Sentence example of “environment”

How to use in-sentence of “environment”:

– These events provide a supportive environment where masturbation can be performed openly.

– In order to detect changes in the environment organisms need receptors.

– The pollution of the environment with crude or mineral oil or their by-products is called an oil spill.

– A café setting is known as a casual social environment where you can find people reading newspapers and magazines, playing board games, studying or chatting with others about current events.

– When the encysted microbe reaches an environment good for its growth and survival, the cyst wall breaks down by a process known as “excystation”.

– SQR codes may be securely read in a retail environment at the point of sale using 2D barcode scanners or even a low cost web camera.

Sentence example of environment
Sentence example of environment

Example sentences of “environment”:

- Storage of radioactive waste must be guaranteed for thousands of years, until it decays sufficiently to be safe to the environment and its inhabitants. Radioactive waste can be stored by deep geological burial or by dry cask storage. Dry Cask Storage is large cylinders of concrete and steel that are used to hold 10 or more metric tons of high-level radioactive waste.

- However, due to sociopolitical chaos, environment issues that Tehuatican could recover from, and declining population, Teotihuacán became very weak in regards to defending itself from the outside world.

– Storage of radioactive waste must be guaranteed for thousands of years, until it decays sufficiently to be safe to the environment and its inhabitants. Radioactive waste can be stored by deep geological burial or by dry cask storage. Dry Cask Storage is large cylinders of concrete and steel that are used to hold 10 or more metric tons of high-level radioactive waste.

– However, due to sociopolitical chaos, environment issues that Tehuatican could recover from, and declining population, Teotihuacán became very weak in regards to defending itself from the outside world.

– However in 2017 she brought him back and made him the Environment Secretary.

– In time it will easily reach seven or eight feet; in its home environment in Australia, it gets to be fifty feet tall.

– The carrying capacity of an environment can change, and humans can have an effect on the carrying capacity.

– Halophiles are organisms that need salt in their environment to live.

– Most animals live in one type of environment because they are best suited to it.

– According to the World Health Organization, there is not one way to measure mental health in all people, because there are many things in our environment that might make what is mentally healthy different from one person to another.

– Scientists who study the interactions between animals and their environment are called ecologists, and their branch of science is called ecology.

– Government has a hard time building and expanding the economy and develop health care, education and environment safety.

– A report to the Department of the Environment and Water Resources”.

– The environment that existed in the Hadean era was hostile to life, but how much so is not known.

– They want to start off their seeds and seedlings in a protected environment as well as those growing plants that need warmer conditions.

– Stewart Brand’s book “Whole Earth Discipline” argues that urbanization helps the environment overall.

– The environment studied is mostly about locations.

– These programs are called “NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations”.

– It depends on the environment in which the individuals live, and on accidental events.

– The desktop environment is Xfce with Cairo-Dock.

– The astrophysical environment of the solar birthplace..

More in-sentence examples of “environment”:

– They are very territorial and they will attack anything that gets into their environment and they feel is a risk.

– All testing was conducted inside a Platform virtualizationvirtualized environment created by VMware.

– The animal inherits the capability, but the environment determines which form develops.

– The best-known studies of “Drosophila” in a natural environment was done by Theodosius DobzhanskyDobzhansky and colleagues on “Drosophila pseudoobscura” from the early 1930s to 1970.

– She talks about how the past research on heredity and environment has been lacking because of faulty research.

– The advantage of using this approach is that it provides a surprisingly operating cost reduction when used.In this approach, diol is used to cool the IT environment in a way which is similar to a chilled water system.

– The current plan is for the default setting to have the Edit button open the editing environment you used most recently.

– More importantly, it has a significantly higher Growth Environment Score than all of the BRICs or N-11s.

– Electromagnetic environment is radio waves and other electromagnetic radiation and magnetic fields.

– In the computing world, processes are “formally” defined by the operating systems running them and so may differ in detail from one OS to another; for example in Microsoft Windows environment each instance of the same application is called a task.

– When Sylvia saw the environment she lived she got mad.

– They also make the environment safer and less pollution is caused.

– The system was caught in an environment characterized by high surface pressures.

– An anonymous function is also a closure if it has an environment of its own with at least one bound variable.

– Top down processing helps humans quickly make sense of their environment without having to think too much.

– It advocates helping to preserve, protect, and restore the natural environment from damage.

– In 1937 Anastasi wrote a book about the role of genes and environment and how it affects people.

– Due to a shearing environment from a trough, Estelle weakened as it continued approaching Hawaii.

– He was a Member of the European Parliament, a European Commissioner with portfolio for the environment and was environment minister of Italy.

– Her work helped people learn about the environment of the bay and how to better protect it.

– This small island  is uninhabited, the control and conservation for the Island  is promoted by Ecuador’s Minister of Environment and OGN Fundacion Natura.

– Open discussion about sex in a safe, nonjudgmental environment is essential to helping minors make educated decisions about sex.

– The way the electricity is produced does not harm the environment as much as fossil fuels like oil or coal do.

– The environment surrounding Lake Texcoco changed a lot over the past 20,000 years: There were several volcanic eruptions.

– Anne refined her theory on Heredity and Environment and wrote a paper to the American psychological association to talk about how genes and environment effect psychological testing and what future actions should be taken.

– He was Minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment from 1977 to 1981.

– Avoid eating sweet foods in their environment and take care over sweet smells when they are particularly hungry in the autumn.

– So it links environment to social forces and institutions and the cultural values that sustain and contest them.

– Vellum is typically stored in a stable environment with a stable temperature.

– The territory is administered from Canberra by the Australian Department of the Environment and Heritage.

– A person’s behavior will determine the aspects of their environment to which they are exposed.

– In most countries, corporations have a legal responsibility to ensure harassment-free work environment for employees.

– AmphibiaWeb’s goal is to provide an information page for every species of amphibian in the world so research scientists, citizen scientists and people who want to help the environment can work together.

– The main components of the Natural Environment can be simply defined.

– Mosasaurs were so well adapted to this environment that they gave birth to live young, rather than return to the shore to lay eggs, as sea turtles do.

– This “hypersensitivity” means they are more sensitive or “allergic” to things in the environment than people who do not have these changes in their genes and are not hypersensitive or “allergic”.

– In the early 1970s he was Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment and then became the first executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

– A day later, on July 10, the broad low-pressure system emerged from the Florida Panhandle into Apalachee Bay in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico, attended by widespread showers and thunderstorms; concurrently, the NHC forecasted a high likelihood of tropical cyclone development within two days, noting a favorable environment and widespread convection, or thunderstorms, associated with the low.

– Students will be provided with such a friendly environment in which they will feel themselves as real learners.

– The Northern Ireland Environment Agency designates them on behalf of the Northern Ireland Executive.

– The animal lived in an environment of estuaries, tidal flats or coastal plains.Pascual, Rosendo “et al” 2000.

– She is party leader of FarmerCitizenMovement, a party focused on the interests of the rural environment in general and of the farmers in particular.

– While many agree that lowering oil dependence is safer for the environment as well as politically wise.

– People who care for the environment warn about the loss of biodiversity.

– The Race was created in an attempt to raise awareness to keep rivers and the environment clean and free of trash and deposits.

– In the environment there are different interactions between animals, plants, soil, water, and other living and non-living things.

– Its brackish maritime environment is a perfect home for bacteria.

- They are very territorial and they will attack anything that gets into their environment and they feel is a risk.

- All testing was conducted inside a Platform virtualizationvirtualized environment created by VMware.
- The animal inherits the capability, but the environment determines which form develops.

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