“solve” – example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “solve”:

+ The way to solve it is called a solution.

+ When we ask how complex an algorithm is, often we want to know how long it will take a computer to solve the problem we want it to solve.

+ In psychotherapy, a therapist helps a person to understand and solve problems which cause depression.

+ In it the author, a leading Gestalt psychologygestalt psychologist, showed that chimpanzees could solve problems by insight.

+ He helped many people to solve how the “Titanic” sank.

solve - example sentences
solve – example sentences

Example sentences of “solve”:

+ In this way, it can solve a problem by first solving a simpler version of the problem.

+ When people are solving a problem with more than one operation, they will need to know the correct order to solve the problem correctly.

+ He invented Garbage collection to solve some of the problems LISP had.

+ After World War II the United Nations was founded in the hope that it could solve arguments among nations and keep wars from happening.

+ Nevertheless, representatives of the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan have since been holding peace talks organized by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe “Minsk Group” to solve the conflict and restore the territory to Azerbaijan.

+ She is a married mother of three daughters and uses her psychic abilities to help the police to solve crimes.

+ Psychology also includes using this knowledge to help solve problems of everyday life and treat mental health problems.

+ The people involved in a dispute usually begin by finding a mediator, choosing someone who is trusted to fairly solve the problem.

+ In this way, it can solve a problem by first solving a simpler version of the problem.

+ When people are solving a problem with more than one operation, they will need to know the correct order to solve the problem correctly.

+ Judy at first does not like Nick, but the two get along and then work together to solve the case.

+ Contestants can ring in to solve the puzzle before the last letter is revealed.

+ Modern cities have infrastructure to solve these problems.

+ One day, Yugi finds a strange puzzle at the back of the shop, and tries to solve it.

+ Here are some other commonly used heuristics, from Polya’s 1945 book, “How to Solve It”: Polya, George 1945.

More in-sentence examples of “solve”:

+ With Artificial Intelligence we teach computers how to solve problems without explicit programming for the solution.

+ Together with Aristide Briand, they signed the Locarno Pact, an agreement never to use the military to solve problems again.

+ It is about a man who lives in London and has problems and finds unusual ways to solve them.

+ The Ohm’s law formula can be used to solve it.

+ The Simplex algorithm is an algorithm which is used to solve problems of Linear programming or linear optimization.

+ The original Ghostbusters return for the series two-episode finale to celebrate Egon’s 40th birthday, leading to them reluctantly working together with the younger generation to solve one last case.

+ Applied research is using what was learned from basic research to solve real-world problems.

+ He wanted to solve the problem of finding an efficient coverage of Moravia with electricity.

+ The movie is about a police rabbit named Judy who has to solve a hard mystery, and has Nick, a red fox, for her assistant.

+ So, he decided to solve this problem.

+ Although completing the square can be used to solve many quadratic equations, it does not work with every equation.

+ When Monk is not working, he tries to solve his wife’s murder.

+ Johannes Kepler was the first person to formulate and solve it.

+ Furthermore, it will take two steps to solve an inequality.

+ To solve this problem, some water parks adapt conveyor belt to lift passengers This feature is applied in Caribbean Bay Wild River zone, Everland Resort, South Korea or use water jets.

+ Astronomers have invented various ways to solve this problem, though none are so accurate as the parallax method is for relatively nearby objects.

+ In 1912, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in developing the International Court of Justice, a court where countries could solve legal disputes.

+ He was sometimes criticized for not being able to “fix things”, or solve their problems.

+ The Michelin teams could not solve the problem.

+ Austin and Ally work together to solve problems in the second season.

+ This means that if someone found a method to solve any NP-Complete problem quickly, they could use that same method to solve “every” NP problem quickly.

+ Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages.

+ To generate a bitcoin, a miner must solve a math problem.

+ Because Somalia does not have a working legal system, the only help a family in Somalia has to solve a dispute with another family is to get their clan involved.

+ Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you.

+ To solve a shapeshifting cube it must return to the original shape before it is considered solved.

+ With Artificial Intelligence we teach computers how to solve problems without explicit programming for the solution.

+ Together with Aristide Briand, they signed the Locarno Pact, an agreement never to use the military to solve problems again.
+ It is about a man who lives in London and has problems and finds unusual ways to solve them.

+ The prince Bongahwah is kidnapped and the children solve this mystery.

+ The middle way helps solve this problem.

+ The ancient Egyptians knew how to solve equations of degree 2 in this manner.

+ Many talked about how the Constitution would solve America’s political problems.

+ The momentum equations are the equations that make it hard to solve problems in fluid dynamics.

+ The laboratory of 3D computer graphics and calculation creating new algorithms to solve problems of processing and analysis of signals and images.

+ This was designed to help solve a shortage of workers after the Black Death.

+ Marx’s analysis of the commodity is intended to help solve the problem of what establishes the economic value of goods, using the labor theory of value.

+ Dentures are meant to solve Dentistrydental problems of humans.

+ Presumedly this accident could have inspired The Fantasy Fiction series “The Twilight Zone” has a 22 September 1961 episode “The Arrival” which is also a retelling of The Flying Dutchman legend in which a DC-3 plane without crew or passengers lands at an airport; it is ultimately shown to be a hallucination of an insane FAA investigator who is obsessed with trying to solve the mystery of a missing DC-3 which vanished nearly 17 years over the Atlantic Ocean in a flight from Buffalo New York.

+ Because no arithmetic is needed to solve Sudoku puzzles, the numerals can be replaced with letters or symbols.

+ A person using insight to solve a problem is able to give accurate, clear, all-or-nothing type responses, whereas individuals not using the insight process are more likely to produce partial, incomplete responses.Kounios “et al” 2008.

+ The longer, thinner baguette helped solve this problem because it could be prepared and baked much faster.

+ The first miner or group of miners to solve the particular puzzle are rewarded with new bitcoins.

+ Khan and Mujibur met with each other to talk to try to solve the problems and stop the riots.

+ It’s important to NP because it models the worst-case number of computations that are needed to solve a problem and, thus, the worst-case amount of time required.

+ In other words, to solve the equation means to find the value of “x” so that, where the coefficients, “a”, “b”, and “c”, are all real numbers.

+ Turbay, despite pressure from military and political sectors, avoided deciding to solve the crisis through the use of direct military force, and instead eventually agreed to let the M-19 rebels travel to Cuba.

+ Some philosophers accept that arguments such as “God allows evil in order to achieve the greater good of free will” are logically possible and thus solve the logical problem of evil.

+ I hope that this can be the last time we bring this here, as I think it can solve all remaining issues.

+ A how-to or a how to is an informal, often short, description of how to do a specific physical task, think to solve a specific problem, or think about a topic.

+ In September 2005 the PSNI started the Historical Enquiries Team to help solve 3,269 murders that happened during the Troubles.

+ Evolutionary psychologists argue that much of human behaviour is the result of adaptations which evolved to solve recurrent problems in human ancestral environments.Confer “et al.” 2010.

+ Ed, Double D, and Eddy use resourceful means to earn money, solve physical puzzles, interact with neighborhood children, and find hidden goodies.

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