“serif” – sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “serif”:

+ That is mentioned by most of the people who promoted Univers and other sans serif fonts.

+ A serif is a term in typography.

+ Sans serif typefaces have been used since the 18th century, but became most used in the twentieth century as the modern art movement developed.

+ Optima is a sans serif typeface.

+ The accompanying change in typeface to a serif or mono-spaced type style, is to make it fully accessible for those with color blindness.

+ Like many sans serif fonts, it has an oblique typeoblique style instead of an italic.

+ If a letter is made of a line or lines, a serif is a tiny decorative line on the ends of letter’s ‘limbs’.

serif - sentence examples
serif – sentence examples

Example sentences of “serif”:

+ OED first mention of serif in 1830.

+ Thus, in the illustration on the right, each serif letter has a serif on the end of its lines.
+ In typography, a sans serif typeface is one that does not have the tiny feet called "serifs" at the end of strokes.

+ OED first mention of serif in 1830.

+ Thus, in the illustration on the right, each serif letter has a serif on the end of its lines.

+ In typography, a sans serif typeface is one that does not have the tiny feet called “serifs” at the end of strokes.

+ Sans serif faces are most used for display signs, advertising and for headings in books.

+ The apostle of sans serif was Jan Tschichold, a German-Swiss graphic designer.

+ Use this template to format Roman numerals so they will appear in a slightly enlarged serif font.

+ If a second anonymous parameter is provided and its contents is, the contents of the first parameter will be repeated on a second line in a serif font.

+ Many sans serif typefaces use oblique designs instead of italic ones.

+ This is a serif typeface commissioned by the British newspaper “The Times” in 1931.

+ Gill’s aim was to blend the influences of Johnston, classic serif typefaces and Roman inscriptions suchas on Trajan’s Column.

+ In 1937, golden hammer and sickle were added in the top left hand corner, with beneath the Latin alphabetLatin letters “AzSSR” in a serif font in place of the Cyrillic letters.

+ I also changed the font from a serif font to the regular non-serif font.

+ Lolcats are pictures of cats doing something out of the ordinary quoted words in big, sans serif letters.

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