Some example sentences of “admiration”

How to use in-sentence of “admiration”:

– Holmes spoke often of Moriarty’s genius in admiration in spite of the horror of the crimes.

– Haughey’s successors as Taoiseach, Albert Reynolds never hid their admiration of her work.

– In the 2007 episode “Utopia”, the Doctor calls the disguised Master a genius and shows an immense admiration for his intellect before discovering who he is.

– The inhabitants of the village expressed their admiration for the memory of the poet with a sculpture erected in the Millenium Park.

– In 1929, she made her debut in Paris, to warm acclaims and admiration of her dancing skill.

– Lupu’s playing has garnered admiration not only from music critics, but also by fellow major artists.

– He got admiration and criticism from across the political spectrum.

– Sarkozy was known for his conservative law and order politics and his admiration for a new economic model for France during his presidency.

Some example sentences of admiration
Some example sentences of admiration

Example sentences of “admiration”:

- She is known for her admiration for some "Third Way Third Way" policies, for her controversial insistence on law and order issues and for her support of devolution and participatory democracy.

- Over time, admiration for his pride and ideals made him a Civil War hero to many Southerners, and his legacy became part of the foundation of the postwar New South.

– She is known for her admiration for some “Third Way Third Way” policies, for her controversial insistence on law and order issues and for her support of devolution and participatory democracy.

– Over time, admiration for his pride and ideals made him a Civil War hero to many Southerners, and his legacy became part of the foundation of the postwar New South.

– The Soviet UnionSoviet invasion of Afghanistan sends Amir and his father escaping to the United States, because Amir’s father has been known to curse the Communists and had a strong admiration on Ronald Reagan.

– He often risked his life, and later won worldwide admiration for his heroic eforts.

– However, the understanding his service gave him of ordinary men and the admiration he earned from them, influenced the rest of his life as Prince of Wales and Edward VIII.

– Elizabeth’s volume Poems of Sonnets brought her great success, attracting the admiration of the writer Robert Browning, which led to their marriage.

– Macron said that Beltrame deserved “the respect and admiration of the whole nation.”.

– Laura has a grudging admiration for Brittas whom she regards as honest and decent.

– The adventure of this bold thief earns a controversial reputation — the rage or fury of police officers who keep missing him on the scene of robbery, and even in the jail, and the admiration from citizens who love to check up on the newspapers to see if there’s any article about his great robberies.

– He upheld the law and the constitution to the letter and won respect and admiration of all political parties.

– He always had a huge admiration for his father who had encouraged him in his musical experiments.

– Driven by an intense admiration for machines he taught himself as much as he could.

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