“socialist” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “socialist”:

– Later it became the army of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

– Baltacha was born in Kiev, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist RepublicUkrainian SSR, Soviet Union to Olga and Sergei Pavlovich Baltacha.

– The Soviet’s supported him, so Honecker became the new leader, or “General Secretary”, of the Socialist Unity Party, replacing Walter Ulbricht.

– The Party of European Socialists, a European political party active in the European Parliament, is an associated organisation of the Socialist International.

– In the second round, he faced Socialist Candidate Ségolène Royal.

– He was President of VietnamPresident of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

– The city became part of Lithuania while it was a Soviet Socialist Republic.

– The ministry was founded on 13 March 1933, by Adolf Hitler’s new National Socialist government.

socialist in-sentences
socialist in-sentences

Example sentences of “socialist”:

– The main candidates are Nicolas Dupont-Aignan from Debout la France, Marine Le Pen from the National Front National Front, Socialist Party, Popular Republican Union and The Republicans.

– Marx also wrote the “Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844”, a critique of political economy in which he discusses topics such as labor wages, labor rent, and capital profit, and his ideas of how to change the economy, including proletarian socialist revolution and an eventual communist society.

– The slogan was common within the socialist movement.

– Ne Win founded the Burma Socialist Programme Party in 1962.

– The Armenian SSR Armenian languageArmenian: Հայկական ՍովետականՍոցիալիստական Հանրապետություն, Haykakan Sovetakan Sotsialistakan Hanrapetutyun; Russian: Армянская Советская Социалистическая Республика or Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia, came into being on 29 November 1920.

– Presidents of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

– The Socialist Republic of Serbia until 1963, was one of the six Constituent republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslaviaconstituent republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

– He was a member of the Hungarian Socialist Party.

– She was born in Kyiv, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, to a Jewish family.

– After Azerbaijan was Invasionoccupied by the became a part of the Soviet Union on 28 April, 1920 as the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.

– Bernard Cazeneuve is a French Socialist politician.

- The main candidates are Nicolas Dupont-Aignan from Debout la France, Marine Le Pen from the National Front National Front, Socialist Party, Popular Republican Union and The Republicans.

- Marx also wrote the "Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844", a critique of political economy in which he discusses topics such as labor wages, labor rent, and capital profit, and his ideas of how to change the economy, including proletarian socialist revolution and an eventual communist society.

– After the Allies took over Germany, the Soviets set up the German Democratic Republic in the east that that followed communism as a socialist state.

– After the split of the Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsSoviet Union, they played their first match against Moldova on 12 October 1992.

– The People’s Public Security Forces has the function of advising the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the protection of national security and preservation of social order and safety; To exercise unified management over the protection of national security and preserve social order and safety; To fight against the conspiracy, activities of hostile forces, assorted crimes and violations of the law on national security, social order and safety.

– In 1875 Cafiero went to Milan and joined the editorial staff of the first socialist daily paper, “La Plebe”, directed by Enrico Bignami.

– He renamed the party the National Socialist German Workers Party.

– Amadei was a member of the Italian Democratic Socialist Party.

– In 1974, he joined the Socialist Party.

– Ioannis Alevras was a GreeceGreek Panhellenic Socialist Movement politician.

– The new government in Russia was a democratic socialist government.

More in-sentence examples of “socialist”:

- On 13 March 1938, Seyß-Inquart joined the National Socialist party.

- Following many years of social unrest and political tension between the opposition-controlled Congress of Chile and the Socialist Party socialist President US President Richard Nixon.
- Became "President of the Presidency" of the Socialist Republic of Serbia on 8 May 1989.

– On 13 March 1938, Seyß-Inquart joined the National Socialist party.

– Following many years of social unrest and political tension between the opposition-controlled Congress of Chile and the Socialist Party socialist President US President Richard Nixon.

– Became “President of the Presidency” of the Socialist Republic of Serbia on 8 May 1989.

– Within the socialist movement, reformism is the view that gradual changes through existing institutions can eventually lead to fundamental changes in a society’s political and economic systems.

– It was one of the republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

– Constructivism as an active force lasted until around 1934, having a great deal of effect on the art of the Weimar Republic and elsewhere, before being replaced by Socialist Realism.

– Castro was a communist and he made Cuba the first socialist country of the Americas.

– The strike was the first unilateral attack by the United States military to intentionally target the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – Syria RegionBa’athist Syrian government forces during the war.

– In most socialist countries, people can choose if they want to be members of the pioneer movement or not.

– In 25 July 2007 She was elected Vice-President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at the first session of the Twelfth National Assembly.

– Standard Macedonian was started as the official language of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia.

– This was the beginning of the radical, Marxist, and socialist feminist groupings.

– The local council usually has a socialist majority.

– Isabel Allende Bussi is a Chilean Socialist Party politician.

– By the end of the 1980s, the Movement was facing the great challenge brought about by the collapse of the socialist block.

– Some people called him an SocialismAfrican socialist, but many Senegalese socialists thought he was not really socialist because he was supported by France He also started the Senegalese Democratic Bloc party.

– The roots can be traced back to socialist ideas developed in the 19th century, and to the 1917 October revolution.

– The Socialist Unity Party of Germany was the governing party of East Germany from 1949, when East Germany was created, until the elections of 1990.

– The change was based on Socialist principles, a middle and heavy industry were started.

– In 1969, he founded EDEK, the first Socialist political party of Cyprus.

– Samuel William “Sam” Watson was an Aboriginal AustraliansAboriginal Australian activist and a socialist politician.

– The Azerbaijani Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense were established again in 1991 with the second and final independence of Azerbaijan, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the Azerbaijani Armed Forces were formed out of the former Red ArmySoviet forces in the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic.

– She is a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party.

– The Red Army freed it and made it into the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

– A small part carried on as the International Socialist Commission.

– At 16 he was a member of the Socialist Workers Party.

– The republic was in fact named the “Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic”.

– The President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is the Executive branchexecutive commander-in-chief of the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.

– She was a Socialist Party SP candidate at the parliamentary elections for the first district of Yvelines in June 2007.

– This became the flag on December 2, 1975 when Laos became a socialist state.

– He was born in Smolensk, Western Oblast, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist RepublicRussian SFSR, Soviet Union.

– He was vice-president of the Socialist International from 1996 until his death.

– He was a co-founder of the Socialist Forces Front in 1963.

– Soon, the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic was proclaimed, under the leadership of Aleksandr Miasnikyan.

– They were one of the founders of the local Socialist Alliance groups, but they left in 2001.

– They wanted a less confrontational policy in foreign affairs and more socialist actions.

– Then it was transferred to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later to the short-lived Litbel.

– Like liberal feminists, socialist or Marxist feminists acknowledge that men are necessary as part of the movement for change.

– After the end of the GDR in 1990, the former Socialist Unity Party of Germany “Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands”.

– Franza was a member of the Italian Democratic Socialist Party.

– Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America and supports the democratic socialist name of the group as part of her political beliefs.

– In 1996, he became a founding member of the Socialist Party of Republika Srpska.

– He was a socialist in France.

– The long-form name of the country is the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

– He was the only Slovenian prime minister of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

– In particular, should the government use financial capital to make a profit? Traditionally, liberal politicians do not mind this kind of trading for profit, but socialist or conservative politicians are against it.

– He is a self-described democratic socialist and a member of Democratic Socialists of America.

– Some past examples of oligarchy are the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Apartheid South Africa.

– The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is a tropical island nation off the southeast coast of the Indian subcontinent.

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