“so that” use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “so that”:

– When it was first broadcast on TV, it was shown as a double-length episode, however it has been split into two separate episodes so that it can be shown as a repeat.

– I’d just like to make you guys aware of that, so that those of you who have no objection to your monthly stats being visible can opt in, either locally or globally.

– When finished, the line will connect all MRT lines, and will allow passengers to bypass the downtown area, so that the City Hall and Raffles Place interchange stations will be less crowded.

– He goes up to the top of a mountain to find ice so that he can preserve a persimmon but he could not find any ice.

– To do this, she kidnaps children from the Abbey and the area around it, so that if the woodlanders want their kids back, they’ll have to give her their abbey.

– When Leonardo was dying, he asked for a priest to come, so that he could make his confession and receive Holy Communion.

– In general, machines are also designed so that humans no longer need to lift heavy weights or do dangerous things.

– In the past, fishing has been so good for getting money that people began overfishing . Overfishing does not always mean extinction, but simply that a fish type has been harvested so that there cannot be as many of that kind of fish as before.

so that use in sentences
so that use in sentences

Example sentences of “so that”:

– Shinkai asked Noda to create the music so that it will go along with the speech of the characters.

– It is similar to playing harmonics on a string instrument by lightly touching the string at a certain point so that only part of the string vibrates.

– When they got to the borders of Camp half blood,Thalia made her final stand fighting monsters so that Luke, Grover and Annabeth could safely get into camp.

– To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary people can participate in the many decisions that affect their lives.

– Another example uses multiple X terminals so that multiple remote users can use X Window on a single machine.

– For this reason, the efforts and rituals of cargo cults are done so that the foreigners should get less of these goods and the cult members more of them.

– It was created by the International Phonetic Association in 1886, so that people could write down sounds of languages in a standard way.

– The latest model of the costume still has a human operator within, but the movement of the dome and eyestalk are now remotely controlled so that the operator can concentrate on the smooth movement of the Dalek and its arms.

– The two buckets in a tipping-bucket rain gauge rest on a pivot so that when one bucket has received 0.2 of rain it tips by gravity, empties the rainwater and allows the other bucket to start collection.

- Shinkai asked Noda to create the music so that it will go along with the speech of the characters.

- It is similar to playing harmonics on a string instrument by lightly touching the string at a certain point so that only part of the string vibrates.

– It is possible to connect an electrical device to a circuit so that electrical current will flow through a device.

– Some time in the last week or so, something changed so that the button on my watchlist page to mark all pages as visited doesn’t display.

– In early pianos, it was possible to press the pedal a little way so that the hammers hit two strings, then press it further so that they hit only one string.

– As Christopher Nolan’s debut feature, it was designed to be as inexpensive as possible to make: scenes were heavily rehearsed so that just one or two takes were needed, thus economising on 16 mm film stock, the production’s greatest expense, and for which Nolan was paying from his salary.

– When he was 14, he went to Hanover where he lived with his grandmother so that he could go to a Gymnasium school.

– She covered him in the carpet and dress so that it would look like she was simply trying to save her belongings from the fire.

– For these reasons, it may give a commercial advantage to add colors to food, so that it has the color expected or preferred by the customers.

More in-sentence examples of “so that”:

– If we are already putting tallies onto Requests for adminship after they get archived, why not have a tally right when someone posts up an RfA so that someone wouldn’t have to after the closing of the request? Opinions and thoughts on this are welcome.

– In Boston $5000 was raised so that he did not have to be shown off in public all the time.

– He gave the boat that was to be used for his expedition to George Simpson Sir George Simpson, Governor-in-Chief of Rupert’s Land so that Simpson could use in his travels in the region.

– It contains your name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder’s public key, and the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.

– This rate applies the model that was designed so that it was put together without using joining materials from the beginning.

– Robbie made the stadium with a wider field so that soccer and baseball could be played in the stadium.

– A violinist can place their finger very lightly on a string so that it divides the string into half.

– In Italy, spaghetti is made with a machine so that large amounts can be made quickly.

– When he was four he was playing the piano with cushions on the floor so that he could reach the pedals.

– It runs in an hour and outputs an exam schedule so that all students can do their exams in one week.

