“so much” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “so much”:

+ He liked the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart so much that he changed his third name from Wilhelm to Amadeus.

+ They liked the idea so much that it became one of the main ideas for the story, the one thing that changes the character of Stitch, even though he was created to destroy.

+ This is a problem, because these sources tend to “simplify things so much that they are no longer completely accurate”.

+ With some medicines, like insulin, the acid in the stomach will change the medicine or break it down so much that it will not work.

+ It focused not so much on the mutiny itself as on what happened afterwards.

+ They were not so much interested in making their paintings look exactly like the real world, but preferred to paint things such as the effect of the sunlight shining on water.

so much in sentences?
so much in sentences?

Example sentences of “so much”:

+ They wanted people to like the art so much that they would think Protestantism was ugly and boring, and wouldn’t want to start being part of a Protestant church.

+ As they go back to their normal size, they do not press so much on the veins leading out of the penis.

+ The people loved him so much that they did not want the fish to eat his corpse.

+ The All whites have so much help by the fans, Ricki Herbert and Neil Emblen so I would like to celebrate them for all they have done and support.

+ In 1515 a Moorish explorer, El Wassan, reported that Rabat had declined so much that only 100 houses remained with people living in them.

+ If the required texts for either cover need so much space that they are not easily readable, you should put the first ones listed on the actual cover, and continue the rest on the following pages.

+ Butter cakes are high in fat because they contain so much butter.

+ Today, Williams’ prominence has led to a more wide association with the stage name “Vanessa Williams”, so much so that it has widely become only known to her.

+ She was a favourite of the future King, so much so that she had free access to the royal kitchens at the Pavilion.

+ He answered” Ummm…well, it’s a lot nicer to look at you in your tight t-shirts first out.” Goodman sounded startled when she replied, ” Thank you so much DC.

+ This upset Oba so much that he jumped into his father’s grave during the funeral in 1957 while gravediggers were covering the coffin with dirt.

+ I’m sorry for polluting this place with my nonsensical useless questions, but I know so much smart people around here are sure to be able to solve them.

+ They wanted people to like the art so much that they would think Protestantism was ugly and boring, and wouldn't want to start being part of a Protestant church.

+ As they go back to their normal size, they do not press so much on the veins leading out of the penis.
+ The people loved him so much that they did not want the fish to eat his corpse.

More in-sentence examples of “so much”:

+ Because so much of the country is desert, Libya has to import about 75% of its food.

+ Grouse, if not destroyed at some period of their lives, would increase in countless numbers; they are known to suffer largely from birds of prey; and hawks are guided by eyesight to their prey, so much so, that on parts of the Continent persons are warned not to keep white pigeons, as being the most liable to destruction.
+ In my opinion, these type of pages don't help the project right now, especially because we have so much vandalism and it takes too much time to fix.

+ Because so much of the country is desert, Libya has to import about 75% of its food.

+ Grouse, if not destroyed at some period of their lives, would increase in countless numbers; they are known to suffer largely from birds of prey; and hawks are guided by eyesight to their prey, so much so, that on parts of the Continent persons are warned not to keep white pigeons, as being the most liable to destruction.

+ In my opinion, these type of pages don’t help the project right now, especially because we have so much vandalism and it takes too much time to fix.

+ But because he encouraged so much support for the hatred and extermination of Jews, the prosecutors decided to try him for crimes against humanity.

+ Reed, he explained that the words inspired him so much he had to write music for them.

+ Einstein himself did not have the idea of a “black hole”, but later scientists used this name for an object in the universe that bends spacetime so much that not even light can escape it.

+ Initially the star attraction in the Restaurante Antonio in Covent Garden, Peña got so much interest that he soon found himself sharing concerts with stars.

+ Because of so much testing is done at this circuit, Formula One drivers and mechanics are extremely familiar with it.

+ Because they could make so much money, many Europeans came over to North America to play in the NHL.

+ The opera was very successful; Strauss made so much money with “Salome” that he could afford to buy a beautiful house in the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

+ You can pick up a DVD of the TV show, Film or Cartoon series and you would get so much pleasure from it.

+ How does China govern so much land? They needed a way to govern these foreigners.

+ There seems to be so much control over people these days”, he said in 2014.

