Some example sentences of “communist”

How to use in-sentence of “communist”:

– A decision was taken at the Second All India Conference of the Communist Party of India, which was held in Calcutta at that time, that a separate communist party ought to be created in the new State of Pakistan.

– All parties, including the Communist Party, are prohibited from advertizing their organizations.

– In which all of the new democratic parties, political organisations and movements together with the political Islamic movements created an alliance, opposing the old communist government and southerners.

– During Czechoslovakia’s communist era he became a political dissident.

– In 1937 he joined the American Communist Party.

– He was Communist Party of China Committee Secretary and governor of his home province of Jiangsu.

Some example sentences of communist
Some example sentences of communist

Example sentences of “communist”:

– It resulted in the early communist resistance groups being dismantled and many of their members being sent to concentration camps.

– He worked for the secret police of Communist Romania.

– The Nazis spread rumors about communist violence to get the Enabling Act of 1933 passed.

– Justification for the slaughter of Bosnian Serbs and Jews Francetic found in ” the propaganda of ‘the Jewish communist hydra’ had succeeded in misleading a majority of the Serb Orthodox population in eastern Bosnia into committing ‘criminal acts against the state’ “and concluded that “the ‘most drastic means’ would have to be employed against them.” Rebecca Haynes, Martyn Rady: In the Shadow of Hitler: Personalities of the Right in Central and Eastern Europe, I.B.

– OGPU agents contacted émigrés in western Europe and pretended to be on a large group working to overthrow the communist regime, known as the “Trust”.

– He also served as a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of VietnamPolitburo of the Vietnam Workers’ Party, which in 1976 became the Communist Party of Vietnam.

– Walter Ernst Paul Ulbricht was a GermansGerman communist politician.

– He then graduated from the Communist University of Peoples of the East in 1923.

– He was general secretary of the Communist Party of Pakistan.

– After leaving the French Communist Party, Genette was a member of Socialisme ou Barbarie during 1957–8.

- It resulted in the early communist resistance groups being dismantled and many of their members being sent to concentration camps.

- He worked for the secret police of Communist Romania.
- The Nazis spread rumors about communist violence to get the Enabling Act of 1933 passed.

More in-sentence examples of “communist”:

- He was leader of the Italian Communist Party from 1927 until his death.

- Durey became interested in left-wing politics and later joined the Communist Party.
- Imre András Pozsgay was a HungariansHungarian Communist politician.

– He was leader of the Italian Communist Party from 1927 until his death.

– Durey became interested in left-wing politics and later joined the Communist Party.

– Imre András Pozsgay was a HungariansHungarian Communist politician.

– The anti-communist United States had a lot of influence in the South, and the communist and nationalist Việt Minh controlled the North.

– From 1920 to 1991, Azerbaijan was a Communist country as a member of the Soviet Union.

– Béla Biszku was a Hungarian peopleHungarian communist politician.

– Anti-revisionism is opposition to attempts to modify or reject the fundamentals of communist revolutionary theory and practice.

– He was chairman of the Communist Party of Sweden from 1964 to 1975 and member of parliament from 1963 to 1985.

– It was on the flags of many communist countries, like the Soviet Union.

– Vasiľ Biľak was a Slovak communist leader.

– He was a member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

– Many friends and supporters of Suharto claimed they were members of the communist party itself.

– People often think that North Korea is a communist country.

– In 1920 Tito came back to the new nation Yugoslavia and joined the Communist party.

– Russian is the most frequently spoken foreign language in Mongolia due to their diplomatic ties as former communist states.

– Potapov was a member of the Communist Party.

– He obtained his PhD in 1976 with thesis on the relationship between the Slovenian Christian Socialist movement and the Communist Party of Slovenia within the Liberation Front of the Slovenian People, which at the time was a somehow problematic topic.

– He was a member of the Communist Party of China in the People’s Republic of China.

– Sindermann was a member of the Communist Party of Germany.

– From 2011 until his death, he was a State Duma deputy for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

– In 1917 Lenin and most Bolsheviks became a separate political party, RSDLP, which later became the Russian Communist Party.

– This was the start of communist rule in Russia.

– Lu joined the Communist Party of China in June 1930, and he was the guerrilla leader of the Communist Party of China in Gaocheng during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

– The governments of Nazi GermanyGermany and Italy provided troops and supplies for Franco, and the communist Soviet Union sold the Republican forces weapons.

– The Communist Party of India has officially stated that it was formed on 26 December 1925 at the first Party Conference in Kanpur, then “Cawnpore”.

– There are a number of communist parties around the world.

– Khaled Mohieddine was an Egyptian Communist politician and a major in the Egyptian Army.

– Since 1992, there have been five nations remaining governed officially by communist ideologies.

– While in Deuli prison, he was introduced to the communist ideology by the Marxist poet and veteran revolutionary Rebati Varman.

– The French Communist Party was founded in 1920 after the Tours Congress of the French Section of the Worker’s International, by members who wanted to join the Third International.

– She first became famous because she was a prominent member of the Communist Party of the United States and was involved in Black Power movements in the 1960s and 1970s.

– Slánský joined the Czechoslovak Communist Party in 1921, three years after it was formed.

– On September 25, 1919, a little group of social revolutionaries and anarchists bombed the headquarters of the “Moscow Committee” of the Communist Party in protest at the growing repression.

– The living standards were very low at the end of the Communist era, but the situation was just only improved a little bit during the 1990s.

– Inspiration came from the Paris Commune and the communist revolutionary efforts at the beginning of the century.

– The Origin of Raval is that he was a one of the members of the rogue Linden group which is lost to SL history, named the Race Maker’s a group which set out to build their own races on the game within the very pre-release of Second Life, all 10 Race Makers filled with National Socialist, Communist and EmpireImperial ideas for how a society should be ran, Raval being the only Race Maker to proclaim himself a God, the rest proclaiming themselves the political rulers of their society, Instead Raval decided to make his first Zongian the Emperor of his society, which was the Legendary Emperor – Altmoss Torok.

– He was arrested for being a communist in then-Czechoslovakia.

– In 1927 he joined the Communist Party.

– For about three years, the Communist government of Najibullah could not defend itself from the Mujahideen forces opposing it.

– After the end of the Second World War, with the support of the Soviet Union, communist governments were ruling all these countries.

– In January 1946, Wanrong along with her sister-in-law was captured by the Chinese Communist guerrillas.

– He was a member of the Communist Party of India for most of his life.

– The largest Trotskyist organizationorganizations today are the Reunified Fourth International, International Socialist Tendency, the International Communist League, and the Committee for a Workers’ International.

– Naxalites are groups of Communist guerrilla fighters in India.

– Beatty starred in “Reds, an historical epic about American Communist journalist John Reed who observed the Russian October Revolution.

– The committee was investigating a peace activist organization, the World Peace Congress, which it considered a communist front.

– From 1968 to 1990, he was a member of the communist Polish United Workers’ Party.

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