“solution” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “solution”:

– The Trans-Karakoram Tract is an area of nearly 5,180/ 5,800km² that was transferred by a border agreement from the Pakistani-administered Northern Areas to China in 1963 with the proviso that the settlement was subject to the final solution of the Kashmir dispute.

– Correlli Barnett said that Montgomery’s solution “…was in every way opposite to Auchinleck’s and in every way wrong, for it carried the existing dangerous separatism still further.” Correlli Barnett, The Desert Generals, New York: Viking Press, 1961, p.265.

– The solution to the problem became the Twelfth Amendment.

– However, the solution will dry up over time, causing the device to eventually fail.

– This leads one to believe that Fermat did not in fact have a complete solution of the problem.

– CODESA worked to find a solution to the violence.

solution - some sentence examples
solution – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “solution”:

- In medicine, saline refers to any solution of salt in water; that is, salt water.

- It says the speaker should first get attention, hold the interest level of the audience, arouse desire for the solution or the objective desired to communicate, and finally obtain action or actionable commitment from the audience.
- The plant foods are simply put into water instead and it makes a solution for the plants to live in.

– In medicine, saline refers to any solution of salt in water; that is, salt water.

– It says the speaker should first get attention, hold the interest level of the audience, arouse desire for the solution or the objective desired to communicate, and finally obtain action or actionable commitment from the audience.

– The plant foods are simply put into water instead and it makes a solution for the plants to live in.

– I will propose a change for “pansexual” which is John’s term for him In contrast to the wiser and older Doctor, Jack prefers a hands-on solution to the problem at hand.

– People don’t know how to solve this problem faster than testing every possible answer, but if a solution is found that allows the salesman to do this, we can use an algorithm check that it is true.

– The most well-known example is the solution of the general quadratic equation.

– Energy conservation is often the most economical solution to energy shortages.

– The solution of initial value problems using interval arithmetic: formulation and analysis of an algorithm.

– The pilot issue was published on September 25, 1991 as fanzine of the The aim of the fanzine was to collect information about peace and anti-war initiatives in Yugoslavia, advocate nonviolence and a peaceful solution for the emerging war, report on human rights abuses, support conscientious objectors and serve as an alternative political media platform.

– This means the solution to one puzzle is always different from the puzzles before.

– As the SS’s leader, Heinrich Himmler used the SS to put the Final Solution into action.

– A dilute solution of sodium hydroxide was used so the zinc hydroxide didn’t dissolve.

– It was Archimedes, however, who came up with a mathematical solution using his method of exhaustion.

– Some of the Founding Fathers began to suggest federalism as a solution to the problems with the Articles of Confederation.

– Certain dyes change colour depending on whether they are in an acid solution or an alkaline solution.

– And Philippe Méaille clarified his intentions: « This public-private partnership appeared to us as an innovative solution that will be integrated into the Saumur territory in its entirety: Saumur and its agglomeration but also the nearby Fontevraud Abbey ».

– A programming problem’s page displays solutions contributed by visitors in various programming languages, allowing someone who views the solution to compare the solution to the programming problem.

– In many branches of science, including mathematics, mathematical optimization is a branch that is about finding the element that gives an optimal solution to a problem, given some criteria.

– Cadmium bromide is made by reacting cadmium with bromine or by reacting cadmium or cadmium oxideits oxide with hydrobromic acid and evaporating the solution in helium.

More in-sentence examples of “solution”:

- A volumetric pipette is a kind of pipette which allows you to find the volume of a solution very accurately.

- Often, a new Sultan would have his male relatives killed, a simpler solution since it removed competition for the Sultanate and prevented rebel movements.

– A volumetric pipette is a kind of pipette which allows you to find the volume of a solution very accurately.

– Often, a new Sultan would have his male relatives killed, a simpler solution since it removed competition for the Sultanate and prevented rebel movements.

– The solution to these problems arrived out of the study of fields and groups.

– In this case, the species present in solution are the ions.

– Not only approximate solvers, but the study to “verify the existence of solution by computers” is also active.

– One user thought the solution was to list every difficult user on his user-talk page, but that tends to merely anger them.

– IPsec is an end-to-end security solution and operates at the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, comparable to network layerLayer 3 in the OSI model.

– Bookchin has influenced the thinking of captured Kurdish militant Abdullah Öcalan, who has renounced violence and now wants a peaceful solution to the question of Kurdish autonomy.

