Sentence example of “firing”

How to use in-sentence of “firing”:

+ They were lined up in the gulch as if before a firing squad.

+ Powdered glass is fused onto ceramics by firing to between 750 and 850 °C.

+ At first her father did not approve of the relationship and went as far as firing Pérez from the band.

+ Sukumaran was executed by firing squad on 29 April 2015 along with Chan as well as Nigerians Raheem Agbaje Salami, Okwuduli Oyatanze, Sylvester Obiekwe Nwolise, Ghanaian Martin Anderson, Brazilian Rodrigo Gularte and Indonesian Zainal Abidin.

+ When the bomb reaches the bottom of the tube it hits a firing pin.

+ Gameplay features that are new to the series include melee-based finishing moves called Glory Kills, most weapons having two different secondary firing modes that can be bought and switched out at any time, platforming similar to the Metroid Prime games, weapon challenges to upgrade your weapons, and arcade-style challenges to upgrade your suit.

Sentence example of firing
Sentence example of firing

Example sentences of “firing”:

+ On the same day, the Investigative Committee said that on August 11 in Brest, two men attacked “persons performing tasks for the protection of public order” – beat them with metal pipes and “attempted to take possession of firearms.” – “One of the, perceiving the actions of the suspects as a real threat to life and health and preventing attempts to take possession of a service weapon, used a weapon against the attacker, firing in the direction of the shoulder.

+ Being able to hold dual pistols firing both of them at the same time whilst hitting the targets.

+ Maximilian was captured by Benito Juarez’s Republican forces and executionexecuted by firing squad on 19 June 1867.

+ When the martial law was reused in 1909 during the Tragic Week, he was arrested, convicted without any proof and executed by firing squad at Montjuich Fortress in Barcelona on 13 October.

+ A fully automatic weapon is one that keeps firing bullets as long as the trigger is pulled.

+ Early models used a flintlock firing mechanism while later models used the percussion cap.

+ Ngema was sentenced to death and executed by a firing squad.

+ Godzilla runs stop down Shinagawa to target the dinosaur-creature, Godzilla regenerates his body into 57′ meter tall self, surrounded by helicopters then the civilians stop firing and escapes Godzilla in the sea.

+ It allowed for looking and firing around corners with its 30 degree barrel and a periscope-style sight.

+ From November 2010 until his firing in January 2011, he was Minister of Justice.

+ They can also be part of a trench system, where the pillbox is a firing step that has been built to take grenade blasts and smaller mortar fire.

+ Bushmaster stated that the recall was issued due to “a possible firearms performance issue that may develop with a small number of ACR rifles” and goes on to state that “Bushmaster discovered a design flaw which could result in multiple rounds firing continuously when the trigger is pulled”.

+ Modern muzzleloading firearms a variety of firing mechanisms.

+ But in the 18th century firing muskets only paved the way for a bayonet charge.

+ The shooter knows the loud noise and shock of firing the weapon is coming and at the last moment flinches.

+ A suppressor, sometimes called a “silencer”, can be attached to the muzzle of a firearm to reduce the sound of firing the weapon.

+ From the window he often saw English soldiers firing at the demonstrators, men and women.

+ In response to the letter, Trump ordered Mattis’ firing on January 1, nearly two months earlier than Mattis planned leaving office.

+ On June 19, 2020, Attorney General William Barr announced that he is firing Berman.

+ After a criminal trial on 14 February 2006, Sukumaran was sentenced to execution by firing squad.

+ On the same day, the Investigative Committee said that on August 11 in Brest, two men attacked "persons performing tasks for the protection of public order" - beat them with metal pipes and "attempted to take possession of firearms." - “One of the, perceiving the actions of the suspects as a real threat to life and health and preventing attempts to take possession of a service weapon, used a weapon against the attacker, firing in the direction of the shoulder.

+ Being able to hold dual pistols firing both of them at the same time whilst hitting the targets.

More in-sentence examples of “firing”:

+ One of the most vocal criticisms came from Malcolm X who stated, ‘Real men don’t put their children on the firing line.’ King responded by saying that the demonstrations allowed children to develop “a sense of their own stake in freedom and justice”.

+ Kameny protested his firing by the U.S.

+ The firing went on 14:34 to 14:55 and again from 15:10 to 15:41.

+ After a criminal trial on 14 February 2006, Chan was sentenced to execution by firing squad.

+ Once the player is successful, the humans re-open the portal and head after the Covenant to stop them firing the Halos.

+ In the beginning laser guns and the laser targets worn on the soldiers bodies were not connected, this means that the soldiers were able to continue firing the gun even if they had been tagged.

