show or someone they’re expecting is going to debut, only to then do something completely different.

– Logos is the appeal to logic, meaning to convince the audience by using logic or reason.

– Ethos is the ethical appeal, and it means to convince an audience of the author’s credibility or character by showing a good sense of ethics.

– He tried to bribe Wilfrid to convince the queen to give him an heir.

– It’s about 12 Juryjurors having to decide whether a defendant is guilty or not, with only one person saying not guilty in the beginning and trying to convince everyone to vote the same.

– He tries to convince Betty to come back.

– Potts, and Chip convince him that Christmas is a good holiday.

– The essence of the Socratic method is to convince the interlocutor that whereas he thought he knew something, in fact he does not”.

– Meselson worked with Henry Kissinger under the Nixon administration to convince President Richard Nixon to renounce biological weapons, suspend chemical weapons production, and support an international treaty banning biological agents for hostile purposes.

– He tried to convince the producers to make the movie more family-friendly by cutting the “heavy” scenes, but they refused.

– He will convince her to participate into the battle, leading her to a terrible end in hands of the Volturi who we will get to know through Eclipse history.

– Obviously, you haven’t read over the arguments or you would have stopped trying to convince us that “page” would suit this Wiki better than “article”.

– Normally, when two people verbally disagree with each other, each person attempts to convince the other that his or her viewpoint is the right one.

– They must also convince the audience that they are the better rapper.

– Although it is difficult to convince the other characters to follow him, Pitar manages to persuade the patriarchal leader of the clan, Costello, who has taken over leadership from Thorn, who had died shortly before.

– The NIS launched an enormous hunt for Dorothy, hoping to find her and convince her to reveal the names of gay servicemembers.

– She tries to convince Danny and Tucker.

– Jennifer meets him and together then both go off to convince Falken to help them stop World War III.

– When the police ask Nick if he has any requests, he asks to talk to negotiator Lydia Mercer, who is taking time off work after failing to convince someone not to jump off of the Brooklyn Bridge.

- He was also the only man to ever convince George Bernard Shaw to adjust his scripts to the new medium of cinema, gaining concessions from Shaw that no other man could.

- They tried to convince Saldivar to give herself up.

– In addition, many times people “swear to God” to try to convince others they are telling the truth.

– Moody also revealed in an interview with Spin Magazine that he had tried convincing her of leaving the band instead “I had tried before, out of ignorance, pride, and resentment, to convince Amy that she should leave.

– On that day, Caesar was delayed going to the Senate because his wife tried to convince him not to go.

– She has decided that the women must convince the men to give them control of Athens, because they could rule it better.

– Friar Vicente de Valverde, who had earlier offered the Bible to Atahuallpa, intervened again, telling Atahuallpa that if he agreed to convert to Christianity he would convince the rest to commute the sentence.

– Duke – Duke is the most rogue frog in the Kingdom! He invented his name and title to convince the world that he is a bewitched Prince.

– There are many advocacy groups that try to convince people that abortion is wrong.

– Why does not your same favourite news portal wrote an article about the closure reports of these police departments? Do not you think the same kind of news portals has fooled you and succeeded to convince you with half and false pieces of information.

– It is standard practice in treating BDD to convince sufferers that surgical procedures are not necessary because eradicating their first perceived defect through surgery will only make them start obsessing about their next perceived defect, whereas those people properly diagnosed as “transsexual” under GID benefit greatly from surgical procedures specifically targeted at their primary or secondary sex characteristics.

– I know that I do not need to convince those already convinced.

– At first, Henry tried to convince Anne Boleyn to be his mistress in 1527.

– The police use this method to convince a suspect that confessing to the crime is the best way out for the suspect.

– While Jones did take this cannon, it did not convince him as Pomeroy had hoped.

– So it is not a real problem, like it might be in live social settings, where typically, insults must be backed by some real facts to convince others.

– The discovery of the specimen was important in another way, because it helped to convince Cuvier that extinction of some species was a fact.

– I dunno how we would convince more people to come…

– Invoking the principle of ignore all rules on its own will not convince anyone that you were right, so you will need to try to prove to the community that your actions improved the encyclopedia.

– Using a false identity the aide was trying to convince Democrats not to support a certain candidate.

– The Nazis used several public relations tactics to convince the general population of Germany not to smoke.

– They are joined by Betty and Judy, who thank them profusely for the tickets and convince them to come with them to Pine Tree.

– Wilson was however unable to convince the American public into supporting the League.

– Because she wants more privacy, she can convince her father to need an own room in the fifth season.

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