Sentence example of “frequency”

How to use in-sentence of “frequency”:

– This frequency limit is caused by the middle ear that acts as a low-pass filter.

– A key idea of NMR is that the resonance frequency of a particular substance is directly proportional to the strength of the applied magnetic field.

– It is a little easier to visualize the reverse of this process by looking at an initial sine wave of one frequency to which is added a second sine wave of a different wavelength, then a third, then a fourth, and so on.

– In the Large Hadron Collider, proton bunches also produce the radiation at increasing amplitude and frequency as they accelerate in the vacuum field, making photoelectrons.

– In addition, it lists statistics for each disorder ranging from its frequency in the general population to the most effective form of treatment.

– The energy of a photon can be computed from its frequency ν or wavelength λ.

Sentence example of frequency
Sentence example of frequency

Example sentences of “frequency”:

– The angular frequency ω has units of radians per second.

– The station broadcasts on the analog signalanalogue frequency 103 FM, from a 4kW transmitter on Saddleworth Moor.

– The formula for the frequency of light waves is where the c is the speed of light.

– It has been used for many years, mainly in high performance computinghigh-performance computing, with a great increase in its use in recent years, due to the physical constraints preventing frequency scaling.

– While Hulse was observing a new pulsar, named PSR B1913+16, he noticed that the frequency with which it pulsed fluctuated.

– Utility frequency, line frequency or mains frequency is the frequency level of the alternating currentAC electricity used in transmission and distribution from electricity generation sources to customers.

– The frequency range of that radiation depends on the central object.

– KFUO broadcasts on the same frequency as KOA in Denver, Colorado.

– Blue shifting happens when something is moving toward us, the opposite process of red-shift, in which the wavelength decreases and frequency increases, shifting the light towards the blue end of the spectrum.

- The angular frequency ω has units of radians per second.

- The station broadcasts on the analog signalanalogue frequency 103 FM, from a 4kW transmitter on Saddleworth Moor.

– Prior to the creation of Deep Note, several other works made use of similar techniques of frequency spread.

– High frequency of lactose intolerance in a prehistoric hunter-gatherer population in northern Europe.

– The phase velocity of a wave is the rate at which the phase of any one frequency component of the wave travels.

– White and White concluded that at a higher spatial frequency the grating of White’s illusion could be described by brightness assimilation.

– The frequency chosen for measuring candelas is in the visible spectrum near green.

– The vibration frequency of the crystal does not change.

– Sound waves with frequency below 20Hz are called infrasound waves.

More in-sentence examples of “frequency”:

– The layer is capable of reflecting medium shortwave electromagnetic radiations or the EM radiations whose frequency ranges between 300 kHz to 3MHz.

– Realizing that identical twins would have to be the same sex, while non-identical twins could be either same or opposite sex, Weinberg derived a formula for estimating the frequency of MZ and DZ twins from the ratio of same and opposite sex twins to the total of maternities.

– This example shows that knowing the frequency of an electromagnetic wave gives you the wavelength, since all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light so that c = v where v is frequency and lambda is wavelength, and c is the speed of light.

– Most transmitters use a quartz crystal to set the frequency of the resulting carrier wave.

– What sexual behavior is considered promiscuous varies between cultures, as does the frequency of promiscuity.

– Other people thought about frequencies; the notion of probability is usually called frequency probability.

– In sound recording, equalization is the process commonly used to change the frequency response of an audio system using linear filters.

– Knowing either frequency or wavelength, you can compute the photon’s momentum.

– His 1950 paper on gene frequency clines is notable as the first application of a computer to biology.

– An employee committee called the “Design Team” helps to make policy decisions on issues such as the plan’s measures, employee eligibility, frequency of payout, and method of communication.

– The cutoff frequency is the minimum frequency that is required for the emission of electrons from a metallic surface, due to incident radiation.

– The dipole antenna is made of two poles into which radio frequency current flows.

– Making a graph of the Fourier transform of this sound wave will show a peak at each frequency which corresponds with one of the musical notes.

– Dysuria, arthralgia, myalgia, unexplained fatigue, abdominal pain, constant burning pain in the penis, and frequency may all be present.

– It was renamed in August 1988 when it was decided to re-brand Piccadilly Radio’s FM frequency to the new name, with a younger target audience in mind.

– It also received a “limited time” license because this was the same frequency as KOA in Denver.

– Once this frequency is chosen, it is multiplied by the ratios to produce the first column of frequencies.

– If a high frequency light is used, the light can find the position more accurately but the particle’s speed will be unknown.

– Dispersion is the idea that the frequency of a wave influences its velocity.

– Sound waves with frequency above 20kHz are called ultrasound waves.

– Nobody before had ever guessed that frequency is directly proportional to energy.

– Because higher frequency light equates to shorter wavelengths, and blue light has one of the shortest wavelengths of visible light, Cherenkov light is usually blue.

– As the frequency of a wave increases, the wavelength decreases Thus, the frequency and wavelength are in inverse proportionality.

– It is also apparent that masturbation frequency declines with age.

– Counting the frequency on the open string and the frequencies on the fretted strings, for each string there will be 12 defined frequencies.

– Information about the initial rise in melanic frequency is scarce.

– The change was made to improve reliability and increase the service frequency on the Hammersmith branch.

– Their product line include broadband solutions, radio frequency signal testers and generators and record/playback instrumentation, and their expertise encompasses RF and fiber optics, mechatronics, as well as control systems.

– This effect increases as frequency increases.

– The lung sounds have a higher frequency than heart sounds.

– Today, most technologies used for WLANs use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing.

– A study published in 1997 found an inverse association between death from coronary heart disease and frequency of orgasm even given the risk that myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction can be triggered by sexual activity.

– Tune the next string to the frequency of the bottom string at the first fret.

– Pilot must set the correct frequency of the beacon to determine the bearing and fly to it.

– The minimum frequency needed is called the “cutoff frequency” or “threshold frequency‘.

– Batesian mimicry might damage the warning effect if the frequency of mimics became high, because more young birds would taste them and be encouraged to try again.

– A band-pass filter is an Filter electronic filter that passes the frequency component of a signal within a certain range value, where it has its lower cutoff frequency and upper cutoff frequency.

– This type of capacitor is not for use in high frequency circuits, being made with a coil inside.

– The template is not yet ready for use with frequency ranges such as 92.5-96.1 MHz.

– The “ones” and “zeros” were transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second.

– When electromagnetic radiation is incident upon a metallic surface, if the radiation has a frequency greater than the threshold frequency, a part of the energy of the incident radiation is absorbed by the electrons on the metallic surface; facilitating electronic excitement.

– So the frequency is 0.

– Changing the frequency of the vibration changes the pitch of the sound produced.

– Kapchinsky, created the Radio Frequency Quadrupole principle, which was very important dealing with the speed of low energy ion beams.

– The note which vibrates at 1 ½ times the frequency of the basic note will be the note a perfect fifth higher.

- The layer is capable of reflecting medium shortwave electromagnetic radiations or the EM radiations whose frequency ranges between 300 kHz to 3MHz.

- Realizing that identical twins would have to be the same sex, while non-identical twins could be either same or opposite sex, Weinberg derived a formula for estimating the frequency of MZ and DZ twins from the ratio of same and opposite sex twins to the total of maternities.
- This example shows that knowing the frequency of an electromagnetic wave gives you the wavelength, since all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light so that c = v where v is frequency and lambda is wavelength, and c is the speed of light.

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