Some example sentences of “confucianism”

How to use in-sentence of “confucianism”:

– Under the guidance of my father, I started learning Confucianism from the age of 7 and completed my study of coming-age.

– Today, Confucianism has spread around the world, but it is still more important in China.

– As a result, Confucianism brought the people love, harmony, and respect for one another.

– In this it directly allowed for the flow of human emotions, something that the moralist philosophy of Song Confucianism did not agree with.

– Sorai rejected the moral ways of Song Confucianism and looked at the older works instead.

– A new religion, Confucianism was important.

– In China, the Han Dynasty advocated Confucianism as the de facto state religion, establishing tests based on Confucian texts as an entrance requirement into government service.

– Today, the dominant ethnic group of China calls themselves the Han Chinese since this was the dynasty where many of the norms of Chinese culture found a firm foundation in the culture, including Confucianism and Traditional Chinese characters.

Some example sentences of confucianism
Some example sentences of confucianism

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