“shock” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “shock”:

+ In fact, in Milgram’s first set of experiments, “65 percent” of participants gave the final massive 450-volt shock, and all gave a shock of at least 300 volts.

+ The next morning, her friend and neighbour, Kelsey Hooper invites her to go to the Bubble Shock open day.

+ Culture shock is a feeling people have when they are in a different and unknown culture or place, such as a different country.

+ A thick material, like water, might help the shock wave travel further, where as a thin material, like air, would not.

+ However, a small number of people get dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome.

+ She had previously been traumatized by her husband’s infidelity, which had been a lie to save her from the shock of their daughter, Mishri’s, misconduct in having a child without being married.

+ He is known for his works in integrable systems, fluid dynamics and shock waves, solitonic physics, hyperbolic conservation laws, and mathematical and scientific computing, among other fields.

shock how to use?
shock how to use?

Example sentences of “shock”:

+ However, Eagleton soon withdrew from the ticker after Robert Boyd reported that Eagleton suffered from psychiatric problems and undergone three shock treatments.

+ They get Shock shock: low blood circulation to the body.

+ Death commonly resulted from shock due to fluid loss from the burned skin.

+ In 1985, Von Erich was diagnosed with toxic shock syndrome.

+ The solution was to add helium gas to the pipes and pumps to act as a shock absorber.

+ Symptoms of toxic shock syndrome can show up suddenly, and the disease can be deadly.

+ The disadvantage of a higher-voltage installation is that electric shock and arc flash become more of a hazard, so installations above 48 volts are usually only found in solar power plants or commercial buildings.

+ An aftershock is in the same region of the main shock but always of a smaller magnitude.

+ Steinitz had previously declared he would win without doubt, so it came as a shock when Lasker won the first game.

+ For one, being a shock site doesn’t make you notable.

+ People with toxic shock syndrome caused by “Streptococcus pyogenes” have pain where the rash is, then the symptoms below happen very quickly.

+ A shock wave is affected by the materials it travels through, and different materials have different effects.

+ The speech caused such shock to the audience that, according to some reports, some of those present suffered heart attacks, and others later committed suicide.

+ It can also cause scarlet fever, and is the main cause of toxic shock syndrome.

+ Because of this, the shock layer is thin at high mach numbers.

+ This happens in concert with a decrease in volume behind the shock wave because of the conservation of mass theory.

+ However, Eagleton soon withdrew from the ticker after Robert Boyd reported that Eagleton suffered from psychiatric problems and undergone three shock treatments.

+ They get Shock shock: low blood circulation to the body.
+ Death commonly resulted from shock due to fluid loss from the burned skin.

More in-sentence examples of “shock”:

+ When toxic shock syndrome is caused by “Streptococcus pyogenes”, it usually is a rash that was already there getting worse.

+ Though their shock at the slaughter was great, the Romans began a slow, systematic preparation to reconquer the country.

+ A shock wave can move through any material.

+ The hypovolemic shock could be due to severe dehydration or from blood loss.

+ The shooter knows the loud noise and shock of firing the weapon is coming and at the last moment flinches.

+ On average, the students thought that 1.2% of the “teachers” would give the biggest electric shock of 450 volts.

+ Algeria began the tournament with a shock 2–1 win over West Germany on the opening day.

+ Allen died from septic shock caused by non-Hodgkin lymphoma on October 15, 2018 in Seattle, Washington at the age of 65.

+ He and Clark Hoyt won a Pulitzer Prize in 1973 for discovering the fact that Senator Thomas Eagleton, George McGovern’s choice for vice president, had had severe psychiatric problems and undergone three shock treatments.

+ Every time the student got a question wrong, the voltage of the shock went up by 15 volts.

+ Melee, Zapdos uses a powerful Thunder Shock that attacks several times.

+ Rivals may have fought with quick head blows, by slow pushes with the upper sides of their skulls, or by ramming each other head-on, using their horns as shock absorbers.

