Sentence example of “pollution”

How to use in-sentence of “pollution”:

– Sky glow is the kind of light pollution that prevents people from seeing stars and other deep-space objects.

– That results in a lot of plastic pollution in the environment.

– Air pollution is not only on the outside.

– In 1990, the Pollution Prevention Act was passed in the United States.

– Renewable resource harvesting and use typically do not produce pollution or contribute to global warming.

– In addition to air pollution, burning coal produces toxic coal ash, which can cause water pollution if it is accidentally released into the environment.

– The pollution of the environment with crude or mineral oil or their by-products is called an oil spill.

– Because of that and other air pollution from coal most countries are turning to new sources of energy, such as solar power.

Sentence example of pollution
Sentence example of pollution

Example sentences of “pollution”:

– Water pollution and climate change.

– Then after World War II, the Rhine Action Programme was set up to boost the Rhine’s wildlife and reduce the pollution there.

– This can cause other problems, such as even more pollution and traffic, as few, if any, people walk.

– But as more vehicles are used, more pollution is created.

– They also make the environment safer and less pollution is caused.

– The dam also persuaded the government of China to think seriously about the pollution in the Yangtze River and the rest of China.

– Petroleum produces less pollution per ton, but it causes a lot of pollution since a lot of it is burned globally.

– To this day, the creek is still a big problem in terms of pollution at its mouth, the popular Aliso Creek Beach.

– Peking is another city where air pollution is serious.

– The pollution often comes from nonpoint sources such as agricultural runoff, wind-blown debris and dust. Nutrient pollution, a form of water pollution, refers to contamination by excessive inputs of nutrients.

- Water pollution and climate change.

- Then after World War II, the Rhine Action Programme was set up to boost the Rhine's wildlife and reduce the pollution there.

More in-sentence examples of “pollution”:

– Advantages: These vehicles use an electric motor, so they are very quiet, no smell and no pollution from exhaust gases.

– In India in 2014, it was reported that air pollution had cut crop yields in the most affected areas by almost half in 2010 when compared to 1980 levels.

– They make less pollution because of this.

– Grover loves nature very much and hates pollution because he is a satyr.

– This is due to the noise pollution emitted from the aircraft while it is flying.

– When the air rises, either in cumulus clouds or in thunderstorms, spreads the pollution higher up into the atmosphere.

– It also reduces greenhouse pollution and helps reduce crude oil imports.

– Flat-headed cats are endangered because of pollution and because humans catch too many fish but mostly because humans have cut down the forests to build farms.

– It produces less pollution than the fires of steam engines do.

– Efforts have been taken to reduce the pollution and increase water quality.

– He was the minister for Co-operation, Khadi and Village Industries and Pollution Control -Government of Kerala under the Oommen Chandy Ministry.

– Because a single tram can carry many people at the same time, riding on a tram instead of driving a car is a good way to help prevent pollution and stop the roads getting too busy.

– In other words, air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence or introduction of a substance which has a poisonous effect.

– Rolling coal is a term used to describe the result of intentionally removing the pollution controls on diesel trucks or cars.

– But this has been in a underdeveloped area, only a single tea shop can be seen near.This stream is pollution free and people were allowed to bathe here.

– Biodiesel is much cleaner and has less pollution than diesel fuel made from fossil fuels.

– The Hudson River used to have a lot of pollution from industry, but it is becoming cleaner now.

– MEND’s stated goals are to localize control of Nigeria’s oil and to secure reparations from the federal government for pollution caused by the oil industry.

– Early in the 21st century people are using more electric and hybrid vehicles again as a way to reduce pollution and use less gasoline.

– Noise pollution also known as sound pollution is harmful to the brain and hearing of all animals and humans.

– Air pollution is usually described as either “primary pollutants” or “secondary pollutants”.Primary pollutants are pollutants that are put directly into the air by humans or natural sources.

– Car s, factories, and garbagewaste create a lot of pollution that makes people sick.

– Like other metropolitan cities in India, Kolkata struggles with poverty, pollution and traffic congestion.

– The Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement try to reduce pollution from the burning of fossil fuels.

– While there has been a great deal of guessing over the cause of the toxic algae bloom, there is no evidence that it is being caused by pollution or that there has been an increase in the length or frequency of red tide outbreaks.

– While governor he passed tax reform, justice reform, anti pollution laws, and civil rights laws.

– Airbus has joined Honeywell and JetBlue Airways to lower the amount of pollution and how much oil planes need to use.

– A dark-sky preserve is protected area without light pollution created by humans.

– The present-day linden were replanted in the 1950s, they are affected by air pollution as well as by soil contamination.

– In addition to the floods, the existing pollution in the water has caused cases of cholera and salmonella in some of the houses closest to river.

– Clumps of bacteria grow while eating the pollution from the water.

– Several IPs have added spam links to Air pollution in the past few months.

– Observations of atmospheric composition are increasingly made by satellites giving a global picture of air pollution and chemistry.

– Highways are sometimes criticised because of the pollution cars make when driving highways.

– One team of scientists from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg looked at air pollution information from satellites and statistics on COVID-19 deaths in Italy, France, Germany and Spain and saw that places with large amounts of nitrogen dioxide pollution had more people die from COVID-19.

– Thermal pollution is the harmful release of heated liquid into a body of water or heat released into the air as a waste product of a industry.

– This is because the pollution in the lake creates a stinky, white foam.

– Water pollution is the pollution of bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, seas, the oceans, as well as groundwater.

– Technologies developed at the Los Alamos National Lab even allows pollution to be converted into renewable biofuel.

– Humans add excess sulfur into this cycle, usually through atmospheric pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion.

– Even farm waste are recycled in organic farming and it prevents the pollution of any component of our environment.

– Oceanic pollution is the process where harmful or potentially harmful substances get into the ocean where they affect the existence of the sea organisms.

– Aircraft pollution has increased a great deal although flying or taking a transportation method that can carry more than a few individuals at a time is more environmentally friendly than a smaller vehicle.

– Acid rain is a regional air pollution problem.

– As pollution increased during the Industrial Revolution in England, many of the lichens died out.

– However, it wasn’t brought to the attention of most people until June 6, 2002, when the Czech Republic passed the world’s first light pollution law.

– Water pollution and the loss of habitat are a threat to some dolphins, especially those living in rivers and estuaries.

– You can lower the amount of light pollution by having lights off when they are not needed.

– Every time we wash a car or People often think that water pollution comes from big factories, but most of the pollution comes from everyday people doing everyday things.

- Advantages: These vehicles use an electric motor, so they are very quiet, no smell and no pollution from exhaust gases.

- In India in 2014, it was reported that air pollution had cut crop yields in the most affected areas by almost half in 2010 when compared to 1980 levels.
- They make less pollution because of this.

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