“snow” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “snow”:

– The Fire country, Snow peak cultivated proven people.

– With the power of love, Elsa stops the icy spell over Arendelle, and all of Arendelle live happily ever after, including Olaf, who is able to see summer with a snow flurry over his head to keep the summer heat from melting him.

– Because Goodland has a higher elevation, Goodland has stronger wind and more snow than other places in Kansas.

– Because snow and ice reflect heat but water and land absorb heat, this causes the glacier to melt faster as more snow and ice is melted.

– They become stronger, and drop snow on the areas it moves into.

snow some example sentences
snow some example sentences

Example sentences of “snow”:

– Alberta is very cold in the winter and has a lot of snow during the very cold season.

– The blizzard dumped over 17 inches of snow on Cambridge, and Ocean city, on the immediate coast saw several inches of drenching rain and even thunderstorms.

– This type of system was a consequence of the work of John Snow on the mid-19th century cholera plagues in London.

– He was given a choice by the Magic Mirror to pick either Cinderella, Snow White or Princess Fiona for his future wife.

– Even ice and snow can melt outside during winter.

– It even dropped snow over some areas of Eastern Quebec and Labrador.

– Most of the snow falls between November and April with an average snow depth between 0.1 and 0.4inches.

– Shackleton and his men dragged their lifeboats over many miles of snow and ice to reach sea.

– The weather in Rochester is warm in the summer and cold in the winter, with a lot of snow falling in the winter and early spring.

– Inaccessible Island and the Nightingale Islands are located ; it is covered by snow in winter.

– Only two to four inches of snow was expected The blizzard lasted for a total of 38 hours.

– He played Jon Snow in the Home Box Office television series “Game of Thrones”.

– The effect of mountain chains on winds is to carry warm air belonging to the lower region into an upper zone, where it expands and loses heat, and drops snow or rain.

– The animation team had to travel to a snowy area in Wyoming so that they could study the behavior of snow and simulate that with a computer.

- Alberta is very cold in the winter and has a lot of snow during the very cold season.

- The blizzard dumped over 17 inches of snow on Cambridge, and Ocean city, on the immediate coast saw several inches of drenching rain and even thunderstorms.
- This type of system was a consequence of the work of John Snow on the mid-19th century cholera plagues in London.

More in-sentence examples of “snow”:

– It starts with an old woman telling a story about snow to her granddaughter.

– Afghanistan has snow and glaciers in the mountains.

– Virginia saw mainly heavy snow except for the South and the coastline.

– He slept in snow igloos.

– She played Cindy Snow in the sitcom “Three’s Company” and Jamie Ewing in the soap “Dallas”.

– They could build an igloo out of snow bricks in just a couple of hours.

Snow, hail, and rain are kinds of precipitation. The city usually gets about of snow every year.

– It also assesses the risk of avalanches, gives early warning of avalanches, and assesses mountain snow conditions in general.

– The total wild population of the snow leopard was estimated in 2008 as 4,510 to 7,350 individuals.

– In 1837 Snow began working at the Westminster Hospital.

– There are snow storms between September and May.

– The snow leopard was not thought closely related to the “Panthera” or other living big cats.

– The blizzard caused more than 14 inches of snow in Tulsa and Oklahoma City as well as strong winds.

– Boston’s location on the North Atlantic OceanAtlantic moderates its temperature, but makes the city very likely to suffer from Nor’easter storm systems that can produce much snow and rain.

– About 14 to 20 inches of snow fall each year with some of the higher elevations getting 50 inches each winter.

– He took office as the director of the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research on July 1, 2012.

– Some roofs are sloped, or pitched, so the rain and snow fall off easily.

Snow plows are used to remove snow from roads to make driving easier and safer.

– The release of Snow Leopard introduced several bugs into Snow Leopard, with regard to iCal alarms.

– The mountains get a good deal of snow in the winter.

– However, high winds can cause the blowing of snowfall, and the accumulation of snow amounts to about per year.

– Also in 1990, The Weather Channel began including snow condition reports at five minutes after the hour.

– There are some famous winter “ice festivals” with elaborate snow and ice sculptures.

– When someone steps on the snow with algae, the footprints look red.

– Here it is very cold in winter with a lot of snow but with gentle warm summers.

– In Connecticut, towns are responsible for all local government activities, including fire and rescue, snow removal and schools.

– It does not snow much in Charlotte.

– Thick pack ice and snow cover almost all of this ocean in winter, and most of it in summer.

– John Snow investigated the causes of the 19th Century Cholera epidemics.

– Brittany Anne Snow is an AmericansAmerican television and movie actress and singer.

– Based on the story “The Adventures of PinocchioPinocchio: Tale of a Puppet” by Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”.

– They can create heavy rain and snow showers.

– The town has many mountains, with a lot of snow in the winter.

– Heather is an important food source for various sheep and deer which can graze the tips of the plants when snow covers low growing vegetation.

– The snow was so deep that the wagon wheels became stuck, so they could not move anyplace.

– Greensboro saw 5 inches of snow after heavy rain.

– The lake and the river leading from it all come from melted snow high in the mountains.

– It receives 20 inches of snow a year on average.

– These are always in a cold, mountainous place because the sports are all snow and ice sports such as skiing.

– Early mills were taken to the forest, where a temporary shelter was built, and the logs were skidded to the nearby mill by horse or ox teams, often when there was some snow to provide lubrication.

– Scientists saw it in both Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, on the Snow Mountains, Hunstein Mountains, Huon Peninsula, and Mount Obree.

– Ice algae and snow algae are algae and cyanobacteria which grow on long-lasting snow and ice fields like glaciers.

– Some resorts have fish houses that are rented out by the day; often, shuttle service by Snow Track or other vehicles modified to drive on ice is provided.

– Although it must be cold in order for snow to fall, it is not frozen rain, but it is a cluster of many crystals falling from the clouds.

– However they are still relatively unsure how thick the sea ice is, in part because it is unclear how much snow is resting on the ice at any one time.

– This is, in part, why the Ocala/Marion County area is called “the kingdom of the sun.” The last snowfall of any significance fell on December 24, 1989, when the city was struck by an ice and snow storm.

– He studied at Snow CollegeSnow Community College in Ephraim, Utah and Iowa State University.

- It starts with an old woman telling a story about snow to her granddaughter.

- Afghanistan has snow and glaciers in the mountains.
- Virginia saw mainly heavy snow except for the South and the coastline.

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