Sentence example of “expressed as”

How to use in-sentence of “expressed as”:

+ This interpretation of due process is sometimes expressed as a command that the government must not be unfair to the people or abuse them physically.

+ Also, Gödel numbering implies that each inference rule of the formal system can be expressed as a function of natural numbers.

+ For weather reporting and for scientific analysis of wind wave statistics, their size over a period of time is usually expressed as “significant wave height.” This figure represents the average height of the highest one-third of the waves in a given time period or in a specific storm system or event.

+ Similar problems can arise in chemistry articles were the big ideas are expressed as chemical equations and structural diagrams rather than prose text.

+ Because, the charge continuity issue with Ampère’s original formulation is no longer a problem.The magnetization current can be expressed as the “curl” of the magnetization, so its divergence is zero and it does not contribute to the continuity equation.

Sentence example of expressed as
Sentence example of expressed as

Example sentences of “expressed as”:

+ Availability is sometimes expressed as a percentage of uptime, such as 99%.

+ It is most easily expressed as a graph theorygraph describing the locations of a set of nodes.

+ Usually the “change” is expressed as a frequency, the number of times per second the current or voltage change direction.

+ When the amount of fuel is measured in mass, the specific impulse is expressed as a speed.

+ This could be expressed as two sets of plotted points: one for you and one for your brother.

+ These often had common calculations directly expressed as special scales, for example loan calculations, optimal purchase quantities, or particular engineering equations.

+ The positive and negative charges in molecules separate under the applied field, causing an increase in the state of polarization, expressed as the polarization density “P”.

+ Typically, Yield chemical yields are expressed as a weight in grams or as a percentage of the total theoretical quantity of product that could be produced.

+ It may be expressed as a percentage or in other ways.

+ The color is expressed as an RGB triplet, each component of which can vary from zero to a defined maximum value.

+ The coldest possible temperature is −273.15 °C, which can be expressed as -459.67 °F on the Fahrenheit scale.

+ This is equivalent to saying that at least one of the vectors can be expressed as a linear combination of the others.

+ It is expressed as a “difference in biological fitness”.

+ Availability is sometimes expressed as a percentage of uptime, such as 99%.

+ It is most easily expressed as a graph theorygraph describing the locations of a set of nodes.
+ Usually the "change" is expressed as a frequency, the number of times per second the current or voltage change direction.

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