+ As the velocity keeps increasing, the single shock wave extends mostly to the rear and extends from the craft in a restricted widening cone.

+ Abd El Aty died on September 25, 2017 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates from septic shock caused by kidney failure.

+ In 1980, he received the Award for Experimental Therapeutics from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in recognition of his pioneering work on the treatment of shock due to burns.

+ A shock wave is when lots of energy comes from a very small spot and shakes the material around it.

+ The compression comes from a process called a shock wave.

+ ECT causes electricity to shock a person’s brain.

+ Bignone died on March 7, 2018 at the military hospital in Buenos Aires from congestive heart failure caused by septic shock after suffering a broken hip at the age of 90.

+ If shock gets bad enough, it will kill the person.

+ Two years ago the Reavers found a way to manipulate Charles’s powerful brain and through it they maked a psichic attack that killed and injured 6000 persons, their plan succeeded as Charles was indendtify as a threats for the world and the X-Mansion was closed with the survived X-Men’s members escaped, this leaved Charles in a shock status that maked him have Alzheimer forcing his mind to forget all of that but also to having needs of medicins to being mentally sane and to not having psichic attacks.

+ If the reason that they have toxic shock syndrome is because of tampon use, doctors will make sure that they take the tampon out.

+ If you were to draw a picture of a shock wave, it would be like many big bumps on a road – the line goes up very quickly, but it does not go down as much.

+ Three-way switches could also be wired in such a way that the outer ring of a lamp socket, which is normally connected to neutral, could be connected to hot, which is an electric shock hazard.

+ When toxic shock syndrome is caused by "Streptococcus pyogenes", it usually is a rash that was already there getting worse.

+ Though their shock at the slaughter was great, the Romans began a slow, systematic preparation to reconquer the country.

+ This is called dengue shock syndrome.

+ Yukultji experienced major culture shock when first coming out of the desert.

+ Primary injuries are caused by the explosion’s shock waves.

+ It is now believed to be a giant intergalactic shock waveshock-wave.

+ Even if the initial strike misses the prey, the resulting shock wave can be enough to kill or stun the prey.

+ To prevent the danger of electrical shock and the possibility of electrocution, ground fault interrupts devices detect open circuits to earth ground in attached electrical or electronic devices.

+ This is similar to the way that sound waves are affected by what they move through, but sound waves and shock waves are not the same.

+ It was a very loud, harsh piece and it was a shock for the audience when it was first performed at the Last Night of the Proms, a concert at which people normally expect to hear music with easy, sing-along tunes.

+ The movie is about a radio shock jock who tries to find redemption by helping a man whose life he inadvertently shattered.

+ Otherwise, it was halted after the subject had given the maximum “450-volt” shock three times in succession.

+ They make all kinds of sounds, including sounds so loud they can shock fish.

+ Kantner died from multiple organ failure and septic shock caused by a heart attack in San Francisco, California on January 28, 2016.

+ The very homely looks of his wife were thought by observers to cause the prince a visible shock when he was first presented to her.

+ These receptors also work in severe illness, including Shock shock and systemic inflammation as it occurs in the course of an infection.

+ The shock wave is considered to be that of an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 on the Richter scale.

+ When the Ekumen recontacted the Werelians, the shock spurred one of the Werelian nations, Voe Deo, to develop a space program and settle the other inhabitable planet in the system, Yeowe, transporting a primarily slave population to do so.

+ This led to a serious and ongoing shock to the island’s fragile economy, which is heavily dependent on foreign tourism.

+ Nightmares are dreams which scare or shock people.

+ Teruyuki Kato, a seismologist at the University of Tokyo, said that the shock waves traveled a long way.

+ OneRepublic’s song “Apologize Apologize” was listed on Shock Value”.

+ Many have shock absorbers to ease Vertebral columnback, shoulder and knee strain.

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