“separatist” – some sentence examples

How to use in-sentence of “separatist”:

+ In August 2008 Gergiev conducted the Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theatre in a concert given in the ruined headquarters of the South Ossetia separatist government.

+ The Khalistan movement is a Sikh separatist movement seeking to create a homeland for Sikhs by establishing a sovereign state, called Khālistān, in the Punjab region.

+ There were both local ethnic battles and separatist Islamist insurrections.

+ The family moved to Leiden Netherlands from England after 1613 because they were Separatist movements Separatists areligion which became illegal in England.

+ When the English Separatist Separatist America in 1620, Cooke decided he would go with them.

+ Excluded teams include those who represent ethnic groups, sub-national entities, separatist movements, and micro-nations.

separatist - some sentence examples
separatist – some sentence examples

Example sentences of “separatist”:

+ Abu Nidal, a militant Palestinian separatist group also known as the Abu Nidal Organization.

+ Count Dooku and the Separatist leaders were getting ready for a war.

+ Religious separatist groups and sects want to withdraw from some larger religious groups.

+ Martin and his family joined a Separatist church.

+ Winslow became a Separatist movements Separatist which was a religion that did not believe in the Church of England.Robert Charles Anderson.

+ General Grievous escapes and the Separatist forces are defeated.

+ It is a separatist armed revolutionary group fighting for a separate independent socialist state of Manipur.

+ He has a new apprentice, Count Dooku, who leads the Separatist Droid Army and goes by the name ‘Darth Tyranus’.

+ Was created by the Pakistan IP editor, presumably with the intent to show that there are separatist movements in every state of India, however insignificant they may be.

+ In 1845, the Valais joined the Catholic separatist league, but never fought federal troops when other members of the league started fighting in 1847.

+ Abu Nidal, a militant Palestinian separatist group also known as the Abu Nidal Organization.

+ Count Dooku and the Separatist leaders were getting ready for a war.

+ Asajj Ventress proved to be a powerful commander in the Separatist army.

+ George Mason University Economic historian Mark Koyama mentioned in an interview that the Chinese are “more separatist than expected”.

+ A relatively safe regional pocket, Kathua was spared the decade-long insurrection sparked by the Khalistan separatist movement in Punjab that ended in the early 1990s, just to its south, and the ongoing Freedom movement in Kashmir Valley farther to the north, beginning in the 1980s.

+ At first the movement of the ‘Permesta’ was merely a movement of reform rather than a separatist movement.

+ Mary’s husband was the leader of a Separatist movements Separatist congregation near Scrooby.

+ The rise of this movement creates tension among the Catalan separatist movement because of argumental contradiction and geostrategic risk using their same arguments for independence word by word.

+ It has been since 1972 replaced by the separatist New current regime of an Independentist aspirant Bangladesh Flag.

+ Gunray was the chairman of the separatist council and sat on it alongside others such as Count Dooku, the Corporate Alliance’s Passel Argente, the InterGalactic Banking Clan’s San Hill, the Commerce Guild’s Shu Mai, the Techno Union’s Wat Tambor, Poggle the Lesser of Geonosis, and Senators Po Nudo and Tikkes.

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