Some example sentences of “carbon”

How to use in-sentence of “carbon”:

+ Often the presence, absence or variation of minute quantities of secondary elements and compounds in a bulk material will have a great impact on the final properties of the materials produced, for instance, steels are classified based on 1/10 and 1/100 weight percentages of the carbon and other alloying elements they contain.

+ It is an alkane with 6 carbon atoms.

+ An example of a monoatomic gas is neon, an example of an elemental gas is hydrogen and an example of a compound gas is carbon dioxide.

+ Rawlins is a city in Carbon County, WyomingCarbon County, Wyoming, United States.

+ The gradual buildup of decayed plant material in a bog forms a carbon sink.

+ These other factors would be such things as how much oxygen and carbon dioxide are in the atmosphere, the position of the continents, the amount of volcanic action, and so on.

+ These para-bronchi end up in tiny capillaries or very small blood vessels and they pass close to the body’s blood vessels, so diffusion can occur and the oxygen and carbon dioxide is exchanged.

+ The bond between the carbon and the bromine then undergoes heterolytic fission, with the bromine atom taking the donated electron and becoming the bromide ion.

Some example sentences of carbon
Some example sentences of carbon

Example sentences of “carbon”:

+ This ion is made of carbon and oxygen.

+ The greenhouse gas which makes the most warming is carbon dioxide, and burning coal is the biggest thing which puts it in the atmosphere.

+ This ion is made of carbon and oxygen.

+ The greenhouse gas which makes the most warming is carbon dioxide, and burning coal is the biggest thing which puts it in the atmosphere.

+ It can also be made by reacting carbon dioxide with ammonia.

+ Jonghyun died in Seoul on December 18, 2017 of carbon monoxide poisoning in an act of suicide at the age of 27.

+ Scholars have interpreted early prehistoric paintings at the Bhimbetka rock shelters, carbon dated to be from pre-10,000 BCE period, as Shiva dancing, Shiva’s trident, and his mount Nandi.

+ Carbonation also describes the incorporation of carbon dioxide into chemical compounds.

+ It chemical reactionreacts with acids to produce carbon dioxide.

+ When released into the air, perc can contribute to smog when it reacts with other volatile organic carbon substances.

+ The skin and lungs also have excretory functions: the skin eliminates metabolic wastes like urea and lactic acid through sweating, and the lungs expel carbon dioxide.

+ Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture energy from sunlight and use it to combine carbon dioxide and water to produce carbohydrates and oxygen.

+ Also, carbon dioxide is now in the lungs, where it can be breathed out.

+ Without going to the bathroom, a person naturally loses over One reason is humans breathe in oxygen but breathes out carbon dioxide.

+ For example, carbon has the chemical symbol ‘C’, and sodium has chemical symbol ‘Na’, after the Latin “natrium”.

+ It drives the carbon cycle, which influences global climate via the greenhouse effect.

+ Organic compounds contain carbon bonds in which at least one carbon atom is covalent bondcovalently linked to an atom of another type.

+ Avogadro’s number is the number of atoms in 12 grams of the carbon isotope carbon-12.

+ One of the features of Champagne wine is that this carbon dioxide originates from a second fermentation in the bottle, and is not added.

+ This carbon is called carbon-12s.

+ It is made by the reaction of carbon dioxide with potassium hydroxide.

+ Methane is an organic compound with the chemical formula 23 times more effective than carbon dioxide.

More in-sentence examples of “carbon”:

+ Too great a concentration of carbon makes metal brittle and unworkable, so then metals may be decarburized.

+ It reacts with carbon at a high temperature to make tin metal.
+ An iron carbon alloy is only considered steel if the carbon level is between 0.01% and 2.00%.

+ Too great a concentration of carbon makes metal brittle and unworkable, so then metals may be decarburized.

+ It reacts with carbon at a high temperature to make tin metal.

+ An iron carbon alloy is only considered steel if the carbon level is between 0.01% and 2.00%.

+ It is composed of carbon dioxide.

+ The village was carbon dated to about 2600 B.C.

