“sexually” example in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sexually”:

+ These things are: Sexual intercoursesexual activity, increased age, IUD insertion, chlamydia infection, bacterial infection, sexually transmitted disease.

+ They were beaten up and sexually abused.

+ Circumcision reduces sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and HPV, prevents certain kinds of cancer, and gets rid of infections and unpleasant smells under the foreskin.

+ This means a woman who is sexually attracted to other women, and not to men.”Lesbian”, Second Edition, 1989.

+ This lonliness develops into a sexual urge and soon Priyanka finds herself sexually attached with a former Member of Parliament.

sexually example in sentences
sexually example in sentences

Example sentences of “sexually”:

+ Early in 1866, the people of Brewster accused Alger of sexually molesting two boys.

+ In July 2016, three youths sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl in the Zahra neighborhood.

+ Early in 1866, the people of Brewster accused Alger of sexually molesting two boys.

+ In July 2016, three youths sexually assaulted an 11-year-old girl in the Zahra neighborhood.

+ When the difference between the sexes is shown in the main stream media of these cultures this is often seen as sexually related.

+ Kerry was sexually abused and bullied at several times by her abusive mother, Linda.

+ They become sexually mature around the age of 12 years.

+ When one views homosexuality as the term for people that feel romantically or sexually attracted to their own sex, more people are gay than when one might view homosexuality as only a term for people who do “have” sexual relationships with their own sex.

+ A sex symbol is a famous or notable person, male or female, who is found sexually attractive by many people.

+ Jasmine deals with feelings over being sexually involved with another woman.

+ They are sexually mature after three to four years.

+ He then sexually assaulted her with a metal rod that he took from the bed.

+ Many pedophiles, who sexually assault children, also have collections of child pornography.

+ Bisexual “” people are sexually sexual attractionattracted to both men and women.

+ The filament is known as hyphae multinuclear with cell wall containing chitin or cellulose or both, others are parasitic saprophytic on other organisms and reproduce sexually and asexually.

+ Despite this change in his explanatory model, Freud always recognized that some neurotics had in fact been sexually abused by their fathers.

More in-sentence examples of “sexually”:

+ Eventually they become sexually mature.

+ Janner died on 19 December 2015 in London from Alzheimer's disease, aged 87 and months earlier he had been demoed unfit to stand trial over allegations of 33 years of sexually abusing vulnerable children.
+ Members of this genus are monogamous and sexually monomorphic.

+ Eventually they become sexually mature.

+ Janner died on 19 December 2015 in London from Alzheimer’s disease, aged 87 and months earlier he had been demoed unfit to stand trial over allegations of 33 years of sexually abusing vulnerable children.

+ Members of this genus are monogamous and sexually monomorphic.

+ It is also the most common non-viral sexually transmitted disease in the United States.

+ Sexting is the act of sending sexually suggestive electronic messages, mainly between mobile phones.

+ If a man has a sexually transmitted diseasesexually transmitted infection or STI an germs that cause the disease can appear in his semen.

+ About 50% of transgender people have been sexually assaulted.

+ Medical testing for sexually transmitted infections is important for prevention.

+ He also said that his younger brother, Neil, was sexually abused from when he was eight.

+ On April 16, 2014, Singer was accused of sexually abusing a 17-year-old boy in a federal lawsuit filed in Hawaii.

+ If an erection of the clitoris does not go away after a long time, even though the woman is not being made sexually excited any more, this is a medical problem called clitorism.

+ Masturbation is also seen as a sexual technique that protects individuals from the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

+ Beginning life as a tiny polyp, attached to vegetation, they feed and reproduce sexually in the spring and summer.

+ It is sexually dimorphic.

+ On February 22, 2018, Jo was accused of sexually harassing his students, which he initially denied.

+ He was in prison for sexually assaulting girls.

+ She had been beaten, sexually assaulted and stabbed.

+ Baby spiders pass all their larval stages inside the egg and hatch as spiderlings, very small and sexually immature but similar in shape to adults.

+ Also, lichen fungi can reproduce sexually by forming fruiting bodies containing spores.

+ Although most of the time underwear is kept hidden under other clothes, sometimes it is partly exposed for fashion reasons or to make other people feel sexually excited when they see it.

+ Cupich asked Clements resign from ministry, while the Church investigates allegations that he sexually abused a minor in 1974.””, Associated Press.

+ The most common disease caused by “Treponema pallidum” is syphilis, a serious sexually transmitted infection.

+ Many doctors find woman-to-woman sex to have negligible risk for sexually transmitted infections.

+ Spiders reproduce sexually and fertilization is internal but indirect.

+ In November 2017, two women accused Westwick of raping them and another accused him of sexually assaulting her.

+ A second reason is that when an adult or teenager sexually abuses a child, people often call the abuser a “pedophile”, but it is possible that the abuse happened for a different reason, such as the unavailability of an adult partner.

+ Luke—who has produced many of her biggest hits—claiming that he sexually and emotionally abused her.

+ The primary host, where the flukes sexually reproduce, is a vertebrate.

+ In this case, females are sexually receptive at any time, but only fertile when an ovum is released from an ovary.

+ Her family believes that her disappearance is a result of crime because of previous instances where she said that she was being sexually harassed.

+ The Persian peoplePersian physician Avicenna in the 1020s, discovered the contagious nature of tuberculosis and sexually transmitted disease.

+ Sloan gets in over his head when he goes into a steamy affair with the sexually attracted and frustrated Lucy.

+ The male travelers were killed; the women travelers were staked to the ground, sexually mutilated, and killed.

+ Disabled people, especially disabled girls, are much more likely than non-disabled people to be sexually abused.

+ In December 2017, Behn alleged that he was sexually assaulted by Kevin Spacey.

+ Specific benefits identified included prevention of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and transmission of some sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

+ In a healthy male, an erection will usually occur if the man is sexually aroused or stimulated.

+ Condoms are given to the sex worker so they do not catch any sexually transmitted diseases.

+ At puberty, a boy’s body begins making sperm, and he starts to be able to ejaculationejaculate, which is penis when he is sexually excited.

+ Along with “ephebophilia”, another example is “hebephilia”, which means that a person is mostly or only sexually attracted to younger pubescent people.

+ The dancer her buttocks in a sexually provocative manner while in a low squatting posture.

+ Fungi reproduce both sexually and asexually.

+ Other surveys say that only a small minority of people in furry fandom say that they are sexually attracted to animals.

+ They have stout or long bills and strong feet, About two-thirds of the species are strongly sexually dimorphic.

+ They may also have erotic feelings about a person that they do not love, but who is sexually attractive to them.

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