Some example sentences of “comparative”

How to use in-sentence of “comparative”:

– The new system became subject to comparative study at the Department of English and American Studies at Sofia University.

– Davidson did a major in English and comparative literature on William Shakespeare at Harvard University and switched it to philosophy.

– The city’s economy is based mainly on agriculture, because the Mediterranean climate creates comparative advantages with markets such as apples, wines, and cherries.

– He helped establish the fields of comparative anatomy and paleontology by comparing living animals with fossils.

– Sustainability assessment of green infrastructure practices for stormwater management: A comparative emergy analysis.

– He was famous for his work on comparative religion, comparative Eastern and Western philosophy, and was also a teacher in India and at Oxford University in the United Kingdom.

Some example sentences of comparative
Some example sentences of comparative

Example sentences of “comparative”:

– Implications of the post-cranial anatomy of “Homotherium latidens” for comparative palaeoecology.

– Some of its early professors included eminent comparative anatomycomparative anatomist Georges Cuvier and evolutionary pioneers Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire.

– The comparative anatomy of animals, revealed by dissections, gives clues as to their evolutionary relationships.

– Watson, the idea of “conditioning” as an automatic form of learning became a key concept in the developing specialism of comparative psychology, and the general approach to psychology called behaviourism.

– He organized the butterfly collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University.

– Freud hoped his model was universally valid and so turned to ancient mythology and ethnography for comparative material.

– Knox was a Fellow of the Royal Society, and the Conservator of the Museum of Comparative Anatomy in Edinburgh.

– Neanderthals had stronger build and distinctive Comparative anatomymorphological features, especially of the skull.

– Traditionally, these trees have been built using Morphology morphological methods, such as comparative anatomy, embryology, etc.

- Implications of the post-cranial anatomy of "Homotherium latidens" for comparative palaeoecology.

- Some of its early professors included eminent comparative anatomycomparative anatomist Georges Cuvier and evolutionary pioneers Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck and Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire.
- The comparative anatomy of animals, revealed by dissections, gives clues as to their evolutionary relationships.

– He was professor of comparative politics at the University of Bergen and adjunct professor of democracy development at the Örebro University.

– He was professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University.

– She had a BA in comparative literature from Harvard College and a Juris DoctorJD from Yale Law School.

– Mauss’s cross-cultural comparisons were radical for his time, and he set the stage for the next generation of cultural anthropologists to use a similar comparative approach.

– He used comparative anatomy to classify human races, of which he listed five.

– Many words can be made into a comparative by adding “er” to the end of the word.

– At first, historical linguistics was comparative linguistics.

More in-sentence examples of “comparative”:

- He researched on natural history, zoology, comparative anatomy, geology, and microscopy.

- Hence England has a comparative advantage in cloth-making.

– He researched on natural history, zoology, comparative anatomy, geology, and microscopy.

– Hence England has a comparative advantage in cloth-making.

– She was educated at Freire Universität Berlin and Harvard University where she completed her PhD in Comparative Literature in 1984.

– This template can be used to provide comparative at-a-glance information on biographies of religious figures.

– He studied comparative literature at University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts.

– A comparative evaluation of Matlab, Octave, FreeMat, and Scilab for research and teaching.

– Supporting this view was the greatest comparative anatomycomparative anatomist and palaeontologist of the early 19th century.

– He was known for his works in Roman law, comparative law, legal history, and law and religion.

– The separation of animals into phyla is done mainly by comparative anatomy: see List of animal phyla.

– Anthony Pagden, “The Fall of the Natural Man: the American Indian and the origins of comparative ethnology.” “Cambridge Iberian and Latin American Studies.” Bartolomé de las Casas, who witnessed it, may have been the first to idealize the simple life of the indigenous Americans.

– This comparative advantage is often criticized by advocates of the fair trade movement.

– Tree of life work is a product of traditional comparative anatomy, and modern molecular evolution and molecular clock research.

– Nicole joined “Star Golden Bell” on December 20, 2008, hosting a segment called “Level With Me ” in which the guests have to guess a term or title from her clues; the challenge comes due to her comparative lack of skill and experience with the Korean language.

– IQ is a comparative measure: it tells one how much above or below the average a person is.

– This is called the comparative form.

– During the years 1945 – 1950 he took over the Department of Classical Antiquity, then the Department of Comparative Literature at the Catholic University of Lublin.

– The journal coverage of Web of Science and Scopus: a comparative analysis.

– Evidence on their evolution comes from comparative anatomy, the fossil record and molecular biology.

– Genome sequence, comparative analysis and haplotype structure of the domestic dog.

– As the same text often existed in several different versions, comparative textual criticism was crucial for ensuring their accuracy.

– The great era of comparative anatomy was from about 1800 to about 1950.

– Reconstructing proto-Nostratic: comparative phonology, morphology, and vocabulary, 2 volumes.

– Theory predicts that even if one country can produce all good more efficiently than another, trade will make both better off if they specialize in the goods they have a comparative advantage in.

– Classification based on traditional comparative anatomy had errors which needed to be corrected.

– The skull duly went to Cuvier in Paris, because he was the leading comparative anatomist of the day.

– Sukla was the founding editor of the international half-yearly “Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics”.

– The theory of comparative advantage was the forerunner of the push towards globalization via increased international trade, the guiding theme in economic policy currently promoted by the OECD and the World Trade Organization.

– He was a professor of English and Comparative Literature at Sambalpur University.

– He also was a professor in the Department of Comparative Study of Religious Traditions at UNESCO, and directed the Institute of Synergistic Anthropology, beginning in 2005.

– He collected evidence for his claims in comparative anatomy, paleontology, and embryology.

– He was a professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.

– Their comparative anatomy was worked out in detail by Charles Darwin.

– Haekel was professor of comparative anatomy at the University of Jena, where he worked for 47 years, from 1862 to 1909.

– Vogler was a member of the Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques from 1989 to 2000 and was Vice-President of the International Commission for Comparative Ecclesiastical History from 1975 to 2001.

– Thomas Henry Huxley, who was a comparative anatomist, made a study of this nearly 150 years ago.

– Dorsen specialized in Constitutional Law, Civil Liberties, and Comparative Constitutional Law.

– The great historian Sima Qian, called Sun Tzu an exceptional strategic battlefield commander.”China’s Many Dreams: Comparative Perspectives on China’s Search for National Rejuvenation”, ed.

– Transformations in schooling: historical and comparative perspectives.

– This explains the comparative paucity of emberizid species in Europe and Africa when compared to the Americas.

– Giovanni Sartori was an Italian political scientist specialized in the study of democracy and comparative politics.

– Some words cannot be made into a comparative by adding ‘ER’ Instead we use the word more in front.

– Charles Darwin himself used comparative anatomy as the main tool in his work on barnacles.

– The Ricardian model of comparative advantage has been challenged by, among others, Joan Robinson and Piero Sraffa.

– Thomas Henry Huxley, who was a comparative anatomist, made a study of it nearly 150 years ago.

– International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 2.

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