+ This makes the greenhouse effect, which means that the carbon dioxide makes the earth warmer, like a greenhouse.

+ Much of the water cycle and carbon cycle goes through forests.

+ Other materials used in making decks fiberglass, bamboo, resin, Kevlar, carbon fiber, aluminum, and plastic.

+ This happens when the natural carbon equilibrium is disturbed; for example by deforestation or urbanization of green sites.

+ Later, gas chambers were built into the Euthanasia Centres and used pure carbon monoxide gas to kill the patients.

+ The book asserts that if atmospheric carbon dioxide levels continue to increase at current rates, the resulting climate change will cause mass species extinctions.

+ The natural underground springs of warm mineral water are rich in carbon dioxide.

+ During gas exchange, carbon dioxide goes from the blood into the lungs, so it can be breathed out.

+ Pluto’s atmosphere consists of a thin envelope of nitrogen, methane, and carbon monoxide gases, all of which are derived from the ices of these substances on its surface.

+ Therefore, if there is not enough carbon dioxide, then there will be a buildup of NADPH and ATP and not enough glucose will be formed.

+ Because all fossil fuels are made out of carbon, burning them makes carbon dioxide.

+ Plants take up atmospheric carbon dioxide by photosynthesis, and are eaten by animals, so every living thing is constantly exchanging carbon-14 with its environment as long as it lives.

+ With their plastids and the help of energy from lightsunlight, carbon dioxide and water are converted into sugar by photosynthesis.

+ About 50% of the carbon atoms are replaced by silicon atoms.

+ Silver Steel or high-carbon bright steel, gets its name from its appearance, due to the high carbon content.

+ Dissolved carbon dioxide combined with water can cause further corrosion.

+ These give other properties than plain carbon steel.

+ The coal is burnt and gives off carbon dioxide which goes into the atmosphere.

+ This release of carbon dioxide contributes to the greenhouse effect and acid rain.

+ Barium carbonate, the other ore of barium, is dissolved in hydrochloric acid to make barium chloride and carbon dioxide.

+ Larger alkanes have two or more carbon atoms connected or bonded together in a chain.

+ When hot air is blown in the blast furnace, the coke will burn and reduce the oxygen off the ore, producing bare iron and carbon dioxide.

+ If enough carbon is present, the alloy can be hardened to increase strength, wear, and impact resistance.

+ Price is a city in and the county seat of Carbon County, UtahCarbon County, Utah, United States.

+ If people who remove carbon dioxide are paid then there could be businesses which remove carbon dioxide for money.

+ It is a single carbon atom surrounded by four hydrogen atoms.

+ With more carbon dioxide in the ocean, this problem becomes worse and many species will be at risk.

+ Some things that could reduce warming are to burn less fossil fuels, grow more trees, eat less meat, and put some carbon dioxide back in the ground.

+ It can be caused by birth defects, carbon monoxide poisoning, encephalitis, Parkinson’s disease, or Alzheimer’s disease.

+ It is a thermoplastic matrix such as Acrylonitrile butadiene styreneacrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene in which calcium carbonate chalk, talc, glass fibers or carbon fibers have been added for added strength, bulk, or electro-static dispersion.

+ In these vans, carbon monoxide exhaust fumes from the vans’ engines were pumped into the back of the truck, killing the victims inside.

+ This is called gas exchange: basically, oxygen and carbon dioxide are changing places.

+ The third process is cellular respiration, which produces the chemical energy that the cells in the body need, and carbon dioxide.

+ Switch: Using ATP and NADPH, the three carbon molecule is changed into a five carbon molecule.

+ It is carbon monoxide made by burning wood chips in insufficient amount of air.

+ In the first case, the single atom is the carbon atom in the carbonyl group.

+ It used to be made by reacting carbon disulfide with chlorine.

+ The last known remains of the species have been carbon dated to about 7,700 years ago.Stuart A.J.

+ It reacts with carbon dioxide to make thallium carbonate.

+ Note 1: carbon and silicon in Group 4 usually form covalent bonds by sharing electrons.

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