“solidified” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “solidified”:

– Canongate The lava contracted as it cooled and solidified into columns, a process known as columnar jointing.

– It is a solidified frothy lava, created when highly-heated, pressured molten rock is shot out from a volcano.

– The magma solidified and, after millions of years, the overlying rocks got uplifted and eroded, exposing the Palisades Sill as we see it.

– Chemists often melt the reactants together and then later anneal the solidified melt.

– This started to become a moot point by 1972, as most major record labels solidified a trend they had started in the 1960s by putting the same song on both sides of the singles it serviced to radio.

solidified - some sentence examples
solidified – some sentence examples

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