“signal” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “signal”:

– Loudspeakers use both electric and mechanical principles to convert an electrical signal from a radio, television set or electric musical instrument into sound.

– Piezo pickups contain a crystal that produces an electrical signal when physically vibrated.

– On January 20, 1914, the London International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea adopted the Morse code signal TTT, as the “Safety Signal” used for messages to ships “involving safety of navigation and being of an urgent character.” When radio transmitters that could send audio were developed, there was a need for a spoken distress phrase, and “Mayday” was adopted by the 1927 International Radio Convention as the equivalent of SOS.

– This radio frequencyRF box was also where the game’s power supply connected in a unique dual power/television signal setup similar to the RCA Studio II’s.

– An oscilloscope is a piece of electronic equipment that lets you see changes in signal voltage.

– It is used as distress code, to signal danger.

– The telephone lines were also used to descramble the signal on the television.

signal example in sentences
signal example in sentences

Example sentences of “signal”:

- The Sons of Liberty hung two lanterns in the church's steeple to signal that British soldiers were crossing the Charles River.

- Each signal uses a different basis function.

– The Sons of Liberty hung two lanterns in the church’s steeple to signal that British soldiers were crossing the Charles River.

– Each signal uses a different basis function.

– A red signal means ‘do not go further’.

– Cytokines signal to other immune cells that there is a foreign antigen present.

– As the strings vibrate, an electrical signal is produced which is sent via an instrument cable to an amplifier.

– He was a member of the Signal Corps Signal Corps, repairing telegraph poles and other communications equipment.

– A railway signal or just signal is a mechanical or electrical machine that gives Railwaytrain drivers or engineers information about the line ahead.

– Members of a subculture often signal each other through the use of fashion style, stereotypical behaviors, and use of a secret language created to prevent outsiders from understanding them.

– Flowers were used to signal meanings in the time when social meetings between men and women was difficult.

– There the signal passes to other neurons or to muscle fibers.

– When a metal string vibrates near the magnet an electrical signal is produced in the wire.

– The signal can be boosted in strength and sent straight to a loudspeaker.

– Knowing the input and output and finding out or Circuit designdesigning the signal processing part is called “synthesis”.

– It used a carbon transmitter created by Thomas Edison which could increase sound by about 15 decibeldecibels by using an electric current to make the sound signal stronger.

– In a narrower sense, it is a Signal transductionsignal triggering molecule, binding to a site on a target protein.

– More sophisticated sensors usually send a signal to an fire alarm panel, or system.

– The first ship to use the new signal was the RMS Slavonia, in 1909.

More in-sentence examples of “signal”:

– Usually, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine gives the signal for the muscles to tighten up.

– The service replaced the analogue signal in the United Kingdom in 2012.

– The radiation sensor is a Geiger-Müller tube which gives out an electronic signal when radiation is present.

– If they are not blending in with their surroundings, they can signal their feelings using colour.

– Lord Cullen took note of the fact that the railway line in London Paddington was prone to trains failing to stop at the same red signal that the Thames Turbo passed.

– We decided to reach into the bag based off of our brain giving us a signal to reach in this way, and the marbles themselves being arranged in a certain way.

– The tape recorder must have a record, playback and an erase head which transfer the signal onto the tape.

– But the sound of a simple signal can be boring after a while.

– The more complex the organism, the more complex the repertoire of signal transduction processes the organism must possess.

– Like wheezing, stridor can signal a medical emergency if not enough oxygen is able to get through the airways.

– When it became clear that Xangsane would approach the Capital, PAGASA upgraded the warning for Manila and central Luzon to Storm Signal Number 3 on September 28.

– Interrupts happen most often because the processor gets a Signal processingsignal from hardware, but they can also come from software that is running along with the program.

– Many songs have been made of the distress signal SOS, such as Message in a Bottle by The Police, SOS “SOS” by SOS” by Gamma, “S.O.S” by The Suicide Machines, “S.O.S” by Ola Svensson and “SOS” by Avicii.

– The rite may signal status, qualification, prayer and promisecommitment to the god or to the belief.

– One of the earliest forms of fixed railway signal is the semaphore.

– The information is sent through the air in radio waves, through a coaxial cablewire, or by a communications satellite, and then the television viewers or radio listeners pick up the signal using their television sets and radio receivers.

– The signal was sent on 9 October 2008.

– He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1994 for “discovery of G-proteins and the role of these proteins in signal transduction in cells.”.

– A digital signal processor is a specialized microprocessor designed specifically for digital signal processing, generally used in real-time computing.

– The aggregation of the amoebae relies on a signal molecule.

– In 2000, Greengard, Arvid Carlsson and Eric Kandel were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their discoveries concerning signal transduction in the nervous system.

– In cortical development, chondroitin sulfate is expressed by the Sub Plate and acts as a stop signal for neurons migrating from the Ventricular Zone.

– Until this time, access to the two platforms was controlled from the original Eastern Counties Railway signal box.

– Before a muster drill starts, the Sea captaincaptain announces over a loud speaker 30 minutes before, 15 minutes before and when the emergency alarm signal is about be sounded.

- Usually, a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine gives the signal for the muscles to tighten up.

- The service replaced the analogue signal in the United Kingdom in 2012.
- The radiation sensor is a Geiger-Müller tube which gives out an electronic signal when radiation is present.

– The English evolutionary biologist John Maynard Smith concludes that “the natural explanation is that stotting is an index of condition and of escape capability”, used as a signal especially to coursing predators.

– Article XVI of the regulations adopted Germany’s “Notzeichen” distress signal as the international standard, reading: “Ships in distress shall use the following signal: ···———··· repeated at brief intervals”.

– They do this optically, using signal flags.

– In the audio example above, looking at the signal with respect to time does not make it obvious that the notes A, B, and C are in the signal.

– Today, fourier series are used a lot in digital signal processing.

– The GPS receiver subtracts the current time from the time the signal was sent.

– It can also be used in biology to signal that a molecule or chemical is to be bound to another molecule.

– The response time is the length of time it takes between the processor receiving a signal from the computer or the television station and displaying something on the screen.

– The frequency of the analog circuit is often measured or controlled in analog signal processing.

– The ADC takes samples of the amplitude of the signal at a specific sample rate.

– At the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, McArthur conducted graduate research in nearshore underwater acoustic propagation and digital signal processing.

– They move to the area of highest signal concentration.

– This includes radio, electronics, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, Bandwidth is the difference between the electronic signal having highest-frequency and the signal having the lowest-frequency.

– Their space ship wrecks and Will Smith gets hurt, so Jaden Smith then has to go signal for help.

– The microarchitecture of a digital signal processor is optimized specifically for digital signal processing applications.

– This dating system was meant to signal the year of Christ’s birth, but modern scholars have decided Jesus was actually born a few years earlier.

– For example, we use it for noise reduction, feature extraction or signal compression.

– An analog signal processor is used to quickly process signals that can be too complex to handle any other way.

– Many digital signal processing applications have Real-time computingreal-time constraints; that is, for the system to work, the DSP operation must be completed within some time limit.

– The World Health Organization also says that in areas where dengue is common, any warning signs, plus a fever, usually signal that a person has dengue fever.

– Once the signal from the radio or electric instrument has been made louder and stronger, the signal needs to be connected to a loudspeaker so that people can hear it.

– The wires in the tablet then change to a receiving mode and read the signal generated by the stylus to read its position.

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