“silica” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “silica”:

+ Compounds are oxides: silica SiO 46%; magnesium oxide MgO 37.8%.

+ A third type is caused by inhaling very small silica particles, called ‘silicosis’.

+ FieldTurf is made by many fibers, and the bottom is made of silica sand, which is a mixture of sand and ruber.

+ It is produced when lava high in silica cools rapidly, and solidifies without time for crystal growth.

+ Mafic lava, before cooling, has a lower viscosity than felsic lava due to its lower silica content.

+ The texture of the silica formed is like that found today in freshwater streams at Yellowstone National Park.

+ Felsic magma is thick and has silica minerals.

silica some example sentences
silica some example sentences

Example sentences of “silica”:

+ The silica coating on the front of the TLC plate is called the stationary phase.

+ Where spicules of silica are present, they have a different shape from those in the otherwise similar glass sponges.

+ The silica coating on the front of the TLC plate is called the stationary phase.

+ Where spicules of silica are present, they have a different shape from those in the otherwise similar glass sponges.

+ Ceramics and glasses use covalent bonds and ionic-covalent bonds with SiO, silica or sand, as a fundamental building block.

+ The rings can be made of silica or water ice.

+ Opals are made from tiny spheres of silica and lots of water.

+ Both carnelian and sard are varieties of the silica mineral chalcedony coloured by impurities of iron oxide.

+ Land uses include broad acre pastoralism, bauxite and silica sand mining, nature reserves, tourism and fishing.

+ For example, the shells of diatoms and some other organisms are made of silica; other materials in the rock can sometimes be removed with acid, leaving just the silica shells.

+ Alumina, silica carbide, and tungsten carbide are made from a fine powder of their constituents in a process of sintering with a binder.

+ Important elements of modern materials science are a product of the space race: the understanding and engineering of the metallic alloys, and silica and carbon materials, used in the construction of space exploration vehicles.

+ Instead of a stationary phase of paper, it uses a thin layer of adsorptionadsorbent like silica gel, alumina, or cellulose on a flat substrate.

+ The most common type of aerogel is silica aerogel, which is made from the same molecule as glass.

+ The liquid silica cools and hardens quickly, leaving behind a thin glassy tube, usually with a rough outer surface and a smooth inner surface.

+ Fused silica has high working and melting temperatures.

+ Lightning makes a tubular fulgurite when a bolt goes through the sand and melts silica into a liquid.

+ Unfortunately silica particles have a tendency to allow absorb soluble components and they have the capacity to break down components into atoms.

+ It is formed when pebbles, perhaps from a shingle beach, are cemented together by silica coming out of solution.

+ These plates consist of a layer of silica and are usually backed by a thin piece of glass, although other materials like plastic may be used.

+ Packed columns are created of fused silica or stainless steel.

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