Some example sentences of “break”

How to use in-sentence of “break”:

– With a few exceptions, the shelf break is located at a remarkably uniform depth of roughly ; this is likely a hallmark of past ice ages, when sea level was lower than it is now.

– In geology, a fracture is any kind of separation or break in a rock formation.

– Lysosomes work like the digestive system to break down, or digest, proteins, acids, carbohydrates, dead organelles, and other unwanted materials.

– Inside the city, the districts break down into smaller divisions called city wards.

– In March 2016, Heechul was confirmed to become a temporary host for “Weekly Idol” until October 5, when Jeong Hyeong-don ended his 11-month break from television activities.

– Once Colossus was made, some people now knew that high-speed electronic digital computing devices could be made and they did not break too much.

Some example sentences of break
Some example sentences of break

Example sentences of “break”:

- A January 14, 2001, "Los Angeles Times" article titled "The most Jam-Packed Theme Park on Earth?" stated, "Senior Disney officials acknowledge that there will be days when California Adventure will have to turn patrons away, particularly in the first weeks after the park opens, during spring break and again in the summer." The actual attendance was not close to the size that Disney expected for the park back in 2001.

- Unless shortened, the technique does not reduce the effort to break AES in comparison to a brute force attack.

– A January 14, 2001, “Los Angeles Times” article titled “The most Jam-Packed Theme Park on Earth?” stated, “Senior Disney officials acknowledge that there will be days when California Adventure will have to turn patrons away, particularly in the first weeks after the park opens, during spring break and again in the summer.” The actual attendance was not close to the size that Disney expected for the park back in 2001.

– Unless shortened, the technique does not reduce the effort to break AES in comparison to a brute force attack.

– It is about five college aged girls who rob a restaurant to pay for spring break expenses.

– Every quarter-hour, a traffic round-up is broadcast, featuring latest conditions, updated continuously, with the possibility to break its programming to alert listeners about an accident, or a severe weather event.

– You can break up the article by inserting a heading for each section.

– The pancreas helps break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

– In October 2018, Sanders introduced a bill to break up big banks such as JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America.

– He works with a midday break of 1 hour, and leaves between 6 and 7.

– The tway for getting a good latch is to gently break the suction by placing a clean finger into the baby’s baby’s mouth and help the baby latch on again.

– In particular, do not use the CSS properties because they break rendering on some browsers when large fonts are used.

– After a cow has eaten its fill and is resting, they return or regurgitate the grass from their stomach to their mouth and rechew it with their very large back teeth to break it down further.

– Many people thought that the country should break into separate countries so that different groups could have their own countries.

– One of the first artists to break on the internet, M.I.A.

– The Dortmunder fan scene is divided opinion over this step, since he offers on the one hand the financial safety device, but on the other hand a tradition break represents.

More in-sentence examples of “break”:

– Sokka’s boomerang is used to break hard to reach objects or to solve puzzles; it has been discovered that the player draws a path for the boomerang to follow.

– Spring break for American high school and college students usually occurs about Easter time.

– His first break in the theatre was understudying David Essex as Che Guevara in the original West End run of “Evita”.

– Icicles can cause damage on many structures such as buildings and homes, once ice forms layers the weight of it can cause the structure to fall or break off.

– In 1849 Courbet saw two people working by the roadside, using small hammers to break large rocks into gravel.

– Pulling forces causes rock at depth to stretch like silly putty and rock closer to the surface to break along normal Fault faults into downfallen basins called grabens.

– Unlike birds, the human stomach can break down the seed coat and release the taxanes into the body.

– They play a team of cold case private investigators, who look into unsolved cases from years ago and break new ground with the help of scientific and technological advancements.

– Claims to have a big break doing some commercials and do some movies.

– An echelle spectrograph is a special machine which is able to break up light waves, with a high resolution and little interference.

– It is reached by choosing the earpiece, then using a vacuum cleaner to break in, then using glue to sneak past the Toppats, sending out a Robot Helper, melting the bones of a Toppat, hitting another Toppat with a stick, rerouting the power, and using a force gun to escape.

– Only later did a brief, inconclusive war break out between the two Germanic leaders.

– But, this is not always true, since cats can still break bones or die from extreme falls.

– The purpose of this harrowing is generally to break up clods and to provide a finer finish, a good tilth or soil structure that is good for planting seeds.

– When they feed on the eggs of other birds, they break larger ones by tossing a large pebble onto them.

– It can break down naturally.

– In day-to-day life we all observe that a stream of water emerging from a faucet will break up into droplets, no matter how smoothly the stream is emitted from the faucet.

– However, the referees threw away the key and the tool that Tarver tried to use to break in.

– He agreed to try and break the chain, but only if one of the gods would put his hand in the wolf’s mouth.

– These fixes are no longer needed, but do not break the current implementation.

– Gellar’s major break came in 1992.

– The Battle of Jutland happenened when the German fleet, lead by Admiral Reinhard Scheer, tried to break out into the open sea.

– It would be delivered from December 2017 with no break in transmission.

– The band then took a small break in July to work on new songs for their next album.

– The cells start starving, because they do not have insulin to break down glucose into a form that the cells can use for energy.

– When blood vessels in the brain break or are injured, they bleed.

– That means it will not line break and will not collapse together with normal spaces that come before the template.

– At age 6, he took a break from acting, and at about age 10, asked his mom to begin homeschooling him so that he could pursue acting again.

– These features do not last long and break down soon after they are formed.

– The goal of the Battle of Monte Cassino was to break through this line to Rome.

– The human teeth function to Masticationmechanically break down items of food by cutting and crushing them in preparation for swallowing and digesting.

– During a break in 1997 between filming seasons on Xena, Lawless made her onstage debut singing songs on Broadway as Rizzo in the remake of the musical play Grease.

– Reynolds caught his big break co-starring with Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., in another ABC series, the long-running “The F.B.I.

– These bacteria cause the surface of teeth to break down.

– Most human bones are strong and do not break when hit by strong impacts or forces.

– As the flight was more than 10hours long, there were 3 crew operating the airplane, so that each of them can take a break during the flight.

– It is found in germinationgerminating seeds such as barley as they break down their starch stores to use for food.

– Feathers on the feather shuttles bend or break if the player does not hit the cork or rubber center.

– Round 2 was to settle a tie break between Cape Town and Buenos Aires from round 1.

– Lots of energy is required to break the bond apart, resulting in high melting and boiling points.

– Hey, so I took a break but have decided since that I want to help out here, but start anew.

– When transcluding the table from a season article into a main episode list article, irregular EpisodeNumber= entries break up the striping effect the template introduces.

– In the razor shells the siphons can break off only to grow back later.

– For example, puts a non-breaking space in between the “fl.” and the number, which prevents the web browsers from inserting a line break there.

– During his break from teaching between 1709 and 1711 he wrote a large number of works including violin sonatas and concertos.

– Because he was forced to seal the charter, John sought approval to break it, from his spiritual overlord Pope Innocent III.

– When treatments break down ink particles into smaller pieces, macrophages can more easily remove them.

– Although she was alone, she liked how her being gone would break up the men’s alliance.

– In a break with Wright’s earlier Prairie School structures, the building features many circular forms and needed over 200 different curved “Cherokee red” bricks to create the sweeping curves of the inside and outside.

- Sokka's boomerang is used to break hard to reach objects or to solve puzzles; it has been discovered that the player draws a path for the boomerang to follow.

- Spring break for American high school and college students usually occurs about Easter time.
- His first break in the theatre was understudying David Essex as Che Guevara in the original West End run of "Evita".

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