Some example sentences of “alcoholic beverages”

How to use in-sentence of “alcoholic beverages”:

+ Many alcoholic beverages are gluten free, but many types of whiskey and beer contain gluten, because using grains is a necessary part of their production.

+ There are no Sunday sales of alcoholic beverages permitted, except at Mayfield Golf and Country Club.

+ Rum-running, or bootlegging, is the illegal business of taking alcoholic beverages where they are against the law.

+ On 24 October 1996, there was another decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, “On approval of the production, storage and sale of excise stamps and marking of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, and the sale or destruction of the confiscated alcoholic beverages and tobacco products”.

+ Other products are alcoholic beverages like cider and calvados, made from locally grown apples and pears.

+ The Royal Palaces enjoy certain legal privileges, for example there is an exemption from levying duty on alcoholic beverages sold in the bars at the Palace of Westminster and there are exemptions from Health and Safety legislation.

+ A round of drinks is a set of alcoholic beverages bought by one person in a group for the whole group.

Some example sentences of alcoholic beverages
Some example sentences of alcoholic beverages

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