Sentence example of “radiometric dating”

How to use in-sentence of “radiometric dating”:

+ The stratigraphy is extremely deep and layers of volcanic ash and stones allow radiometric dating of the embedded artifacts, mostly through K–Ar datingpotassium–argon dating and argon–argon dating.

+ Clair Cameron Patterson, an American geochemist who pioneered studies of uranium-lead radiometric dating methods, is famous for having used it to obtain one of the earliest accurate estimates of the age of the Earth.

+ This age is based on radiometric dating of zircon crystals at 4.031×10 years.

+ Then the discovery of radioactivity and the invention of radiometric dating techniques gave a way to get the ages of the layers.

+ They used radiometric dating techniques to figure out how old an artifact is, as well as other techniques to prove how the artifact was used.

Sentence example of radiometric dating
Sentence example of radiometric dating

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