Sentence example of “regardless”

How to use in-sentence of “regardless”:

– Now, editors can use it on all devices regardless of size if they wish.

– This means that, regardless of their mass, all freely falling objects accelerate at the same rate.

– Sometimes applying both main text and Comment in the same row may cause the whole map to stretch too wide because there is some very long Comment text in another row regardless whether the main text and note 1 cells of that row are applied or not.

– Accounts with usernames that violate the username policy are often blocked indefinitely, regardless of their changing behavior.

– Comic book are also able to get figures of their characters produced, regardless of whether or not they appeared in movies or animated cartoons.

– It provides this help to all people, regardless of their race, religion or political beliefs.

Sentence example of regardless
Sentence example of regardless

Example sentences of “regardless”:

– Biomes are characterized by similar climax vegetation, regardless of the evolutionary lineage of the specific plants and animals.

– Today, Daruma dolls are widely known, regardless of religion or sect.

– The solid material produced and thrown into the air is called “tephra”, regardless of composition or fragment size.

– One should always double-check the accuracy of important facts, regardless of the source.

– Firstly, the closure of RfXs should not be undertaken by anyone but an elected Bureaucrat – this is, after all, what we appointed them to do – regardless of whether it is vote counting or not.

– I can keep doing what I do with or without the mop – so there’s no big deal regardless of how this goes – and, again, I won’t be actively seeking or thinking about adminship if this request fails, as it really doesn’t mean all that much to me – it’s a few extra buttons at the end of the day.

– Another way of saying that, is that an ethical person follows a “universal law” regardless of their situation.

– The competition was open to any female regardless of age, origin or appearance.

– Sometimes, they may be offered for those who either resign, regardless of the circumstances, or are fired.

– World Bicycle Day is a global holiday meant to be enjoyed by all people regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, class, sex, gender, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.

– Malevich responded that art can advance and develop for art’s sake alone, regardless of its pleasure: art does not need us, and it never did.

– The Fourteenth Amendment removed the three-fifths rule and ordered the census to count everyone regardless of skin color.

– One particular gender role that exist in the broader African American society which I have managed to navigate through is learning how to respect people’s choice of dressing and act regardless of their sex or whatever gender they choose to identify with.

- Biomes are characterized by similar climax vegetation, regardless of the evolutionary lineage of the specific plants and animals.

- Today, Daruma dolls are widely known, regardless of religion or sect.

More in-sentence examples of “regardless”:

- In certain schools, zero tolerance applies to any knife regardless of its type.

- Since healthcare needs remain fairly consistent regardless of the economy, this field was not subject to the same pressures that affected other industries in the early 2000s.
- Also, in 1282, Perugia was excommunicated due to a new military conflict against the Ghibellines regardless of a papal prohibition.

– In certain schools, zero tolerance applies to any knife regardless of its type.

– Since healthcare needs remain fairly consistent regardless of the economy, this field was not subject to the same pressures that affected other industries in the early 2000s.

– Also, in 1282, Perugia was excommunicated due to a new military conflict against the Ghibellines regardless of a papal prohibition.

– That said, regardless how established an editor is, an attack is an attack.

– Pansexuality is often described as ‘attraction to people regardless of gender pansexuality can also be described as “gender blind”.

– A woman therefore never changes surnames, regardless of whether she marries or divorces.

– The history of these changes is certainly not altogether lost regardless of any belief in a suppression of the facts by a conspiracy of the pagans of the Roman Empire and the clergy of the Catholic Church.

– The decision was later quashed by the High Court of Justice when on 5 October, Mr Justice Collins overturned the suspension, regardless of the outcome of Livingstone’s appeal concerning the breach of standards.

– It is also regardless of the shape of the roof, which may be flat, Slopesloping, domed, or hemispherical.

– Note: Totals for Canadian Hockey League teams include all teams from that city, regardless of franchise moves except for Toronto, Quebec City, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver.

– Unlike Standard Control Point, once a team has all three points they win regardless of how much capture progress the other team has.

– For example, a player who played one game in the 2000–01 season would be listed as playing with the team from 2000–2001, regardless of what calendar year the game occurred within.

