Some example sentences of “alleles”

How to use in-sentence of “alleles”:

– They are not genetically identical because they will usually have different alleles at some of the loci.

– So, alleles on the same chromosome can be separated and go to different daughter cells.

– Therefore, “the sperms are not identical”, because in each chromosome of a pair there will be different alleles at many of the loci.

– If instead the two alleles are different, the individual is a heterozygote and is heterozygous.

– When both alleles of a gene are similar a person has copies mutated or both normal.

– As early as 1930 Fisher had discussed a situation where, with alleles at a single locus, the heterozygote is more viable than either homozygote.

– Each person’s DNA contains two alleles of a particular gene or ‘marker’: one from the father and one from the mother.

Some example sentences of alleles
Some example sentences of alleles

Example sentences of “alleles”:

– The fitness of the heterozygotes keeps a wide range of alternate gene alleles in a population.

– This means both the alleles have a degree of phenotypic expression in the hybrids.

– There are three ways alleles at a locus may differ.

– This genetic variation is in the form of different alleles at many Alleleloci on the chromosomes.

– Every single egg or sperm may have a different selection of alleles from the parental chromosomes.

– It follows that any systematic change in the frequency of alleles in a population “must” be due to the effect of one or more of these causes.

– The point is that, in diploids, new alleles are sheltered and they are a reservoir of potential variation in the population.

– This exchange of alleles means the offspring are not identical to each other, or to either parent.

– Another feature of the haplodiploidy system is that lethal and deleterious alleles will be removed from the population rapidly because they will automatically be expressed in the males.

– There is a greater probability of this happening if the alleles are far apart on the chromosome, as it is more likely that a cross-over will occur between them.

– Recessive alleles tend to be mildly harmful.

- The fitness of the heterozygotes keeps a wide range of alternate gene alleles in a population.

- This means both the alleles have a degree of phenotypic expression in the hybrids.

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