Some example sentences of “closer”

How to use in-sentence of “closer”:

– Ophelia is a closer moon of Uranus.

– Warne is closer to the capitals of six other states than to Raleigh, which is the capital of North Carolina.

– The Poor Clares was an order for women so they could become closer to God.

– The deeper in you looked, the closer it would be to zero.

– This version is much closer to today’s Western form than the Greek form.

– It will draw nearer in 2017, 2050, 2060, and closer still on 14 December 2093, passing within 0.0198AU.

– After an even closer relative said he would not buy the land and marry her, Boaz and Ruth were happyhappily married.

– The closer a person sits to the screen, the stronger the 3D effect.

Some example sentences of closer
Some example sentences of closer

Example sentences of “closer”:

– Finally, he can also build teleporters, which can move his friends closer to the fight.

– They became closer and married on 21st June 1940 at in Riverside, California.

– Curiously, the same nickname is applied when referring to the population of Porto in Portugal, although the meaning of the nickname in Portuguese is closer to “tripe-eaters”.

– Rosalind is a closer moon to Uranus.

– As the two stellar bodies draw closer to one another, often one pulsar will absorb matter from the other, causing a violent accretion process.

– A large Indian diaspora in English speaking countries, and increased Western cultureWestern influence at home, have moved Bollywood movies closer to movies made in Hollywood.

– Though the storm never passed closer than to the town, heavy rains along the coast saturated the ground, leading to mudslides.

– The closer we look at the writing, the more we find about how it works, and how meaning works for all things.

– As it gets closer to looking human, they start to feel more positive emotions towards it.

– Called 2010 TK, the rock is about 80 million km from Earth, and should come no closer than about 25 million km.

– As Tropical Storm Harvey came closer to Bermuda, a tropical storm warning was given out late on August 2.

– The Soviets found some information about Amin’s trying to become closer to Pakistan and China.

– As a result, Bandaranaike made a closer relationship with China and the Soviet Union.

– During the comet’s run into the closer part of the solar system for the first time in 500,000 years, the nucleus of Comet West was seen to split into four pieces as it passed within 30 million km.

– This region is actually much closer to Cheyenne, Wyoming, the capital city, than it is to its current capital of Lincoln, Nebraska.

– It is the smallest of the closer Uranian moons, estimated to be only about 18km in diameter.

– The orbit will be highly elliptical, which means that it will be closer to the Earth at some points but very far from the Earth at other times.

– Not only that, but about 95 of every 100 measurements will be off the average by less than two times the standard deviation, and about 997 in 1000 will be closer to the average by less than three standard deviations.

– The biographer calls her a “low-born girl-friend”, but she is probably closer to an account of Lucian: “a woman of perfect beauty”, more beautiful than any of Phidias and Praxiteles’ statues.

– A circle can be made bigger or smaller by moving the legs farther apart or closer together.

- Finally, he can also build teleporters, which can move his friends closer to the fight.

- They became closer and married on 21st June 1940 at in Riverside, California.
- Curiously, the same nickname is applied when referring to the population of Porto in Portugal, although the meaning of the nickname in Portuguese is closer to "tripe-eaters".

More in-sentence examples of “closer”:

– Another difference is that Interamnia’s perihelion is at the other side of the perihelia of the “big four”, so that Interamnia at perihelion is actually closer to the Sun than Ceres and Pallas are at the same longitude.

– Series 14 used a shorter montage of action and character shots before the text “london’s burning” in orange and white appeared and moved closer together over a shot of fire engines emerging from the station.

– The measures are meant to reduce the budget deficit by bringing government revenue closer to spending.

– The second rule for vietnamization is that the sound of each syllable must be made a little closer to Vietnamese sounds.

– Modern dancers try to show their innermost emotions through dancing, often trying to get closer to their inner-selves.

– Some cladistic analyses put them closer to Theria than to monotremes.

– All the people living in those towns had to move to places closer to the capital due to the amount of illegal trade happening in these towns.

– As a result of his death, the future Louis XVI became the heir to the throne and the family was pushed closer together.

