“size” in sentences?

How to use in-sentence of “size”:

+ Sufferers of the bubonic plague develop fevers, severe flu symptoms and buboes that could swell to the size of an average apple.

+ If given, specifies a font size for the labels.

+ They think that these ultra-dense objects are formed when giant stars, at least three times the size of our sun, die.

+ There are only a few pictures of this bird, and as can be seen from its shape and size in these pictures, the wings and jump are red and yellow are golden, and its general size is like an eagle.

+ The maximum size of the most common species, “C.

+ The move is often used to show the size and strength of the wrestler, with the larger wrestler challenging to run off the ropes and hit the move.

+ Rice designations of Superfino, Semifino and Fino refer to the size and shape of the grains, and not the quality.

size in sentences?
size in sentences?

Example sentences of “size”:

+ The large memory size of newer flash drives means that they are increasingly being used for short term backup of data.

+ They vary in size from low shrubs to tall trees, which grow to between twenty and forty metres tall.

+ The large memory size of newer flash drives means that they are increasingly being used for short term backup of data.

+ They vary in size from low shrubs to tall trees, which grow to between twenty and forty metres tall.

+ The grounds consists of a gym, baseball field, combined use, soccer and rugby field, track-and-field, 7 tennis courts, outdoor Olympic size swimming pool.

+ After the artist had drawn the design onto the surface of the size in thin green or brown paint, he would put the paint on in layers, building up the colours bit by bit.

+ This species is one of the largest of all crocodilian species, approaching the saltwater crocodile and the Nile crocodile in maximum size – males reach at least 5 metres in length, and often approach 6 metres.

+ The male on the right is easily noticed; his colouring and size are secondary sexual characteristics.

+ Other changes, such as changing the size of an image, are described in notes on the side.

+ The size of the painting is 91 x 73.5cm.

+ The evidence to support this idea, however, is ambiguous and the effect may depend on the dose size and dosing regime.

+ Webb resigned in 1988 after refusing to agree to reduce the size of the Navy.

+ Jumbo’s enormous size caused scientists to think he was a separate species of elephant.

+ This concern was evident in the various state ratifying conventions, where several specifically requested an amendment to secure a minimum size for the House of Representatives.

+ The size and complexity of the brain suggested that Remipedia might be the sister taxon to Malacostraca, regarded as the most advanced crustaceans.

+ The size of the force on the water equals the size of the force on the fish; the direction of the force on the water.

More in-sentence examples of “size”:

+ One reason for this may be that it is more difficult to compare the size of items in a chart when area is used instead of length.

+ The modal size of a standard stable troop would be 6 individuals.

+ List the camera’s still photo resolution in megapixels, the maximum image size in pixels, zoom capabilities, autofocus.

+ Census Bureau says that the county has an area of It is the biggest county by size in Kansas.

+ The method does not allow for the huge size increase possible with implants, and slim women may not have enough fat tissue to allow the method to be used.

+ It depends the size of the balloon to carry that much weight.

+ The diversity of size in breweries is matched by the diversity of processes, degrees of automation, and kinds of beer produced in breweries.

+ A fire hose might have an intensity of 100 buckets of water per minute per open window of a certain size in a burning building.

+ In the problems he analyzed, the sample size might be as low as three.

+ KwaZulu-Natal is about in area, making it about the same size as Portugal.

+ In 2008 the stadium size was increased from 13,500 to 24,000 seats.

+ The name “Middle East” does not always have the same meaning, and the size of the area is not always the same.

+ With real numbers, multiplication gives the area of a rectangle where the first number is the same as the size of one side, and the second number is the same as the size of the other side.

+ This is about the same as executive size in the United States.

+ The average household size was 2.12 and the average family size was 2.43.

+ New materials are possible with nano size structures.

+ And because we measure an angle, it doesn’t matter what size the sphere is, it will always measure 4π steradians.

+ The small capacitor size required for the defibrillator can result in large cost and size savings.

+ In a field of flowers, Thumbelina meets a tiny flower-fairy prince just her size and to her liking.

+ As the Ottoman Empire grew in size and strength, Ottoman rulers beginning with Selim I began to claim Caliphal authority.

+ The VA represents the smallest size that can be reliably identified.

+ Their size can be as small as 20mm to as big as 200mm.

+ In practice, there are few iterations, until the size falls below 1 x 1 = 1 px.

+ The size of something is how much space the thing takes.

+ The evidence for this is the extra size of pterodactyl and bird brains compared with the reptile brains the groups started out with.

+ In a quantum dot crystal, the band gap is size dependent and can be altered to produce a range of energies between the valence band and conduction band.

+ The average body size ranges from 10 to 15cm long, though the family varies widely.

+ Flory taught another advantage of performing the experiment at the theta point: the chain dimension in polymer melts would have the size computed for a chain in ideal solution.

+ Sometimes the shape or size of the mineral can tell something about the rock as well.

+ The gular sac is a throat pouch that can be inflated to the size of its head.

+ When a size is measured, it is given a number.

+ All of these factors work together to determine the size and shape of ocean waves.

+ All these sports have boards that range in size and price, but all need much practice to be done well.

+ Bali and Lombok were two islands in the archipelago only 17 miles apart at the widest, roughly the same size and with the same climate, soil, elevation and aspect.

+ The reserve contains a variety of living creatures from the animal and plant kingdoms despite the small size of the reserve and its presence in the middle of the Nile.

+ Fields store data; you could have a color field, a speed field and a size field.

+ Basenjis are around the size of a terrier and have a very endearing by the wrinkles on their foreheads.

+ These sizes are much smaller than the size of the atom itself by a factor of about 23,000.

+ It will open in the 2020s and be bigger in size than Terminals 1, 2, and 3 combined.

+ Over about 10,000 generations, the sticklebacks show great differences, including variations in fins, changes in the number or size of their bony plates, variable jaw structure, and color differences.Kingsley D.M.

+ The size of the region is shown by the fact that the northern part of Gloucestershire, near Chipping Campden, is as close to the Scottish border as it is to the tip of Cornwall.

+ Underwater volcano is Earth’s biggest: Tamu Massif rivals the size of Olympus Mons on Mars.

+ The card is about the size of a postage stamp: 24mm × 32mm × 1.4mm.

+ Imagine if our sun decreased to the size of the nucleus of an atom.

+ The size of files is commonly measured in “kilobytes” or “megabytes”.

+ One reason for this may be that it is more difficult to compare the size of items in a chart when area is used instead of length.

+ The modal size of a standard stable troop would be 6 individuals.
+ List the camera's still photo resolution in megapixels, the maximum image size in pixels, zoom capabilities, autofocus.

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