“serotonin” how to use in sentences

How to use in-sentence of “serotonin”:

+ Many researchers think low levels of serotonin in the brain can help cause depression.

+ Fluoxetine is a one of a group of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

+ The medicines that are usually used are called “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors”, or SSRIs.

+ If a person’s brain does not have enough serotonin, the serotonin cannot do its job of controlling their mood.

+ Many antidepressant medications are thought to work by increasing the levels of serotonin in the body.

+ If a person stops taking SSRIs suddenly, they can get serotonin discontinuation syndrome.

+ They contain RNA, a canaliculuscanalicular system, and several different types of granules; ADP, ATP serotonin and calcium and alpha granules, the contents of which are released when the platelet is activated.

+ Quitting, doing more productive things or tripping on a serotonin psychedelic can help reset these habits but that is another topic all together.

serotonin how to use in sentences
serotonin how to use in sentences

Example sentences of “serotonin”:

+ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a group of medications.

+ Some examples of drugs that can make you have serotonin syndrome are antidepressants, opioids, CNS stimulants, 5-HT agonists, psychedelics, herbs, and many others.

+ SSRIs increase the amount of serotonin that the brain can use.

+ Tryptophan is also a precursor to the neurotransmitters serotonin and melatonin.

+ A lobster injected with serotonin behaves like an alpha.

+ Serotonin syndrome, also known as serotonin poisoning, serotonin sickness, and many other names, is a medical condition that can happen if there is too much serotonin in your brain or other parts of your nervous system.

+ Atypical antipsychotic drugs on the other hand block the sites where dopamine or serotonin would bind to a cell.

+ Researchers think that in depressed people, this brings the amounts of serotonin in their brains back to normal.

+ PRX-08066 is a serotonin antagonist currently being developed for hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.

+ Taking these drugs with SSRIs can cause serotonin syndrome.

+ Serotonin syndrome can happen if you use some drugs that can increase the amount of serotonin in your nervous system.

+ Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are a group of medications.

+ Some examples of drugs that can make you have serotonin syndrome are antidepressants, opioids, CNS stimulants, 5-HT agonists, psychedelics, herbs, and many others.

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