Some example sentences of “careless”

How to use in-sentence of “careless”:

– The senile housekeeper and a careless Clerk of Works ignored all the warning signs of the pending disaster.

– There are four brothers in the Karamazov family: Ivan, the atheist Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov is a very careless father and woman-lover.

– An article in a 1908 issue of “Scientific American” accused a careless museum attendant of causing Bass’s death by letting the man fall to the pavement while being lifted from a carriage.

– The sticks were disposed of in a careless manner.

– This is a dangerous permission; a malicious user or a hacker taking over the account of a careless interface-admin can abuse it in far worse ways than admin permissions could be abused.

– In contrast to Danny, Jesse often tends to careless decisions and inappropriate behaviour, especially if it’s about to be well off with his nieces.

Some example sentences of careless
Some example sentences of careless

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