“so long” in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “so long”:

– I think this is part of the reason this has been put off for so long – it is one hell of a headache to clean up.

– On, Kingdom of RomaniaRomania and the signed a treaty that allowed Russian troops to pass through Romanian land, so long as the Russians respected the integrity of the Romanians.

– Arbace says that Neptune would be happy if another victim could be sacrificed so long as Idamante is sent into exile.

– Breeding habitats in Russia are similar, though they can even be found nesting in the steppe and in semi-desert, so long as water is near.

– Hello there all! Sorry to have been away for so long again, but I just felt like I needed more time off from this site.

– Billy is shocked, but thinks he himself will not be treated like that so long as he obeys the ship’s rules.

so long in-sentences
so long in-sentences

Example sentences of “so long”:

– However, along with calcium-46, it is theoretically unstable but with a half-life so long it has never been observed to decay.

– As with all such Star Trek fan productions, permission to use copyrighted and trademarked properties from the original series are allowed so long as the production is not-for-profit.

– Bernard Kouchner, a French public official, has denounced the USA’s extradition request as “sinister” because it came so long after the event.

– Szell agreed to do this so long as they always did exactly what he wanted.

– It is within one’s rights to license those contributions under any terms one prefers, so long as one does it in addition to also being covered under the GFDL.

– Note that alternative accounts are not forbidden, so long as they are not used in violation of the policies.

– Who has written the material should be irrelevant so long as these policies are closely adhered to.

- However, along with calcium-46, it is theoretically unstable but with a half-life so long it has never been observed to decay.

- As with all such Star Trek fan productions, permission to use copyrighted and trademarked properties from the original series are allowed so long as the production is not-for-profit.
- Bernard Kouchner, a French public official, has denounced the USA's extradition request as "sinister" because it came so long after the event.

– In other words, a player can change his mind so long as his own clock is running.

– According to the 2004 plan, natural wildfires are allowed to burn, so long as fire size, weather and potential danger are within limits.

– The reason scientists had not thought of this idea for so long is that strings are much harder to work with than points.

– He did not care who it was he married, so long as it would make him look respectable.

More in-sentence examples of “so long”:

– It is very unusual for people to mention such dates so long ago, so when we really mean this date, we must specify a 4 digit date.

– Many European composers at the beginning of the 20th century felt that the system of tonality had been used for so long that it was time to do create a new approach and try something different.

– The geographical character of the district north and north-east of the elbow of Orontes makes it the perfect natural centre of Syria, so long as that country is held by a western power; and only Asiatic, and especially Arab, dynasties have neglected it for the oasis of Damascus.

– In some stories, the tail is so long because the baby bear was held by the tail and spun around the pole.

– Much that’s talked about above is not really our business, though obviously it’s good to help young users so long as it doesn’t interfere with our main object.

– Even if the coverage is limited, so long as the coverage is about the topic and can be sourced, then it is notable, yes? All these articles had sourcing and therefore, I think, should not have been deleted at all.

– The himation was so long that it went down to the knees, or it could also be longer.

– Since it lasts so long in the body, it can be a problem being sure if someone is high.

– It was supposedly named after the French Catholic priest Louis Bourdaloue, whose sermon were so long that women brought “Bourdaloue” so they could urinate without having to leave.

– However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

– However, technically, it is simple to arrange so long as a good local health service is present.

– Sorry this is so long but verifiable references are the key to WP.

– They sometimes are so long that they touch the ground.

– The bacterial infection theory that for so long had held sway in this field was again shown to be unimportant in another 2003 study from the University of Washington team led by Dr Lee and Professor Richard Berger.

– Members of the community are free to do as they please, so long as their actions do not cause any harm to others, according to Neill’s principle “Freedom, not Licence”.

– The storm is compact, so Long Island is largely not affected by Carol.

– They could do this because the Belgians had fought so long at Liège.

– The happiness pump is a person who has taken utilitarianism too far and will give themselves lots of pain so long as they believe it makes other people somewhere in the world much happier.

– There is, however, a precedent that was set with the promotion of the sub-stub Tropical Depression Ten article: if everything is done right, and all criteria are met, then the article should get the gold star, so long as all information available to the reader is presented in the article.

– This is fine so long as the player has time to pick the bow up again when it goes back to arco.

– He said, “I am very sorry it is taking me so long to die.

– Orkney and Shetlands spoke Old Norse languageOld West Norse because they were so long part of the Norse overseas settlements.

– She loved Tchaikovsky’s music and promised him that she would pay him a lot of money every month so long as he promised her that he would never try to meet her.

– He said to Nikolay Krestinsky in June 1925, as recorded in his diary: “I had said I would not come to conclude a treaty with Russia so long as our political situation in the other direction was not cleared up, as I wanted to answer the question whether we had a treaty with Russia in the negative”.

– Eventually, she agreed to marry him so long as he promised that he tell no one about her.

– One can tell from the key signature what key a piece is in so long as one knows whether it is major or minor.

– They should start when they reach the age of puberty, so long as they are healthy.

– Since I am no longer going to be using this bot, I would like to request that its’ bot flag be removed so long as it can be reinstated immediately upon request when I need it again.

– Federal law and treaties, so long as they are in accordance with the Constitution, preempt conflicting state and territorial laws in the 50 U.S.

– That such a creature could have been unrecorded for so long is rare, but perhaps the cold depths of the West Indian ocean, and the few predators it has, may have helped the species survive.

– Alkyl groups have this formula: C, where n can be any number so long as it is the same one.

– Other schools, especially private schools, may have a formal uniform, or they may be free to choose their own clothes so long as they are the school colour.

– A game of cricket is won by the team with more runs at the end of the game, so long as the team with fewer runs has completed all of its innings.

– They can adapt to any dense plant community so long as there is cover and openings to fly out.

– The heterozygote has a permanent advantage so long as malaria exists; and it has existed as a human parasite for a long time.

– Nevertheless, Congress remains free to enact any legislation for the District so long as constitutionally permissible, to overturn any legislation by the city government, and technically to revoke the city government at any time.

– They last so long as they are the best explanation.

– For not so long after, the Siamese attacked the new palace and razed it down.

– Any combination of eye color is fine in the breed standard, so long as the eyes are healthy.

– After the stomach has been left empty for so long the body starts to give up.

– He had only stayed so long so that he could prove that Elsa was innocent.

– It was well received and nearly every scene received an encore, which made the performance so long that the Emperor did not like this and wanted it to stop.

– In that case the predator will reject it so long as the prey advertises its defence.

– The term institutionalisation means when someone has lived in a hospital for so long that they cannot cope with living outside of it.

– However, there are some places, especially in opera, where it can be effective so long as it is not done all the time.

– Some writers restrict the terms “Naturalism” and “Realism” for use as labels for period styles of the middle and late nineteenth century in Europe and America, thus making available the terms “naturalism” and “realism” all lowercase, for tendencies of art of any period so long as the works strive for an accurate representation of the visible world.

– Nobody knows why exactly, because it was so long ago.

- It is very unusual for people to mention such dates so long ago, so when we really mean this date, we must specify a 4 digit date.

- Many European composers at the beginning of the 20th century felt that the system of tonality had been used for so long that it was time to do create a new approach and try something different.

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