“sequential” how to use?

How to use in-sentence of “sequential”:

– It is the basic storage element in sequential logic.

– Magnetic tape data storage uses the Sequential access method for reading data.

– In this field, add the album tracks, using to generate a sequential numbering.

– PMCs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.

– For each additional feature, add a sequential number to the end of the parameter name.

sequential how to use?
sequential how to use?

Example sentences of “sequential”:

– S2CIDs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.

– SSRNs are sequential numbers beginning at 100? and counting up.

– However, the current technology actually slows down HD access in certain applications, like games and sequential reads and writes, because of the added latency induced by NCQ logic.

– PMIDs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.

– English stories placed primary focus on the sequential forward movement of the plot.

– CustomsMores Weekly with sequential drawings what often satirized Annamese writers, Indochinese government, especially the Governors-General…

– OSTIs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.

– This setup is normally called a sequential twin-turbo.

– However, Oneness Pentecostalism is very different from Sabellianism, because it rejects sequential modalism.

– A sequential hermaphrodite has ovaries at first, replaced by a testis later, or the other way round.King R.C.

- S2CIDs are sequential numbers beginning at 1 and counting up.

- SSRNs are sequential numbers beginning at 100? and counting up.

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