Sentence example of “technological”

How to use in-sentence of “technological”:

+ He studied at the University of Michigan, then at the Cass Technical High School, and later at the Lawrence Technological University.

+ They play a team of cold case private investigators, who look into unsolved cases from years ago and break new ground with the help of scientific and technological advancements.

+ Sichuan Scientific and Technological Publishing House.

+ He was a senior research investigator and professor of biochemistry at Imperial College London, Visiting Professor at the Polytechnic University of Turin and Visiting Canon Professor to Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

+ Although made of wood and reliant on sail for most journeys, “Gloire” was fitted with a propeller, and her wooden hull was protected by a layer of thick iron armor. “Gloire” prompted further innovation from the Royal Navy, anxious to prevent France from gaining a technological lead.

Sentence example of technological
Sentence example of technological

Example sentences of “technological”:

+ The story usually involves a spy with advanced technological weapons or gadgets, and sometimes the villain is a mad scientist or evil genius with robots or advanced technological weapons and gadgets.

+ Its construction uses a lot of new technological ideas.
+ The original Solow study showed that technological change accounted for almost 90 percent of U.S.

+ The story usually involves a spy with advanced technological weapons or gadgets, and sometimes the villain is a mad scientist or evil genius with robots or advanced technological weapons and gadgets.

+ Its construction uses a lot of new technological ideas.

+ The original Solow study showed that technological change accounted for almost 90 percent of U.S.

+ He was also one of the founders of the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo in the 1972.

+ Such demonstrable knowledge would ordinarily confer demonstrable powers of prediction or technological construction.

+ Netcall is a software company that provides technological solutions for businesses to engage with their customers.

+ But it was not practical until a number of technological advances arrived in the 1940s.

+ As early as 1996, plans were made to allow a railway to go to the Nanyang Technological University, from the rest of Singapore.

+ It is considered “a masterpiece of human creative genius”, and” an outstanding example of a type of building or architectural or technological ensemble or landscape which illustrates significant stages in human history”.

+ Despite technological improvements, many American lifestyle changes have put higher demands on heating and cooling resources.

+ Possible leaks are definitely a huge threat for the entire IT apparatus, transport of liquid may cause condensation and since the chilled liquid must be contained somewhere it requires more technological equipment and a suitable framework inside the data center; so in this case we need more resources.

+ Realized bilateral and multilateral projects from approximately 100 countries with a large number of outstanding local or international institutions as The Presidency of The Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Interior Affairs, State Planning Organization, Islamic Development Bank, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey etc.

+ BMW Sauber announced a technical partnership with Intel and the Germany company O2, saying that it will lead to technological improvements on BMW road cars.

+ In the Battle of the Atlantic, the initially successful German U-boat fleet arm was eventually defeated due to Allied technological advances like sonar, radar, and the breaking of the Enigma code.

+ This is a subgenre of science fiction, science fantasy, dystopian or horror film where the Earth’s technological civilization is collapsing or has collapsed.

+ It was the first to characterize complex technological systems such as nuclear power plants according to their riskiness.

+ He graduated from high school in Prostějov and then he studied at the Chemical and Technological Faculty of the Czech Technical University.

+ Unlike extensive growth, intensive growth is mainly driven by productivity growth and technological progress.

More in-sentence examples of “technological”:

+ The authors explain how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from technological innovation in these areas.

+ However, one should know that the knowledge presented in countries that promotes technological advancement is not stationary.

+ Many of the technological innovations were of British origin.

+ She was best known for her short fiction of the 1950s which talked about the impact of technological advances on individuals and society.

+ The ALS makes intense light for scientific and technological research.

+ Tianjin has nearly one thousand scientific and technological research institutions, together with more than 600 thousand professionals in different fields.

+ The exogenous growth model of Robert Solow and others places emphasis on the role of technological change.

+ He is Professor of Technology Policy at the Open University, and has developed courses on technological innovation, focusing in particular on renewable energy technology.

+ Nanyang Technological University is one of the two largest public universityuniversities in Singapore.

+ Many of the technological solutions may have solved one problem, while creating many more.

+ A philosopher who approached technology from a Technological determinismdeterministic viewpoint.

+ He was also a fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences.

+ Butte is home to Montana Technological University.