+ Stu undergoes a makeover at a health spa after suffering from so much stress.

+ And to expand a little bit, I believe this right is necessary as there has been a significant increase in xwiki vandalism/LTAs that compromise the project, one in particular has done so much damage to a specific category of BLPs that most of the good faith reverts back to “good” versions are still reverts back to one of his hundreds of IP socks.

+ There are usually no Higgs bosons around because it takes so much energy to make one.

+ It is good to see that sustainability features so much in both the council’s Local development plan It would be interesting to revisit this in the next five year and to see what goals featured in the corporate plan have been met and in particular developments on the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Colwyn Bay.

+ University of California, Santa Barbara He was a strong believer in the law of use and disuse—that an individual will slowly, over time, favor an anatomical part of its body so much that it will become stronger and larger as time progresses down the generations.

+ The planet is axial tilttilted on its axis so much that it is sideways.Its north and south poles, therefore, lie where most other planets have their equators.

+ In 1975, she lost so much weight that she became ill.

+ He also wrote two oratorios, including “Mors et vita” which Queen Victoria liked so much that she asked for it to be played in the Royal Albert Hall in 1886.

+ And there’d be a bunch of editors involved all at once so the quality would be so much better than what we’ve got at the moment, which is pretty much just one editor proposing hooks that have issues but never get reviewed.

+ There was so much damage in 1999 that repairing it would cost a lot of money.

+ Someone named Harland Howard was impressed by them so much he decided to help her get a contract.

+ The loss of his friend affected him and the band so much that they decided to perform the song “One More Light” in his memory at the “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Show in Los Angeles, rather than perform a more commercially viable song from the album.

+ This upset Adrienne so much that she quit as her role of Alana on “That’s So Raven”.

+ When he was a young man he came to England and he liked it so much that he soon visited England again and stayed there for the rest of his life, becoming a naturalised Englishman says the legend.

+ It is not used so much by biologists, who use more accurate terms.

+ The reason such a small fish can make so much slime is because the slime comes out in strings that quickly swell up much bigger when they are in the water.Their unusual way of eating and their slime has made many people call the hagfish the most “disgusting” of all sea creatures.

+ I have caused so much talk today…

+ Apparently, in early flamenco, women did not do so much footwork, and male dancers used to fill in the steps while sitting on chairs, unseen in the wings.

+ James WattWatt and his partner Matthew Boulton got substantial royalties because their machines saved so much on fuel bills.

+ This became a problem when many people drank themselves to death, because gin was cheap to make and contained so much alcohol.

+ Some others felt their songwriting had improved so much it was no longer unrecognizable.

+ Quickly, Younha’s Japanese skills advanced so much that she surprised even the staff around her.

+ Some groups received so much money that they did not need more and told donors to go to other groups.

+ Carpenters usually make very good foremen on larger jobs as they deal with so much of the project from ground up.

+ People needed the plants so much that the god Jupiter made Pluto give her up.

+ The capacitor slowly loses energy, and if the DRAM is not refreshed, in the end one or more of the capacitors will let so much energy out, that for example a 1 will become a 0, so data will be lost or corrupted.

+ When his friends entered his flat after he died, there was so much mess that they had to throw away two cartloads of rubbish before they could get at his papers and manuscripts.

+ On 4 January that year, his jet powered boat lifted into the air, and was slammed back into the water with so much force, that Campbell died immediately, but his body was not found until 34 years later.

+ The 737 was changed so much by the 737NG program that it is almost like a new aircraft.

+ Reefs that did not keep pace became “drowned reefs”, covered by so much water that there was insufficient light for further survival.

+ I click the number excitedly, wondering how so much hooks got up on that page so fast and find that there are less, as usual.

+ Soon, the geisha became so much more popular than the were created in Kyoto and other cities.

+ Legend says Queen Elizabeth I liked the character of Falstaff so much that she wanted to see him in love, and begged Shakespeare to continue his adventures after the two parts of “Henry IV”.

+ Copper is used very often as a conductor because it is a very good conductor and there is so much of it in the world.

+ Since they are made of quarks, composite particles are not so much hard balls, but rather like clouds that contain these quarks.

+ This made iPlayer a lot more popular and easier to use, so much so that 3.5 million programmes were viewed in a fortnight.

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