“snap” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “snap”:

+ On the sea, El Capitan and Glomgold snap up the boat and leave the heroes in a life-boat.

+ In the snap general election, Labour under Corbyn gained 32 seats and increased its share of the popular vote to 40%, though the Conservative Party remained in government.

+ More than one player may be in motion before the snap of the ball and the rules are less strict about players position relative to the line of scrimmage.

+ The best way to break them is to snap the hoop with a long-handled bolt cutter.

+ That Man that shall snap his Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a Cap to his Pipe, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall suffer the same Punishment as in the former Article.

snap some ways to use
snap some ways to use

Example sentences of “snap”:

+ It would swim through schools of fish and use its long neck and sharp teeth to snap them up.

+ This makes it much easier to squash, break and snap than a normal ice cube in a drink.

+ Inside the leaves, there are very sensitive, tiny hairs which cause the leaves to snap shut when they are touched.

+ Manning is also famous for his yelling and pointing before the snap while making last-second changes.

+ Other finger-based techniques include slap-and-pop, in which the player strikes the lower-pitched strings firmly with their thumb, and pulls higher-pitched strings upwards and lets them snap against the fretboard, and tapping, in which the player hammers downward with their fingertips on the fretboard.

+ It may have rooted in soil for underground plant parts like roots and tubers, pulled down branches to snap them and reach leaves, or stripped soft bark from tree trunks.

+ Some boxer shorts have openings with a snap button for using the toilet.

+ This means that unless a snap election is called before 2019, the next general election will be the first to use boundaries based on the 2018 census.

+ It would swim through schools of fish and use its long neck and sharp teeth to snap them up.

+ This makes it much easier to squash, break and snap than a normal ice cube in a drink.
+ Inside the leaves, there are very sensitive, tiny hairs which cause the leaves to snap shut when they are touched.

+ Esquivel also called a snap 1998 United Democratic Party leadership election and convention on 28 August 1998.

+ A way to explain it would be that if “regular hip hop” was on the middle of a number line, gangsta rap, crunk, and snap would be on one side, and alternative hip hop would be on the other.

+ On 18 April 2017 Theresa May surprised people by saying she wanted to have a snap general election on 8 June.

+ The filaments snap upward flinging pollen out in less than half a millisecond.

+ A muzzle silencer is also ineffective in reducing the snap of a supersonic bullet, or the noise produced by the mechanical action of a self-loading firearm.

+ Since the current government is a Federal minority governments in Canadaminority government, the election may be held before the scheduled date if Parliament is dissolved by the snap election.

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