– He solved the epidemic by having the water pump’s handle removed so that the people would get water from some other place.

– These templates also allow a standard reference to be inserted, so that an explanatory note can have a reference, or citations can be nested.

– So much so that Barnum took the first steps in bankruptcy proceedings a few days after the tragedy.

– The US also made it so that the peasants ran to cities.

– Most washing machines are made so that detergent can be put into the machine.

– These neumes do not show the exact rhythms, so that we cannot always be sure of the way they were sung.

– It uses software to produce images, sounds, and other sensations to create a different place so that a user feels like he or she is really part of this other place.

– Sometimes, experiments can be made so that the reaction looks like a first-order one.

– A group of friends got together to give him money so that he could finish the two operas he was composing.

– It is often used for ships so that ship doesn’t get corroded and it is very stable due to its oxide coating.

– This is because, in the early days of the piano, the una corda pedal made all the hammers move over so that a hammer would only hit one string for each note instead of three.

– He married in 1931 and his wife worked hard to earn money so that he could spend his time composing.

– APTonCD will also allow the user to automatically create media with all of the.deb packages in one specific repository, so that the user can install them into other computers without the need for an internet connection.

– Normally, when you sign a talk page with four tildes:, you get a blue link, but now that you have made your own signature, you are ready to make it so that when you sign using four tildes, your new signature is used instead.

– After 380 to 390 years or so, the kidney-bean-shaped orbit approaches Earth again from the other side, and the Earth, once more, alters the orbit of Cruithne so that its period of revolution around the Sun is again slightly less than a year.

– Countries must protect them so that they can enjoy human rights equally.

– Often they are made so that the alcohol in them cannot be tasted easily.

– Cyrus also wanted the temple in Jerusalem to be built, so that the worship there could be begun again.

– On the south side of the river, the old Vaux Brewery site has been cleared so that new houses, shops and offices can be built close to the city centre.

– Eventually large companies were started to raise money so that deep gold mines could be built.

– They have attained a certain level of enlightenment, but decide not to enter Nirvana so that they can continue helping living beings in the world.

– However, he found some rich people who thought he was a good composer and paid him money so that he could have the time to compose.

– They are usually tuned so that playing each string in order sounds like playing all the white notes on a piano in order.

– Even so, differences in social status appeared in slight differences of design, material, and decoration, so that Koreans in those days could indirectly recognize the class, rank, educational level, and character of the owner of it by fashion style.

– The border was drawn again so that both sides of the Jordan river and the whole of the Sea of Galilee, including a 10-meter wide strip along the northeastern shore, were made a part of Palestine.

– Joseph is put in charge of collecting the extra food during the years of plenty so that Egypt can survive the famine.

– Don Carlos has gone to a monastery so that he can be quiet in his misery.

– The male can blow up this bulge, so that it is the size of its head.

– The sisters learned to grow up faster than they wanted to, so that they could support the family.

– Sometimes, voice-tracking is done so that people can do other jobs.

– He gave a promise to be the vassal of the Sultan and gave up his two younger sons as hostages so that he would keep his promise.

– If you aren’t reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready.

– There were two holes in the mask, filled with glass at eye level, so that the doctor could see properly.

– Politics is about making agreements between people so that they can live together in groups such as tribes, cities, or countries.

– Laws about copyright were created so that people who write books or songs or make web pages or movies could get money for their work.

– Users can install passwords on to their flash drives so that when a user tries to open it, the computer prompts the user, to enter a password before they can begin using the device.

– The “x” sound is made by placing the tongue so that the back of the tongue touches the soft palate and the sides and tip of the tongue touch the gums.

– Chemists then use ultrasound to activate the surface of the magnesium so that it consumes any water present.

– By travelling, an observer can come into contact with a greater region of space-time than an observer who remains still, so that the observable Universe for the former is larger than for the latter.

- If we are already putting tallies onto Requests for adminship after they get archived, why not have a tally right when someone posts up an RfA so that someone wouldn't have to after the closing of the request? Opinions and thoughts on this are welcome.

- In Boston $5000 was raised so that he did not have to be shown off in public all the time.
- He gave the boat that was to be used for his expedition to George Simpson Sir George Simpson, Governor-in-Chief of Rupert's Land so that Simpson could use in his travels in the region.

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