Some example sentences of “approach”

How to use in-sentence of “approach”:

– The last close approach was in 1996, at 15.1Gm, about 40 times as far as the Moon.

– The least squares approach can also be used to fit models that are not linear.

– Many European composers at the beginning of the 20th century felt that the system of tonality had been used for so long that it was time to do create a new approach and try something different.

– Skumin wrote many books and articles on a variety Medicinemedical and spiritual topics advocating a holistic approach to health.

– The best approach for Alice in this circumstance is for Alice to change Bob’s version, reinstate her minor improvements, and leave Bob’s major improvements intact.

– Perhaps even more important, he began his systematic approach of the analysis of real data as the springboard for the development of new statistical methods.

Some example sentences of approach
Some example sentences of approach

Example sentences of “approach”:

– One of the first essays advocating a blinded approach to experiments in general came from Claude Bernard in the latter half of the 19th century, who recommended splitting any scientific experiment between the theorist who conceives the experiment and a naive observer who registers the results without foreknowledge of the theory or hypothesis being tested.

– Its graphical interface uses a step by step approach and some traffic lights indicates to the user if each mandatory steps are validated.

– It protected New Orleans from any river approach to the city.

– This approach creates an evolutionary Tree of life to decide on the branches of the taxonomy.

– Today, the main problems seen with this approach is that the workers were treated like machines and not like human beings.

– This essay was “generally as the starting-point for the serious academic approach to Jane Austen”.

– Finding her way to France, she made an ally of her cousin, King Louis XI of France, and at his instigation she allowed an approach from Edward’s former supporter, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, who had fallen out with his former friend as a result of Edward’s marriage to Elizabeth Woodville, and was now seeking revenge for the loss of his political influence.

– People who criticized this approach include Jeremy Bentham and Hans Kelsen.

– The next such series of close approaches will be centred on the year 2292 — in July of that year, Cruithne will approach Earth to about 12,500,000 kilometres.

– It has also been suggested that Dillon’s approach came from the view at that time that cities were inherently corrupt political organs.

– This qualitative approach to molecular orbital theory is part of the start of modern quantum chemistry.

– The only successful approach so far has been in nuclear weapons.

– Thus I wonder if a better approach would be to merge some of the main points in to PuTTY, instead of a pure delete.

– A few years later, she got another chance to redeem her career with the single ‘Hunt 4 U’, and its success enabled her to approach studios to produce her second album.

– The Evelina approach was the main reason Arsenal were able to achieve this, first implemented by manager Arsene Wenger.

- One of the first essays advocating a blinded approach to experiments in general came from Claude Bernard in the latter half of the 19th century, who recommended splitting any scientific experiment between the theorist who conceives the experiment and a naive observer who registers the results without foreknowledge of the theory or hypothesis being tested.

- Its graphical interface uses a step by step approach and some traffic lights indicates to the user if each mandatory steps are validated.

More in-sentence examples of “approach”:

– RCA started by taking the best costing characteristics of the German management accounting approach Grenzplankostenrechnung, and combining the use of activity-based drivers when needed, such as those used in Activity-based costing.

Approaches to solo creation vary from the jagged/atonal approach of Andy Gill from Gang of Four Gang of Four and Andy Partridge from XTC, the studio-produced soundscapes of Bill Nelson, or the composed approach of Frank Zappa.

– There is no treatment approach that has been scientifically proven to work.

– Damaged file system:- The file system is used by the Operating System to define the approach for organizing files on the storage device.

– Family-to-Family, like the rest of NAMI programs, takes a biologically-based approach to explaining mental illness and its treatments.

– The neurodiversity movement is an approach to Mental illnessmental disability in which some neurological conditions are variations of the human genome.

– The resulting ISO imageiso can also be installed on a USB pendrive, creating a Live USB distro, using either a command-line approach or a graphical tool such as UNetbootin.

– Normally, one problem with this approach is that readers are directed to different pages when they click on the images.

– Fashion columnists of the “Dallas Morning News” reported that Davis’s work was strongly influenced by the great masters of couture, but that he managed to move forward, adding his own signature of modern minimalism; further stating that his approach to fashion and to his business were in remarkable contrast to his age.