+ A stock, also known as a shoulder stock, a buttstock, or simply a butt is a part of a rifle or other firearm, to which the barrel barrel and firing mechanism are attached.

+ When firing a weapon without a bipod, it is harder to aim and keep the weapon steady.

+ It is a terrible scene showing the execution of the Emperor Maximillian of Mexico by a firing squad.

+ The firing is done at a temperature below the melting point of the ceramic.

+ The bunker firing slit is visible in the distance, just above the German soldier’s head.

+ The potter may then apply a glaze to the surface before firing the object again.

+ This would make it an assembly line production, with specific parts manufactured and assembled after being fired, as opposed to crafting one solid piece and subsequently firing it.

+ It called for the firing of openly gay or lesbian teachers.

+ A firing squad is a group of people with guns who shoot and kill a criminal who has been sentenced to death penalty.

+ Muskets were not very accurate and by all firing at the same time they were more likely to hit enemy soldiers.

+ During World War II many had autocannons firing small, explosive artillery shells.

+ After a few months he was taken prisoner and death penaltyexecuted by firing squad.

+ Primer actuated blowback is when the round is fired, the primer moves the firing pin rearwards to unlock the bolt.

+ He was put on trial to a jury containing several of Riel’s most trusted men The court found Scott annoying, and he was sentenced to death for being mean, by a firing squad.

+ Extreme test firing confirmed findings that simple lubrication keeps the rifles functioning for extreme periods, but all manufacturers recommend more frequent cleaning.

+ The player is part of the allied forces placing charges, firing mortars, driving jeeps, and killing Nazis.

+ David and Falken try to get Joshua to stop the firing and eventually succeed when Jennifer mentions the word “games”.

+ The ENIAC was first designed to print firing tables for U.S Army artillery, but the war ended before the machine was completed.

+ The legislation under scrutiny, prevented employers from engaging in “unfair labor practices” such as firing workers for joining unions.

+ Even the firing of artillery, rockets and missiles can be called shooting.

+ If voted into law, it would stop an employer from firing an employee because he or she is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.

+ Stocked automatic weapons firing pistol rounds were developed around the same time during World War I, by Italy, Germany, and the United States.

+ The electronic engine management system is supplied by Motorola, firing a Capacitor discharge ignition ignition system.

+ Later, the group holed itself up inside Nariman House after taking hostages while another group forced themselves inside the lobby of Hotel Taj,threw grenades and started indiscriminate firing on the people inside the hotel lobby.

+ When the police moved into Lena, the strikers closed ranks and the situation rapidly worsened, resulting in troops firing on and killing or injuring a large numbers of miners.

+ Dimension Sword Slice: Super Janemba slices his target repeatedly with his Dimension Sword, before teleporting in front of him/her and firing a Super Explosive Cannon.

+ The French judges suggested the use of a firing squad for the military condemned, as is standard for military courts-martial, but this was opposed by Biddle and the Soviet judges.

+ Recoil anticipation, or more commonly known as “flinching”, is the unintended not intended or planned mental and physical response to firing a gun.

+ In humans, cells with location-specific firing patterns have been reported in a study.

+ Lighter mortars can be fired from anywhere that gives a good firing position.

+ It can also refer just to the firing mechanism itself.”The Encyclopedia of the Wars of the Early American Republic, 1783–1812″, ed.

+ Moving to firing takes only 30 seconds.

+ These are used to block the view of opponents and prevent them from firing accurately.

+ After pit firing the hot ware is covered with sand to cool, and after kiln firing the kiln is slowly cooled.

+ The regiment managed to leave their landing craft before the Germans could start firing their guns.

+ It has a lot of green, and is good for rambling but there is the danger of a field being an army firing range.

+ For example, in the United States, the state of Utah formerly used firing squads, but it now uses lethal injection.

+ She and her husband Nicolae were publicly executed by firing squad on 25 December 1989.

+ In the 1800’s, better ammunition and ways of firing the gun, meant that rifling was practical for military use, and the rifled musket became common.

+ She then claimed that her firing from the Pentagon at the end of the Clinton administration was because she leaked the phone calls, while the administration claimed it to be a standard routine.

+ Arbiter and Chief, now controlled by the player again, race to the Halo control to stop the Covenant from firing the ring one last time.

+ It said that it would not allow firing in what the North thought was its part of the sea.

+ But, the firing squad shoot Cavaradossi.

+ One of the most vocal criticisms came from Malcolm X who stated, ‘Real men don't put their children on the firing line.’ King responded by saying that the demonstrations allowed children to develop “a sense of their own stake in freedom and justice”.

+ Kameny protested his firing by the U.S.

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