Some example sentences of “confessor”

How to use in-sentence of “confessor”:

+ He would even preside over the reburial of his personal hero Edward the Confessor at the consecration of Westminster Abbey in 1269, which was seen as the greatest personal triumph of his reign.

+ The Duke of Normandy, William the Conqueror, invaded England in 1066 after King Edward the Confessor died.

+ Upon his return to Romania he became professor of the Catholic seminary in Oradea and confessor at the Ursuline convent in the city.

+ When King Edward the Confessor died, Harold Godwinson became king.

+ The Anglo-Saxon king Edward the Confessor died on 5 January 1066 without an heir.

+ King Edward the Confessor of England died in January 1066 without leaving an heir.

+ As Tomislav could not find an experienced confessor able to provide him spiritual guidance, he chose self-study by reading various works on theology and teachings of the early Church Fathers.

+ In 1041, Harthacanute asked his half-brother Edward the Confessor back from exile in Normandy to become a member of his household, and probably made Edward his heir.

Some example sentences of confessor
Some example sentences of confessor

Example sentences of “confessor”:

+ From the end of 1970 up to 1981 elder Thaddeus lived in Tuman monastery where he was a spiritual guide and confessor for the sisterhood.

+ Edward the Confessor was King of England from 8 June 1042 AD to 4 January 1066.

+ Along with his father and brothers, Tostig was banished from England in 1051 by the Saxon king Edward the Confessor but forcefully returned in 1052.

+ In England all the kings from Edward the Confessor onwards had their own “seal of majesty”.

+ He invaded England after the death of King Edward the Confessor because he believed he had the most right to be King of England, but King Harold II had himself crowned king instead.

+ His crime was of being the confessor of several members of the Gunpowder Plot, and as noted, he had opposed the plot.

+ It appears that a church existed at Wheathampstead before the Norman Conquest, as Wheathampstead was given by Edward the Confessor to Westminster Abbey.

+ From the end of 1970 up to 1981 elder Thaddeus lived in Tuman monastery where he was a spiritual guide and confessor for the sisterhood.

+ Edward the Confessor was King of England from 8 June 1042 AD to 4 January 1066.
+ Along with his father and brothers, Tostig was banished from England in 1051 by the Saxon king Edward the Confessor but forcefully returned in 1052.

+ He ruled England after king Edward the Confessor died.

+ Edward the Confessor the older son stayed in Normandy for many years at the court of the dukes.

+ Saint Maximus the Confessor was a Christian monk, theologian, and scholar.

+ It is the shrine of Edward the Confessor and the burial place of many kings and queens.

+ Hereward was exiled from England by Edward the Confessor around 1060 – the exact date is unknown – when he was around 14 or 18 years old.

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