+ The catalyst for a top-to-bottom modernization of the local forecast segment, the XL’s graphical and technological capabilities were significantly more advanced than the 4000, with an animated, high-quality output consistent with TWC’s national graphics and new scalable icons that would be used for eight years on TWC.

+ Icesi University, Pontifical Javeriana University, Autonomy University of Western, Saint Buenaventura University, Santiago de Cali University, and many others technical and technological institutes.

+ An institution of learning committed to provide quality education to all students and enable them to be responsible and productive members of the community imbued with the values of patriotism and nationalism, develop moral character and personal discipline and promote technological advancement and vocational efficiency.

+ She later attended Nanyang Technological University, where she got a degree in Marketing.

+ In 1828, the Saxon Technical School was founded to teach workers in technological subjects such as mechanics and ship construction.

+ He was responsible for the design of Expo 2000 in Hanover, design of the List of economic and technological development zones in ShanghaiShanghai International Automobile City, and the central axis in 2008 Olympics.

+ Nonetheless, the technological singularity has been a subject in many science fiction works, such as “The Terminator”, “The Matrix”, and the Borg in “Star Trek”.

+ This means the Arecibo message was a show of human technological achievement, not a real attempt to talk to extraterrestrial life.

+ Moore’s law describes a driving force of technological and social change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

+ The Bronze Age collapse may be seen in the context of a technological history that saw the slow, comparatively continuous spread of iron-working technology in the region, beginning with precocious iron-working in what is now Bulgaria and Romania in the 13th and 12th centuries BC.

+ It conducts basic scientific research, applied research, technological development and prototyping.

+ His works talk about impact of scientific and technological changes on the economy, the workforce, society, and the environment.

+ The National High School of Chemical and Technological Engineers “” is a renowned graduate engineering school in France.

+ The authors explain how investors, entrepreneurs, and individuals can profit from technological innovation in these areas.

+ However, one should know that the knowledge presented in countries that promotes technological advancement is not stationary.

+ The chief technological development was the edge of the handax.

+ A “vision” can be political, religious, environmental, social, or technological in nature.

+ After spending two years at Michigan Technological University he signed with the Manitoba Moose in 1997.

+ It might be very exciting to own the newest technological device on the market.

+ The main universities of Vitebsk are Vitebsk State Technological University, Vitebsk State Medical University and Vitebsk State University named in honor of Pyotr Masherov.

+ Futurists such as Ray Kurzweil believe this will become possible about the year 2045 in the technological singularity.

+ There are many technological companies in Japan, and these companies make products for export.

+ Both present considerable technological and economic challenges which are unlikely to be met in the near future, particularly for manned probes.

+ Movius in 1948 to show a technological difference between the early prehistoric tool technologies of the east and the west of the Old World.

+ Following the war, the Yard continued to be the scene of technological advances.

+ Overhead projectors were often used in classrooms to showcase some type of presentation on paper for a group of students to view and in more recent times, overhead projectors are being used/designed to project things on technological devices.

+ Maritime technology and the technological know-how allowed Song dynasty ships to be used in naval warfare between the Southern Song Dynasty, the Jin dynasty, and the Mongols.

+ When the Intellivision first came out in 1978, its games were made by APh Technological Consulting.

+ Because it has not happened yet, nobody really knows what the technological singularity will do, or if it will even happen.

+ The first episode begins in the year 3000, a time where there are many technological advancements, as well as a place where 21st century problems are treated as everyday situations.

+ Often, they have a higher amount of technological sophistication than in other forms of motor racing.

+ MathWorks is an American technological company that works for mathematical software.

+ Successful conservation involves both technological and behavioral measures.

+ In 1981, she was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering; in 1982 she was made a Member of the Order of Australia.

+ It is used every day in many technological objects, like television screens and credit cards.

+ He was seen as an important person of technological art.

+ The IPCC also answers questions from the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice.

+ The Human Development Index has been criticized on a number of grounds including alleged ideological biases towards egalitarianism and so-called “Western worldWestern models of development”, failure to include any ecological considerations, lack of consideration of technological development or contributions to the human civilization, focusing exclusively on national performance and ranking, lack of attention to development from a global perspective, measurement error of the underlying statistics, and on the UNDP’s changes in formula which can lead to severe misclassification in the categorisation of ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ human development countries.

+ It is located near the Nanyang Technological University.

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