“soil” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “soil”:

+ A big glacier cuts through the soil and softer rock of the valley and piles up the rocks on either side, or pushes them in front of it.

+ When Florida was first being settled, farmers found out the soil there was fertile, so they drained some of the wetlands in 1882 for farming.

+ Species of “Penicillium” are ubiquitous soil fungi preferring cool and moderate climates, commonly present wherever organic material is available.

+ Their lips are sealed just behind the teeth to prevent soil from filling their mouths while digging.

+ The soil on the island was not good, so sometimes villages moved to newer, better soil.

+ The plant, the shape of the plant, as well as the arrangement of soil and the kind of pot used are important.

+ They relate to the flag, human spirit, and the soil of the homeland.

+ The greater portion of the city, comprising about 70%, is dominated by the Mandaue Clay Loam soil series.

soil some ways to use
soil some ways to use

Example sentences of “soil”:

+ A wave can wash up onto the surface of rock or soil and then carry away pieces of material as it flows back into the ocean or lake.

+ On top of the soil is an 8-inch layer of concrete.

+ Natural capital like soil and large healthy trees, which nature needs to make more of itself, is also useful to humans as natural resources.

+ Water running down from the hillsides often carries soil that spreads out across the valley, making flat land that is good for growing food crops and raising cattle and other animals.

+ Like other eastern sifakas, it eats mainly leaves and seeds, but also fruit, flowers, and even soil on occasion.

+ The fertile soil made it an attractive place for early settlement.

+ Soil erosion can remove soil, leaving a thin layer or rocky soil behind.

+ Its soil is fertile and the city is known for its horticulture produce and farming, of which the most celebrated is the mango cultivation with hundreds of varieties of mangoes produced each year.

+ Compared to concrete, the resisting force on medium-hard soil can be five to eight times greater, and on sand it can be ten to fifteen times greater.

+ The soil is abundant with clay deposits, which made it a brick-making center for the developing city of Chicago.

+ By knowing the soil and rock property below the planned construction site, the exact foundation material for the construction building can be properly designed to match with the character of the soil below it so that the building can stand strongly above the examined soil.

+ The Fukushima disaster forced 50,000 households to leave the evacuation zone because of radiation leaks into the air, soil and sea.

+ A wave can wash up onto the surface of rock or soil and then carry away pieces of material as it flows back into the ocean or lake.

+ On top of the soil is an 8-inch layer of concrete.

More in-sentence examples of “soil”:

+ Silt is soil or rock rock that developed from granular material of a specific grain size.

+ MB commandos were the only foreign armed force to operate on Chinese soil at that time.

+ The highest peaks of the Allgäu Alps are either on Austrian soil or on the Austro-German border.

+ Also, only those trees that have adapted to cold weather and poor soil can survive.

+ It was not until 43 AD, under the rule of List of Roman emperorsEmperor Claudius, that Roman forces landed on British soil at Richborough and took control of the land as far as the northern border.

+ The soil can be damaged by erosion, salt buildup, or loss of structure.

+ A bonsai grower checks the soil of every bonsai pot once every day.

+ In most plants, stems are above the soil surface but some plants have underground stems called stolons or rhizomes.

+ In 451, Aëtius called upon his Germanic allies on Roman soil to help fight off an invasion by Attila the Hun.

+ The ground surface was also damaged and soil erosion occurred.

+ There are five kinds of pollution of the environment: water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution and thermal pollution.

+ They have been used in the western Sahel area to make soil healthier and grow more plants.

+ This causes the soil to dry out, killing many local plants which the local animals need to survive.

+ The seeds may be planted as soon as the soil temperature reaches 10°C, with the plants growing best at temperatures of 13°C to 18°C.

+ This pure solvent rinse prevents discoloration caused by soil particles being absorbed back onto the garment surface from the “dirty” working solvent.

+ He took a handful of blood-stained soil and put it in the bottle.

+ Because the top soil freezes in the winter, they cannot burrow underground then, so they live under the snow during the colder months.

+ The soil in most of the country is not good enough to grow enough Cropcrops to feed people without any kind of fertilizer.

+ The plant lives off this food during the winter, protected from the cold by the soil above.

+ Plants grow best in Soil pHacidic, well-aerated, soils of pH5.5 to 6.3, with low levels of phosphorus.

+ An alluvial fan is a fan-shaped deposit of soil and rocks.

+ In the beginning, Pompey said he could defeat Caesar and raise armies merely by stamping his foot on the soil of Italy, but in the spring of 49BC, Caesar crossed the crossed the RubiconRubicon and his legions swept down the peninsula.

+ There are numerous Martyres sons which this soil gave to the motherland.

+ It means white gypsum soil which is found in the area.

+ In geology, permafrost is soil that stays at or below When permafrost melts, carbon dioxide is released which can be bad for the environment.

+ A soil has a “soil texture” and it has organic matter mixed in it.

+ These steps prevent water from washing away the soil and plants.

+ The original root of the dodder in the soil then dies.

+ Canyons can be formed by erosion by running water which will take rocks and soil away.

+ Environmental impacts also include reducing soil moisture and intensification of carbon dioxide emissions.

+ It grows well in moist soil and sunny or partly shaded places.

+ The MSL trophy was also brought to Jalan Besar Stadium as the LionsXII received it on home soil after the final whistle.

+ Is it usually very hard to farm in subarctic climates, because the soil is “infertile” and because of the many swamps and lakes that ice sheets make, and only very tough crops can survive the short growing seasons.

+ The purpose of this harrowing is generally to break up clods and to provide a finer finish, a good tilth or soil structure that is good for planting seeds.

+ Plants put roots into the soil to get the water and nutrients.

+ Then these plants move into the soil outside as the weather warms up.

+ Penetrometers are used on space probes such as the Cassini-Huygens probe, to measure the amount of moisture in soil on other planets.

+ The south side of the mountain is rocky while the soil of the north side is covered with ice because here starts a glacier, the “Glacier Blanc”.

+ Watson served as the State Extension Forage Specialist and Assistant Research Professor at Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at Mississippi State University between January 2004 to August 2006.

+ His political party was called the Free Soil Party.

+ If the soil has too much sand, the water will flow down into the earth.

+ Their coming coincides with an increase in fossil charcoal deposits, but they remained a minor component of the rainforest until about 20 million years ago, when the gradual drying of the continent and lessening of soil richness led to the growth of a more open forest type, with mainly “Casuarina” and “Acacia” trees.

+ Different weather makes the different soil textures different.

+ The ash from the burned plants goes into the soil and makes it fertile for a little while.

+ The amount of vitamin C in foods of plant origin depends on the kind of plant, the kind of soil where it grew, how much rain and sun it got, the length of time since it was picked, and how it was stored since then.

+ The animals added nitrogen to the soil with their urine and faeces.

+ The gold was alluvial gold, small pieces of gold mixed in with soil and clay close to the surface.

+ It can also tell about physical things such as soil types, vegetation, water sources, manmade structures like buildings and roads.

+ According to the Rocky Mountain Institute, sound biofuel production practices would not hamper food and fibre production, nor cause water or environmental problems, and would enhance soil fertility.

+ Silty soil has much smaller particles than sandy soil so it’s smooth to the touch.

+ Silt is soil or rock rock that developed from granular material of a specific grain size.

+ MB commandos were the only foreign armed force to operate on Chinese soil at that time.
+ The highest peaks of the Allgäu Alps are either on Austrian soil or on the Austro-German border.

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