“sever” some example sentences

How to use in-sentence of “sever”:

– On that day, 9 August 1965, the Malaysian Parliament passed the required resolution that would sever Singapore’s ties to Malaysia as a state, and thus the Republic of Singapore was created.

– It took the executioner four blows to sever Jelckama’s head from his extremely thick neck.

– After his left eardrum is ruptured, Grendel shrinks in size and, while trying to escape, Beowulf restrains him and uses the door of the hall to sever the monster’s arm.

– Calibos nearly kills Perseus, but he escapes, losing his helmet in the process and also managing to sever Calibos’ hand.

– It headed northeast and later it became a very sever cyclonic storm.

sever some example sentences
sever some example sentences

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