Some example sentences of “angry”

How to use in-sentence of “angry”:

– Henry was angry with Cromwell and had him executed.

– When the jellyfish came back and told Ryūjin what had happened, Ryūjin became so angry that he beat the jellyfish until its bones were all broken.

– He became angry at what he saw.

– Religious groups were angry and demanded federal censorship of the movies.

– Royalton got angry and told Speed that racing is only a business and that his and his family’s belief in it being an art is nonsense.

– She spent a lot of time away from the castle and wrote him angry letters.

– The Green Goblin is angry and attacks Spider-Man.

– An angry crowd discovered that da Gama’s men were not Muslims, so the crew continued north to Kenya.

Some example sentences of angry
Some example sentences of angry

Example sentences of “angry”:

– To appease angry fans who pelted the screen with garbage, WrestleMania was broadcast in its entirety on a local television station two weeks later.

– Christine is angry at this and leaves Claire at the park.

– This caused God to get angry at Ahab and say through a prophet –“This is what the Lord says: ‘You have set free a man that I had determined should die.

– This causes Phoenix to very angry and she starts to use her powers to begin destroying everything.

– I do admit that I do tend to get a little caught up in things, but I really believe that, since the IamAR issue, I have learned to control my feelings and remove myself, or not even participate in discussions that I know will get me angry in.

– According to the Glaise von Horstenau Hebrang, by Zvonko Ivanković – Vonta, Scientia Yugoslavica 1988 Pages 169-170 reports, Hitler was angry with Pavelić whose policy inflamed the rebellion in Croatia – by which Hitler lost ability to engage the Independent State of Croatia forces on the Eastern Front.

– Although Joe is engaged to Abigail, he begins to fall in love with Jane after Abigail leaves him in an angry fit.

– The protesters became angry and they burnt down the police station where the policemen were hidden killing all 22 policemen inside.

– Bands like The Ramones, Television Television, The Heartbreakers, Blondie, and Patti Smith played loud, angry songs.

– The priest Savonarola had made so many people angry that he had been put to death in 1498.

– Barton was angry at this treatment, and she left to find a new job in Washington D.C.

– Ahab also once did a great sin that the Lord was very angry at, and it included a vineyard of Naboh the Jezreelite.

- To appease angry fans who pelted the screen with garbage, WrestleMania was broadcast in its entirety on a local television station two weeks later.

- Christine is angry at this and leaves Claire at the park.
- This caused God to get angry at Ahab and say through a prophet --"This is what the Lord says: 'You have set free a man that I had determined should die.

More in-sentence examples of “angry”:

– Sakurai was ¥180,000, but no one ridiculed him.” Regarding the death of Ueki in 2007, he commented: “It is too early to be 80 years old today.” Even for Kei Tani, whose memory has deteriorated, he is behind the camera with his own dial, and Hajime Hana is angry that he was suddenly called his real name, Hirom, in the production of “Shabontama Holiday”.

– Snàporaz is yet again insulted by angry women who circle around him in roller skates and practice testicle-kicking on a dummy.

– She was angry and she threw a golden apple among the guests on which was written “To the Fairest”.

– He was going to conduct the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, but he was not allowed to because people got angry about it.

– Tyler made the Whig Party angry when he picked people from the other party to work in his government.

– Playing recorded sounds of angry honey bees is remarkably effective at prompting elephants to flee an area.

– The Open Spaces Society is angry because some landowners will not allow the path to cross their land.

– Before, after losing his eye, it was a bitter and angry person who never smiled.

– Between 1963 and 1964, civil rights activists got more angry and more likely to fight back against whites.

– When Will admits they want to rescue Jack, Feng becomes angry and declares that he would only bring Sparrow back to life to kill him in person.

– The Gospels say that the temple leaders were angry and wanted to kill him.

– The Valkyries are angry with Brünnhilde because she disobeyed Wotan.

