“skin” some ways to use

How to use in-sentence of “skin”:

– Scientists are not sure whether breaching is done to play, to clean the whale’s skin of things that are stuck to it, or to tell other whales something.

– They shed their skin in patches like other lizards, rather than the whole skin as most snakes do.

– Horsehide is a tough leather made from the skin of horses.

– There is an enormous muscle that is just beneath the skin and covers the entire body.

– Worgen : Bonus to skinning skill, may skin without skinning knife, increased shadow and nature resistance, bonus critical chance, may move faster for a short period of time.

skin some ways to use
skin some ways to use

Example sentences of “skin”:

– The skin lesions are usually purple in color.

– Other frogs have spikes inside their skin to protect from predators.

– Sebaceous glands are involved in skin problems such as oily skin, acne, and keratosis pilaris.

– When skin is sunburned it is not good to get a wax treatment.

– It is made of epitheliumepithelial cells, skin cells, and moisture.

– Ripe fruit has orange skin and lime green, jelly-like flesh.

– It also protects the skin of ear and protects ear from insects, water, fungi and bacteria.

– The wind blowing over your skin removes body heat.local winds are the winds that blow over short distances.

- The skin lesions are usually purple in color.

- Other frogs have spikes inside their skin to protect from predators.
- Sebaceous glands are involved in skin problems such as oily skin, acne, and keratosis pilaris.

– One of the greatest pains in reattachment is just after surgery, when the blood pools under the skin and is very painful.

– A shallow or short latch causes the nipple skin to press against the hard bones in the top of the baby’s mouth.

– And the compressed air and electrical machinery, such as moving suyonggi using a small pin and, in fact, feels like touching the skin and is passed to implement the reality of the situation is almost similar to the environment.

– A burn is an injury to a person’s skin or even flesh.

– Apart from these glands, their skin is dry, and that is an adaptation to drier habitats.

– The skin is not white; it is black.

More in-sentence examples of “skin”:

– It occurs on our skin normally.

– The slim body, blunt snout, and tough skin helps the whitetip reef shark hunt successfully in these small spaces.

– Taniguchi died of lung cancerlung and skin cancer on August 30, 2017 in Nagasaki at the age of 88.

– In a television interview with Oprah Winfrey in 1993 he said he had a rare skin condition called vitiligo.

– During his meditation practice he ate mostly nettle soup which made his skin turn green, and wore only a single cotton robe.

– First, the azuki beans are boiled until the azuki skin stretches.

– Their skin looks like warts.

– In order to do this, they must stay moist, and do so by lubricating their skin with glands along their bodies.

– Facial air sacs under their skin help protect the impact with the water.

– Groups closer to the equator typically produce more melanin, and thus have darker skin to protect from the increased solar radiation.

– Ultraviolet light damages the DNA in skin cells.

– The default skin is named MonoBook.

– It is commonly believed that sebum acts to save skin from drying or to waterproof hair and skin.

– Before the paddles are used, gel must be applied to the patient’s skin so that there is a good connection and to minimise electrical resistance.

– Older people are also prone, because aging skin makes less D, even with enough sunlight.

– Our eye, hair and skin color are decided by genes.

– They are easy to transport because each orange comes in its own tough skin which acts as a container.

– Thomas and Walala joined the skin name is “Tjapangati”.

– Roman chamomile can be be used directly on to the skin for pain and swelling and is used to treat cracked nipples.

– The sebaceous glands are microscopemicroscopic the skin and hair.

– Exposure symptoms include coughing, chest pain, asthma, shortness of breath and skin damage.

– It is hard for doctors to diagnose syphilis just from the signs and symptoms that happen early on, because many diseases can cause skin sores and rashes.

– The most common reasons are injuries to the skin that allow bacteria to get into the bloodstream and tampons.

– This thin membrane of skin stretches between each finger bone, connects to the bat’s ankle, and connects to the bat’s tail.

- It occurs on our skin normally.

- The slim body, blunt snout, and tough skin helps the whitetip reef shark hunt successfully in these small spaces.

– Sebum and dead skin cells can mix with a type of Microorganismgerm called pores in the skin.

– The tip of the penis is usually pink or red color even if the penis side skin is dark.

– Embalming is different from taxidermy, where only the skin is preserved.

– The skin of its back has long dark marks across it.

– He committed suicide by hanging himself with his snake skin belt.

– Their skin is smooth and usually dark in colour.

– The skin is able to keep some toxins from getting into the body.

– Transplants of skin from one person to another is limited by tissue rejection caused by the immune system.

– The first platypus specimen arrived in England in 1799 in the form of a skin of a dead platypus, so biologists could study it.

– Werner Himstedt has shown that the skin glands of “Ichthyophis” protects the eggs from germs and fungi.

– Just wondering if anyone has any fixes for Twinkle, Vandal warner and other javascripty things to go with the Vector skin – none of those work with what is otherwise a brilliant skin, and so i’m being forced to use Crap-o-book.

– Their skin is ice-cold.

– This includes people born in different areas of the world, with different religions, lifestyles, education levels, body types, skin colors, sexualities, incomes, jobs, and physical abilities.

– They subsequently excavated “Roberta”, an almost complete slender skeleton, and “Peanut”, a partially preserved juvenile with some skin impressions.

– Necrotizing fasciitis is a major, but rare, condition that affects deep layers of human skin and tissues.

– Estimating weight is most easily done with the laser scan skeleton technique that puts a “virtual” skin over it, but even this is only an estimate.

– Zest is the outer skin of citrus fruit.

– This disease causes the skin to be sensitive to sunlight. A person with this disorder must always stay out of the sun, or they will get a sunburn. People with this disease are often called a “Moon child” because they can only go outside during the night.

– She starred alongside Antonio Banderas in Pedro Almodóvar’s “The Skin I Live In”, for which she won the 26th Goya AwardsGoya award for Best Actress.

– In many species the mouthparts of the females are adapted for piercing the skin of animal hosts and sucking their blood as ectoparasites.

– Today, most leather is made from the skin of cattle, which makes up about 65% of all the leather made.

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