Sentence example of “Republican party”

How to use in-sentence of “Republican party”:

+ The district is currently represented by Republican Party Republican Democrat to Republican after the Democrat retired.

+ In 2012, he beat Republican Party Republican nominee 2012 gubernatorial general election with 48% of the vote.

+ He was the superintendent at the German Institute and joined the Republican Party Republican Party.

+ He is a member of the Republican Party Republican Party and was a member of the Tea Party Caucus.

+ During the Republican Party presidential primaries, 20162016 Republican Party presidential primary, Rubio came in third place in Iowa.

+ He was defeated each time by the Republican Party Republican George Deukmejian.

Sentence example of Republican party
Sentence example of Republican party

Example sentences of “Republican party”:

+ He was the Republican Party Republican candidate for 2014 Oregon gubernatorial election.

+ As the Republican Party Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 presidential election alongside Senator John McCain, she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major party and first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency.
+ The Republican Party was a political party in Liberia.

+ He was the Republican Party Republican candidate for 2014 Oregon gubernatorial election.

+ As the Republican Party Republican Party nominee for Vice President in the 2008 presidential election alongside Senator John McCain, she was the first Alaskan on the national ticket of a major party and first Republican woman nominated for the vice presidency.

+ The Republican Party was a political party in Liberia.

+ Reagan was once again Republican Party presidential primaries, 1984nominated for president at the Democratic opponent, was former Vice President Walter Mondale of Minnesota.

+ Graham sought the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016Republican nomination for 2016 election; a close personal friend of Senator McCain’s 2008 campaign.

+ He is a Republican Party Republican and the son of Ron Paul.

+ Clements was the first Republican Party Republican to have served as U.S.

+ He was also the Republican Party Republican nominee for 2010.

+ In 2012, Survivor sued Republican Party Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich in Illinois federal court.

+ Maya Jribi From the PDP merged into the Republican Party in April 2012, until her resignation in 2017, she was the Secretary-General of the centrist party.

+ The Republican Party believed that low taxes would make people keep their money and spend it on American-made products and put money into American industries.

+ On November 8, 2006, Pence announced his candidacy for leader of the Republican Party in the United States House of Representatives.

+ Many in the Republican party opposed him because of this, however.

More in-sentence examples of “Republican party”:

+ Instead, Lincoln and his Republican Party thought that slavery should be banned in US territories.

+ He also filed to run for the 2018 Senate election in California under the Republican Party to unseat incumbent Dianne Feinstein, but failed in the June 5 primary.

+ Instead, Lincoln and his Republican Party thought that slavery should be banned in US territories.

+ He also filed to run for the 2018 Senate election in California under the Republican Party to unseat incumbent Dianne Feinstein, but failed in the June 5 primary.

+ The incumbent Republican Party Republican David Zuckerman who was part of the Vermont Progressive Party.

+ Former Governor William McKinley, the Republican Party Republican candidate, defeated Democrat William Jennings Bryan.

+ He was a Republican Party Republican member of the Republican National Convention in 1968 and 1988.

+ He served as a Republican Party Republican in the 4th congressional district from January 3, 1971 through January 3, 1981.

+ Jackson County has supported the Republican Party candidate in every presidential election from 1936 onward.

+ Only Cindy Hyde-Smith was in the Republican Party primary as she was already a Sneator.

+ A Republican Party Republican, he chaired the House Republican Conference from 2009 to 2011.

+ In 1856, in fact, the antislavery Republican party was not even on the ballot in Tennessee.

+ Comey was a member of the Republican Party until 2016 when he announced that he was an Independent.

+ The district has been represented by Republican Party Republican Thomas Massie since 2012.

+ President Lincoln seeks help from his cabinet including the founder of the Republican Party Francis Preston Blair who can help congress vote yes on stopping slavery.

+ In the 1896 presidential campaign, he supported Republican Party Republican William McKinley.

+ Usually he works for candidates of the Republican Party Republican Party.

+ This campaign constitutes Perry’s second consecutive bid for the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016Republican nomination for President of the United States.

+ On July 4, 2017, Petersen announced that he is running under the Republican Party Republican Party in the 2018 Missouri Senate race against current Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill.

+ Politically, Jenner is conservative and is a Republican Party Republican.

+ Bush announced his plans to seek the Republican Party nomination for the presidency of the United States in the 2000 presidential election.

+ He was Republican Party House Majority Leader from 2003 to 2005.

+ Parson was a Republican Party Republican member of the Missouri Senate representing the 28th district from 2011 to 2017.

+ He was a Republican Party Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from 1969 to 2005.

+ She was the Republican Party Republican nominee for Florida’s 27th congressional district in 2018, losing the general election to Donna Shalala.

+ In 2003, Landham ran in the Republican Party Republican Party primary election for the post of Governor of Kentucky.

+ The Republican Party nominated him for the Presidential election of 1860.

+ Republicans In Name Only or RINO is a word for people who are in the Republican Party of the United States but believe things and want to pass laws that are different from most Republicans.

+ He was the Republican Party Republican nominee for 2018 election.

+ He ran for the nomination of the Republican Party Republican Party for President of the United States two times.

+ All Republican Party Republicans, except Bob Packwood of Oregon and James Jeffords of Vermont, voted for confirmation.

+ Incumbent Republican Party Republican Democratic challenger Walter Maddox.

+ The current governor is Republican Party Republican Brian Kemp, who assumed office on January 14, 2019.

+ Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party said they would make Puerto Rico a state if their people wanted to.

+ At the time of his retirement, he was the longest-serving Republican Party Republican in the Virginia General Assembly.

+ On April 21, 2017, Allred said he would challenge the current Representative from his district, Republican Party Republican Pete Sessions, in the 2018 election.

+ He formally announced his candidacy for the Republican Party presidential primaries, 2016Republican nomination in the 2016 Presidential election at a rally in his hometown of Detroit on May 4, 2015.

+ James McPherson In 1849, he joined the Republican Party Republican Party, which was new then, because he was against slavery.

+ Wisconsin´s 8th congressional District is a district in Northeast Wisconsin, represented by Republican Party Republican Mike Gallagher of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

+ She was the first woman to be chosen by the Republican Party to try to become either President or Vice President and the first person from Alaska to be picked for one of these jobs by either the Republican or the Democratic Party.

+ He was the Chicago City CouncilChicago alderman and was also head of the Cook County Democratic Party until 1989 when he ran unsuccessfully for Republican Party tickets.

+ He quit the show to run as the Republican Party Republican candidate for the presidency in 2008, but he did not become the candidate.

+ She was picked at the 2008 Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota to be the Republican Party choice.

+ William Fife Knowland was an American politician, newspaper publisher, and Republican Party leader.

+ He received much criticism from Republican Party Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party because they believe that the federal government is becoming too big and spending too much money and that his programs are not the best for the country.

+ McMaster served on the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education and chaired the South Carolina Republican Party from 1993 to 2002.

+ He was a Republican Party Republican member of the New York from 1979 through 1983.

+ She is the former spouse of former Republican Party Republican congressman Michael Huffington.

+ The current governor is Kristi Noem, a member of the Republican Party who took office on January 5, 2019.

+ A member of the Republican Party Republican Party, he is the Minority Leader of the Senate, succeeding Chuck Schumer.

+ She was the Republican Party nominee for the U.S.

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