“so long as” use in-sentences

How to use in-sentence of “so long as”:

– Szell agreed to do this so long as they always did exactly what he wanted.

– This is fine so long as the player has time to pick the bow up again when it goes back to arco.

– She loved Tchaikovsky’s music and promised him that she would pay him a lot of money every month so long as he promised her that he would never try to meet her.

– They last so long as they are the best explanation.

– King Edward offered Scotland a deal which allowed them to have a Scottish king so long as King Edward was still in charge.

so long as use in-sentences
so long as use in-sentences

Example sentences of “so long as”:

- The heterozygote has a permanent advantage so long as malaria exists; and it has existed as a human parasite for a long time.

- Even if the coverage is limited, so long as the coverage is about the topic and can be sourced, then it is notable, yes? All these articles had sourcing and therefore, I think, should not have been deleted at all.

– The heterozygote has a permanent advantage so long as malaria exists; and it has existed as a human parasite for a long time.

– Even if the coverage is limited, so long as the coverage is about the topic and can be sourced, then it is notable, yes? All these articles had sourcing and therefore, I think, should not have been deleted at all.

– Breeding habitats in Russia are similar, though they can even be found nesting in the steppe and in semi-desert, so long as water is near.

– Who has written the material should be irrelevant so long as these policies are closely adhered to.

– On, Kingdom of RomaniaRomania and the signed a treaty that allowed Russian troops to pass through Romanian land, so long as the Russians respected the integrity of the Romanians.

– He said to Nikolay Krestinsky in June 1925, as recorded in his diary: “I had said I would not come to conclude a treaty with Russia so long as our political situation in the other direction was not cleared up, as I wanted to answer the question whether we had a treaty with Russia in the negative”.

– It is within one’s rights to license those contributions under any terms one prefers, so long as one does it in addition to also being covered under the GFDL.

– Federal law and treaties, so long as they are in accordance with the Constitution, preempt conflicting state and territorial laws in the 50 U.S.

– As with all such Star Trek fan productions, permission to use copyrighted and trademarked properties from the original series are allowed so long as the production is not-for-profit.

– Since I am no longer going to be using this bot, I would like to request that its’ bot flag be removed so long as it can be reinstated immediately upon request when I need it again.

– However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

– They can adapt to any dense plant community so long as there is cover and openings to fly out.

– However, there are some places, especially in opera, where it can be effective so long as it is not done all the time.

– Other schools, especially private schools, may have a formal uniform, or they may be free to choose their own clothes so long as they are the school colour.

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