Sentence example of “in contrast to”

How to use in-sentence of “in contrast to”:

+ Theorems use deduction, in contrast to theories which are empirical.

+ The lyrics are childlike and often humorous caused by the disco fever in that period and in contrast to the oppression by Ferdinand MarcosFerdinand and Imelda Marcos.

+ Can someone possibly figure out what seems to be malfunctioning, or at least is different in contrast to the corresponding template on enwiki.

+ In the late 19th century it came to mean the concept that natural selection was the only mechanism of evolution, in contrast to Lamarckism.

+ They eventually developed a vast colonial empire, in contrast to the Portuguese who ruled a few islands and coastal cities along the Indian Ocean.

+ Hydropower produces essentially no carbon dioxide or other harmful emissions, in contrast to burning fossil fuels, and is not a significant contributor to global warming through CO.

+ This is in contrast to other herbivores like the Ceratopsia and Ankylosauria, which were low browsers, eating lower vegetation like shrubs.

+ In both games he played midfield, this is in contrast to his ‘right back’ role for his club side, Manchester United.

Sentence example of in contrast to
Sentence example of in contrast to

Example sentences of “in contrast to”:

+ When Emperor Joseph II tried the scheme again in 1784, Frederick created the “Fürstenbund”, making Germans see him as a defender of German liberties, in contrast to his earlier role of attacking the imperial Habsburgs.

+ This is in contrast to Fred Jr., who was constantly scolded for not learning to be a cruel person like Fred Sr.

+ The failure of the Ottoman Government to implement the decisions of the Constantinople Conference triggered the 1877–1878 Russo-Turkish War Russo-Turkish War, depriving at the same time Turkey – in contrast to the preceding 1853–1856 Western support.

+ This inline template helps highlight a disputed particular statement or alleged fact, in contrast to the indicates that at least one editor believes there is no question that the statement has a verifiability problem.

+ They are the antagonists, and they usually use red lightsabers in contrast to the variety of colors used by the Jedi.

+ Moreover, it is not uncommon in Japan to refer to any thin noodle as “soba” in contrast to udon which are thick noodles made from wheat.

+ It is often used in contrast to “de facto” when talking about law, governance, or technique.

+ Features: able to support their body on land for long periods; had five fingers and toes in contrast to their fishapod ancestors.

+ When Emperor Joseph II tried the scheme again in 1784, Frederick created the "Fürstenbund", making Germans see him as a defender of German liberties, in contrast to his earlier role of attacking the imperial Habsburgs.

+ This is in contrast to Fred Jr., who was constantly scolded for not learning to be a cruel person like Fred Sr.

+ Originally, it referred to the countries that were under the influence of the Eastern Orthodox Church in Constantinople during the middle ages, which was in contrast to the West which referred to the countries under the influence of the Roman Catholic and later Protestant Churches.

+ They had short necks and large heads, in contrast to other plesiosaurs.

+ In 1806, Jean Marie Joseph Farina, a grand-grand-nephew of Giovanni Maria Farina, opened a perfumery business at Paris that developed into Roger Gallet, that owns the rights to “Eau de Cologne extra vielle” in contrast to the Original “Eau de Cologne” from Cologne.

+ A very similar term is “water bird”, which is used in contrast to waders, which walk about in shallow water.

+ This was in contrast to the attitude of the British Dublin Castle administration, which refused appeals from the Royal Irish Constabulary that that force be disarmed.

More in-sentence examples of “in contrast to”:

+ This is in contrast to gram-negative bacteria, which cannot hold the “crystal violet” stain.

+ The term “desktop publishing” is attributed to Aldus Corporation founder Paul Brainerd, who sought a marketing catch-phrase to describe the small size and relative affordability of this software in contrast to the expensive commercial phototypesetting equipment of the day.

+ Fluids usually take on the shape of their containers, in contrast to solids which maintain their own shape.

+ Maximilian was shocked by the living conditions of the poor in contrast to the magnificent haciendas of the upper class.

+ The logical topology, in contrast to the “physical”, is the wignals act on the network media, or the way that the data passes through the network from one device to the next without regard to the physical interconnection of the devices.

+ In this way, the medieval and early modern Fens stood in contrast to the rest of southern England, which was primarily an arable agricultural region.

+ A few linguists : 65-98 but as part of a node including Korean and Japanese, in contrast to a Turkic-Mongolic-Tungusic node, with Korean-Japanese-Ainu and Turkic-Mongolic-Tungusic, in turn, forming a higher-level node.

+ The heterozygote of this plant produces flowers in the F1 generation of the colour pink in contrast to the red homozygotes.