– For this, Amaterasu, sad, angry and scared, went to hide inside Ama-no-Iwato, the “”heavenly rock cave””, so the Sun was hidden and the world became dark for a long time.

– An Indian Christian group based in Mumbai were angry and demanded that the albums be recalled.

– This made many of the peasants in the villages angry at the Bielski partisans, though some would willingly help the Jewish partisans.

– Raoul eventually rescues her, and a group of angry people chase the Phantom until he falls into the Seine river.

– The song features Eminem being angry at people who he feels are putting too much pressure on him.

– When Michael arrives, he doesn’t believe the children, and gets angry at them for putting the home and his job at risk.

– His style comedy include: his angry rants, surreal humour, portly figure, high husky voice and support of St Helens RLFCSt Helens rugby league club.

– But at the same time people say that Hurrem was a selfish, manipulative and angry woman who would kill anyone who stood in her way.

– Archbishop Eberard I of Hilpolstein-Biburg, Archbishop of SalzburgEberard I of Hilpolstein-Biburg was allowed to reign in peace, but his successor Conrad II of Austria made the Emperor’s angry and died in 1168 in Admont trying to hide from the Emperor.

– Guthrie was angry with the positive attitude of the song.

– The concert ended because of angry fans and because Selena was being promoted to EMI Latin.

– The two get back together, but in “Cassie”, it is clear that Cassie is still angry towards Michelle.

– Some people thought that it was very immoral and wrote angry letters to the newspapers saying that it was the end of civilised society.

– After telling his family, Homer and Bart head to the center of town, where they are met by angry people of Springfield.

– Kellner was very angry that millions of people had to die because a few politicians in the democracies failed to confront Hitler and his allies.

– De Jong is addictionaddicted to the game Angry Birds.

– Jak refuses, telling her “they could rot for all I care”, still angry for them throwing him and Daxter out of Haven City for the wrong reason.

– He was angry about a Google e-mail that called Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager and Jordan Peterson Nazis.

– Many people were angry at the decision, and slavery became one of the main issues in the American Civil War a few years later.

– God gets very angry at Job’s friends for thinking that Job was not a good man and for saying things about God they did not know about, and Job prays for his friends: God answers his prayer.

– Every time he comes he gets more angry with you.

– Nico, still angry at Percy, finally understands that it was Bianca’s choice to go into the Talos robot, and that he shouldn’t be mad at Percy.

– He and his gang were captured by an angry mob of gold miners near Maryborough in May 1855.

– The leaders at Kiwirrkurra were angry with him for giving the story to the press.

– By 1917, many of Sassoon’s friends, and his brother, had been killed and he had become very angry about the war.

– While he was prime minister of Japan, he made China and South Korea very angry by continuing to visit the Yasukuni Shrine.

– Hitler was angry and said that Paulus should have killed himself, but instead “he prefers to go to Moscow.” Paulus was Roman Catholic and therefore did not.

– They were met by angry and scared Christianites who feared that the police were going to demolish other houses too.

– Buttercup guesses that he is the famous Dread Pirate Roberts, and is angry with him for killing Westley.

– They had brief encounters with the Hunters of Artemis, and were almost convinced to join, but got angry with Zoe Nightshade and did not join.

– Many white Mississippians were angry that people from other states were coming in and trying to change their society.

– The next morning, it turns out Santa never came, and soon, everyone becomes angry with SpongeBob.

– For some reason, Tommy comes back as an angry and even more grotesque creature who wants to take revenge on the people who killed him in the past and innocent people as well.

- Sakurai was ¥180,000, but no one ridiculed him." Regarding the death of Ueki in 2007, he commented: "It is too early to be 80 years old today." Even for Kei Tani, whose memory has deteriorated, he is behind the camera with his own dial, and Hajime Hana is angry that he was suddenly called his real name, Hirom, in the production of "Shabontama Holiday".

- Snàporaz is yet again insulted by angry women who circle around him in roller skates and practice testicle-kicking on a dummy.

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