– He did not like the sensationalist approach of Joseph Pulitzer and others.

– Another Greek physician called Galen also took a scientific approach to the causes of psychological disorders.

– Elias James Corey brought a more formal approach to synthesis design, based on retrosynthetic analysis, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1990.

– Cathedral Square is located at the crossing of two famous, major central streets, Colombo Street and Worcester Street, both of which are currently cordoned off as you approach the square.

– This approach also enables a unification of the language and the tools of classical algebraic geometry, mainly concerned with complex points, and of algebraic number theory.

– Like the stochastic approach to tie-breaking, dithering has no bias: if all fraction values are equally likely, rounding up by a certain amount is as likely as rounding down by that same amount; and the same is true for the sum of several rounded numbers.

– The treaty also describes a mutual, cooperative approach to environmental technology Environmental lawregulations and energy conservation; and toward international finance and trade.

– Her work on the complex/dynamic systems approach to second language development is very important and well-known.

– Building designers may differ in their approach from region to region depending on the same criteria.

– Along the restored inner ring road and the approach road Brugsesteenweg are a lot of big stores.

– In an interview, Bryan revealed that, “Mike and I were really interested in other epic ‘Legends Lore’ properties, like Harry Potter and “Lord of the Rings”, but we knew that we wanted to take a different approach to that type of genre.

– This is where climbers often approach the mountain.

– I was able to report the discovery because of my father’s encouragement and the enquiring approach fostered by my science teachers.

– This species is one of the largest of all crocodilian species, approaching the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile in maximum size – males reach at least 5 metres in length, and often approach 6 metres.

– He is best remembered for the experimental approach to animal psychology now known as ‘Morgan’s canon’, which is a specialised form of Occam’s razor.

– Over the years, Houtart developed a dialectical approach to the study of world religions.

– In some ways, her work can be seen as trying to adapt a psychoanalytic approach to poststructuralist criticism.

– Fenty ran on a platform of bringing a more energetic and hands-on approach to district government.

– In other words, we were to keep a careful watch for the approach of anyone who did not know the secret, and above all for any SS men moving about in the area.

– Thus any series in which the individual terms do not approach zero diverges.

– Along the approach roads, the motor drivers are informed about free parkings.

– It required a new multi-disciplinary approach to cancer treatment.

– When it became clear that Xangsane would approach the Capital, PAGASA upgraded the warning for Manila and central Luzon to Storm Signal Number 3 on September 28.

– This approach was made popular by John Forrest Dillon called the “Dillon Rule”.

– The mind of the observer and simple act of observation will affect the outcome of any empirical approach to truth.

– Henning’s approach to magic and performing was different from earlier magicians.

– The earliest tea gowns were European developments influenced by Asian clothing and historical approach from 18th century.

– This nihilistic approach to pulmonary arterial hypertension may also contribute to underdiagnosis.

– As they approach a gaseous vapour begins pouring out of the fissure and in a flash of light the two men are charred with only their bones remaining.

– The library incorporates the open-stacks approach favored in the West, which allows for convenience in borrowing books.

– His approach was considered controversial at the time.

– It refers to a non-theismtheistic approach to life, looking to science instead of religious dogma in order to understand the world.

– He justifies this courageous approach as follows: “In retrospect, the 19th century can be thought of being globally because it thought so about itself.” “Das 19.

– The nave is the central approach to the high altar, the main body of the church.

– Challis later found out that he had seen the planet twice in August, failing to recognize it owing to his careless approach to the work.

– While on final approach to Tripoli, the aircraft crashed into an orchard approximately 1.5 miles short of the runway 27.

– They felt his softer approach would win them popularity.

- RCA started by taking the best costing characteristics of the German management accounting approach Grenzplankostenrechnung, and combining the use of activity-based drivers when needed, such as those used in Activity-based costing.

- Approaches to solo creation vary from the jagged/atonal approach of Andy Gill from Gang of Four Gang of Four and Andy Partridge from XTC, the studio-produced soundscapes of Bill Nelson, or the composed approach of Frank Zappa.

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