+ Other Baptists accept the “Protestant” label as a category for churches who have Similaritysimilar religious views of “sola scriptura, sola fide” the priesthood of all believers and other positions that Luther or Calvin had in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church in the 1500s.

+ This is in contrast to Salamandroidea, or advanced salamander.

+ The tradition of a renewal of the faith went back to Islam’s first century, with the Caliphatecaliph Umar II, who came to power in the Muslim year 99 and was particularly revered for his piety, in contrast to his predecessors.

+ Eurogamer praised the games, the support of 60 Hz and the fact that there are two controllers with longer cables in contrast to the NES Classic Mini.

+ Laozi used the term to mean simplicity and humility as key virtues, in contrast to selfishness.

+ This is in contrast to Herodotus, who frequently mentions multiple versions of his stories and allows the reader to decide which is true.

+ A punt is in contrast to a drop kick, in which the ball touches the ground before being kicked.

+ This is in contrast to turbulent flow, when a fluid swirls around.

+ This is in contrast to most other mobile phones which are designed to be difficult to unlock.

+ The FC Young Boys club was founded on 14 March 1898, taking its name in contrast to the existing club “Old Boys Basel”.

+ Ares generally represents the chaos of war in contrast to Athena, who represented strategy and skill.

+ The spirit of Christiania quickly developed into one of hippiethe hippie movement, the squatter movement, collectivism and anarchism, in contrast to the site’s previous military use.

+ In “Municipal Corporations Dillon explained that in contrast to the powers of states, which are unlimited but for express restrictions under the state or federal constitution, municipalities only have the powers that the state legislature expressly gives to them.

+ The video ends with Knowles and her dancers in front of a giant fan in vibrant dresses in contrast to the more neutral colors of the background.

+ But in contrast to the other game the player has to take card to move.

+ This species lives on the ground, in contrast to other living anteaters and sloths which are arboreal or semi-arboreal.

+ This is in contrast to a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology which is a bachelor’s degree typically conferred after a period of three to four years of an undergraduate course of study in Information Technology .

+ The endocrine system is in contrast to the exocrine system, which secretes its chemicals using ducts.

+ The term is used in contrast to reduced instruction set computer.

+ This theory was called Plutonist in contrast to the flood-oriented theory.

+ The double bass is generally tuned in fourths, in contrast to members of the orchestral string family, which are tuned in fifths.

+ They have naked seeds, in contrast to the seeds or ovules of flowering plants which are enclosed during pollination.

+ In 2006, a new version of Furby baby was released, with most notable features being the new look and a more “Baby-ish” appearance in contrast to the Emoto-Tronic Furby adult.

+ Another theory explains that the nation was termed as such in order to emphasize the division of those who stayed in China in contrast to the people living in Vietnam.

+ Their average annual income is slightly higher than the median for their age, and most are graduates of four-year universities.” This profile is in contrast to European and American ultra-rightist groups who are mostly made up of disaffected low-income and unemployed youth.

+ Renewable energy resources exist over wide geographical areas, in contrast to other energy sources, which are concentrated in a limited number of countries.

+ This is in contrast to heat energy, which is carried into or out of the system in the form of transfers in the “microscopic” thermal motions of particles.

+ This was in contrast to opera buffa, which was about ordinary people and often made fun of kings and nobility.

+ ABC charged advertisers $900,000 USD for a 30-second commercial during the series finale, in contrast to the standard 2010 season price of $214,000.

+ It is often used in contrast to “de jure” when talking about law, governance, or technique.

+ It was a maritime empire, in contrast to the land-based Roman empire.

+ Because acetic anhydride is not stable in water, the conversion is conducted under water-free conditions in contrast to the Monsanto acetic acid synthesis.

+ These materials, in contrast to true ashes, tend to occur in “angular fragments”.

+ On population policy, in contrast to her predecessor, Gillard is against a “big Australia”.

+ Boyle supported the policy that the Bible should be available in the language of the people, in contrast to the Latin-only policy of the Roman Catholic Church at the time.

+ I will propose a change for “pansexual” which is John’s term for him In contrast to the wiser and older Doctor, Jack prefers a hands-on solution to the problem at hand.

+ It is in contrast to constitutional monarchy, which is restrained or controlled by other groups of people.

+ The term: microarchitecture was used to describe the units that were controlled by the microprogram words, in contrast to the term: “architecture” that was visible and documented for programmers.

+ This is in contrast to gram-negative bacteria, which cannot hold the "crystal violet" stain.

+ The term "desktop publishing" is attributed to Aldus Corporation founder Paul Brainerd, who sought a marketing catch-phrase to describe the small size and relative affordability of this software in contrast to the expensive commercial phototypesetting equipment of the day.

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