– Patriarch Nikon wanted to bring the Russian Orthodox Church and the Greek Orthodox Church closer together.

– The DD-1EX and DD-10EX were both in a Flip flip or clamshell design, while the flat, rectangular design of the DD-8 was closer to later e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle.

– There are different kinds of relief pitchers such as Closer closers, set-up relief pitchers, left/right-handed specialists, and long relievers.

– The newer hall, closer to the mainline station, serves the Victoria Line; the other, farther north, serves the District and Circle Lines.

– In general, their beliefs are closer to mainline Protestant Christianity.

– Puck is a closer moon to Uranus.

– Concentration is usually in the inner city, including more people, with closer living.

– It has to predict spaced-out frequencies when the electrons involved are moving between orbits close to the nucleus of the atom, but it also has to predict that the frequencies will get closer and closer together as we look at what the electron does in moving between orbits farther and farther out.

– The people living there had an attitude and set of social values that was closer to the German ones, than the French.

– At such an opposition Bamberga can in fact be closer to Earth than any main belt asteroid with magnitude above +9.5, getting as close as 0.78 AU.

– Rhetoric is pleasing and effective, but not an art, and is closer to flattery.

– Gloria wants to live closer to her father, Archie Bunker so she and her son Joey pack up and move to New York.

– The Malay used in Singapore is closer to the language in Malaysia than the language in Indonesia.

– The four Tetrarchs based themselves not at Rome but in other cities closer to the frontiers, mainly intended as headquarters for the defence of the empire.

– They were closer related to Europeans or Arabs.

– So, an engine cannot be 100% efficient, but you can make its efficiency closer to 100% by making the inside temperature hotter and/or the outside temperature colder.

– In the Middle Ages already existed the word artist, although its meaning is closer to what we now call the craftsman.

– Fuzzy logic says because of wind or other things you might not be in the correct place so just keep getting closer until you catch the ball.

– According Steve White, the present government made it clear that they had no plans of making a “second edition” of the American or British political system, but rather a system that was closer to Russia’s own traditions.

– Both efforts got the Allies closer to Japan.

– Then they come closer and touch noses.

– On an upright piano the una corda pedal moves the hammers closer to the strings so that they do not hit them so hard.

– The black beret had been given to him by a soldier when he climbing into a tank to get a closer look at the front lines.

– Liberland and Somaliland signed a Memorandum of Understanding in September 2017 promising to establish closer relations and cooperate in the areas of technology, energy and banking.

– In case you want to take a closer look to the content created with the tool, an edit tag allows to to review articles created with Content Translation.

– Dutch ports, Malacca and Java, were closer to the trading area, which made them able to control the trade.

– After the Angels traded for San Diego Padres’ All-Star closer Huston Street on July 18, 2014, Smith was moved to an eighth-inning setup role.

– The intensity of a sound is higher closer to the sound source.

– By having a closer look they could then also rule out disperse replication.

– He moved there with his wives and children to be closer to his homeland.

– The workload becomes less closer to the date of the competition.

– It will also predict that the intensity differences between frequencies get closer and closer together as we go out.

– The ball can be passed between team members, but it cannot be passed to team members who are closer to the opposing team’s goal than the person who is currently carrying the ball.

– As sweat, dirt, and other debris occupied not only the belt, but the karate gi, his/her color appeared to get darker and closer to black.

– The Justice Department asked that he serve his sentence there so that he would be closer to agents in Washington to help with the investigations of his associates.

– In geology, solid-state recrystallization is a metamorphic process that occurs under situations of intense temperature and pressure where grains, atoms or molecules of a rock or mineral are packed closer together, creating a new crystal structure.

– The settlement started as an outstation for the Jimmy BakerBaker family, who moved here from other parts on the APY lands to be closer to the country of their ancestors.

- Another difference is that Interamnia's perihelion is at the other side of the perihelia of the "big four", so that Interamnia at perihelion is actually closer to the Sun than Ceres and Pallas are at the same longitude.

- Series 14 used a shorter montage of action and character shots before the text "london's burning" in orange and white appeared and moved closer together over a shot of fire engines emerging from the station.

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