– On the other hand, the Pacers were seen as a practical solution at a time when there was not a lot of money.

– So the solution absorbs some light colors and reflects other colors, the light it reflects is the color of the solution.

– Then the solution is electrolyzed.

– These options may differ according to the size or the particular type of the solution needed.

– Potassium permanganate spontaneously reduces in an base basic solution to green-coloured potassium manganate, where manganese is in the +6 oxidation state.

– The conference was to tell leaders of government departments that dealt with Jews, that Adolf Eichmann had been put in charge of the “Final Solution to the Jewish question”.

– It is found as HIO4 in dilute solution and H5IO6 in concentrated solution.

– It can also be made by electrolysiselectrolyzing a solution of sodium bicarbonate with a copper anode.

– A Storage area network is a computing solution for accessing and storing data.

– This causes calcium carbonate to Precipitation precipitate out of solution and allows micro-crystallites of calcium carbonate to form.

– The long-term solution would be to re-design/rewrite code elements on the Main Page so that it adopts a responsive design.

– Liquid-based systems heat water or an antifreeze solution in a “hydronic” collector, whereas air-based systems heat air in an “air collector.” Both air and liquid systems can supplement forced air systems.

– An aqueous solution is a solution where the solvent is water.

– A very dense solution of a thallium compound was used to test minerals for specific gravity, but it is too toxic for use.

– There is no relativistic solution that always works for the movement of two or three things.

– The only solution then is to use DMU 3 car sprinter units.

– The solution adopted was electrical power, provided via a third rail beneath the train, but offset to the west of centre for clearance reasons.

– It reacts with bases to make tin oxide hydrate dissolves to make a clear solution again.

– The introduction of the phone torch, which was a runaway success as users found it a handy solution in case of power cuts, was also a major milestone during his time.

– The solution with the large amount of solute is called a concentrated solution; the solution with less solute is called a dilute solution.

– In welfare economics, the idea of Pareto efficiency is very simple: If there is no way of improving the situation of one person, without making that of another person worse, the solution found is Pareto-efficient.

– This behaviour is also used as a qualitative test for the presence of double or triple bonds in a molecule, since the reaction makes the permanganate solution colorless.

– Albert Einstein brought the solution of the problem to the attention of physicists, and presented it as a way to indirectly confirm the existence of atoms and molecules.

– If treatment such as hearing aids are needed for a patient, the audiologist will be able to help make the solution the best suited to the patient by customising the treatment depending on what the patient needs.

– Another solution to protect against a cylinder blowout is to install a “life jacket.” This is a device which, in the event of an excessive downward speed, clamps onto the cylinder and stops the car.

– But what makes it so significant is that it has the solution to every problem in the World.

– Extermination through labor was an important part of the Nazis’ Final Solution – their plan to kill all the Jews in Europe.

– In the number line, a closed shaded circle points out that it is included in the solution set.

– Electrolysis of a chlorite solution like sodium chlorite makes chlorine dioxide.

– Copper sulfate can be made by electrolysis of a solution of sulfuric acid with copper electrodes.

– The pH of the solution is measured throughout the titration, more accurately than with an indicator.

– ClearArmor provides a one-stop Technology and Process solution for NIST-Compliant CyberSecurity which strengthens cybersecurity as dictated by the Presidential Executive Order on Strengthening the Cybersecurity of Federal Networks and Critical Infrastructure in May 2017.

– Intense Pathfinding is a freeware solution that can add path-finding capabilities to levels created in Game Studio.

– But when things failed to get better, the people of Lydia thought up a strange solution for their problem.

– The only solution to the clan wars in Somalia is a working legal system, but the only group who has succeeded in creating one is the Islamic Courts Union.

– The problems are usually solved by creating and sending “brain gain”, a magic force that can correct the problems once the solution is understood.

– Excluded volume causes the ends of a polymer chain in a solution to be further apart than they would be were there no excluded volume.

– In most real life cases there is no way to get a solution that can be written down and a computer must be used to calculate the answer instead.

– Diffusion usually happens in a solution in gas, a liquid and occasionally colloids.

– When you substitute a number to a variable and the statement is not true then, the number is not a solution to the statement.

– Chloric acid and bromic acid only exist in solution and break down when crystallized.

– The pH of the solution changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it.

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