– It is a spherical volume centered on the observer, regardless of the shape of the universe as a whole.

– In the United States, the title of “National Master” is awarded for life, regardless of whether his rating goes below 2200 later.

– But to the politicizing rabble-rouser and intellectual agitator— regardless of which direction— let it be said, beware, that you’re not nabbed, otherwise you’ll be grabbed by the neck and after your own recipe, made to hold your peace.

– For example, a company might hire a worker who is about 30 years old instead of someone who is about 50 years old, or someone who is around 20 years old, regardless of skill level.

– At the time Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia had mobilized the Ethiopian people regardless of class and ethnicities.

– Drawing conclusions not evident in the reference is original research regardless of the type of source.

– If he can’t google it or has no knowledge of it he removes the content regardless of references, that he conveniently contests and dismisses.

– Many Muslims, regardless of their ethnic background, wear Middle EastMiddle eastern clothing associated with Arabic Islam to special occasions and prayers at mosques.

– It was founded around 1048 in Jerusalem with the goal of giving medical care to anyone in need, regardless of religion or race.

– Pansexual people are people attracted to people regardless of their gender.

– However, the majority of Free-Staters, regardless of where they were from, did not claim to be abolitionists at the beginning.

– The observable universe is a spherical volume centered on the observer, regardless of the shape of the universe as a whole.

– On December 14, 2012, after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootingschool shooting in Newtown, Connecticut occurred, Obama had said, “We’re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics”.

– Subjects are more likely to say statements that they have already heard are true, regardless of their actual truth.

– At the very minimum, the undelete of the denialist comment is incredibly tone deaf, because it gives “the appearance that one supports denialism” regardless what their beliefs are, and this is hardly the impression we want our admins to be giving.

– For example, the word “”pessoa”” is feminine, but has no gender bias, it works regardless of gender.

– This goes, regardless of length of article or who inserted the fact.

– Any admin is free to review the block regardless of Codedon’s choice of admins.

– It is therefore not necessarily the displayed value or other alternate units and is calculated regardless of output format options.

– As with other disputed territories, each government issues maps depicting their claims in Kashmir as part of their territory, regardless of actual control.

– Unlike other countries that report cases within a given territory or cases of residents or citizens of a territory, the Holy See reports on cases “in Vatican City State and among the employees of the Holy See” regardless of location of testing, treatment, or residence.

– In popular culture, and even among some astronomers, “PlanetX” has become a stand-in term for any undiscovered planet in the outer Solar System, regardless of its relationship to Lowell’s hypothesis.

– This has resulted in the desire to redefine the term geek rather as any person who pursues a passionate interest in anything regardless of genre, is Creativitycreative, and individualistic.

– One kind of justification is general and applies regardless of role-related relationships: Under this general justification, people have a duty to rescue other people in distress because of their common humanity.

– Although indoor sports often happen at night, these events are have lights regardless of the time of day they happen.

– Pansexuality is considered the opposite of asexuality, as pansexuality means a person may be sexually attracted to anyone regardless of their gender identity, but asexuality means a person is sexually attracted to no one.

– The principle was equal pay for equal work regardless of sex.

– Passengers with subscription services will be able to make video calls and access high speed video content on their mobile phones regardless whether the train is above ground or under ground.

– In the 1800s and 1900s people said “republican in name only” when talking about governments of countries that said they let people elect their own leaders, like in a real republic, but really ruled regardless of what the people wanted.

– Coast Guard’s ceasing to administer Navassa’s use did not have any bearing at all on the United States sovereignty over the island, which remained constant regardless of the administering Federal agency or office.

– I’d just like to bring this line up: “Unacceptable uses include attempting to circumvent legitimate oversight of any controversial action, regardless of whether it is an administrator task or not.”.

– In the w:Kinetic theory of gaseskinetic theory of gases, the term “molecule” is often used for any gaseous particle regardless of its composition.

– If image size parameters are omitted, this template sets all images at 200px wide, regardless of whether the reader has set a preference for some other default image width.

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