Sentence example of “dictatorship”

How to use in-sentence of “dictatorship”:

– Alexander I, King of Yugoslavia, imposed a royal dictatorship in January 1929 and made all political parties illegal.

– He was the Prime Minister of Spainprime minister during the end of Francisco Franco’s dictatorship in Spain.

– It was under a dictatorship between 1926 and 1974.

– He was a major leader of the United Nationalist Democratic Organization, the political party that helped end the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos with the 1986 People Power Revolution.

– He returned to Chile after the end of Augusto PinochetPinochet’s dictatorship in 1993.

– The demonstrations are one of the things that lead to the end of communist dictatorship in East Germany.

– Greece was under a military dictatorship between 1966 and 1975.

– During the communist dictatorship in Czechoslovakia he signed Charter 77.

Sentence example of dictatorship
Sentence example of dictatorship

Example sentences of “dictatorship”:

– Once mature, it is unlikely to revert to dictatorship rule without an external shock.

– It says it should be a dictatorship of the proletariat.

– He played an important role in opposing the military dictatorship in Brazil.

– China is a poor country which is rapidly becoming rich, and is trying the experiment of combining dictatorship with free trade.

– He was offered a government position that would have been considered a dictatorship over the colonies, but in a surprising move, Washington refused, left the army, and returned to Mount Vernon.

– He was a defender of Human Rights during the military dictatorship of that country.

– Weinberger was Secretary of Defense during the Iran Contra scandal, which involved selling guns to Iran to give money to a group of rebels in Nicaragua called the Contras, who were fighting the socialist dictatorship there.

– However, the dictatorship ignored the results of the elections and continued ruling.

– The story was based on the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and when movie director Miguel Littín was in exile.

– A dictatorship is a form of government, where one person effectively has all the power to run a country.

– From May 25 1964 to February 25 1986, during the dictatorship of François DuvalierFrancois and Jean-Claude Duvalier, the country had a different flag, in red and black, and divided vertically, not horizontally.

– This can be known as dictatorship or simply “bending the rules”.

- Once mature, it is unlikely to revert to dictatorship rule without an external shock.

- It says it should be a dictatorship of the proletariat.

More in-sentence examples of “dictatorship”:

– He was had an important role in the overthrow of the dictatorship by refusing to carry out the orders of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu during the Romanian Revolution of 1989.

– In 1973 Víctor Jara was killed by a military dictatorship led by General Augusto Pinochet for singing songs about social problems and social injustice.

– During the impeachment voting session of former President Dilma Rousseff, in his speech, Bolsonaro honored Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, a widely known military colonel in Brazil by have been a torturer of militants and protesters in the Brazilian military dictatorship period.

– During the 1960s, the military leader Castelo Branco overthrew the government and created a dictatorship that was supported by the United States.

– King Juan Carlos helped change Spain from a dictatorship into a parliamentary democracy.

– These troops were against the dictatorship of fascist governments.

– Although France accepted many Chilean political refugees, Giscard d’Estaing’s government secretly worked with Pinochet’s and Argentina’s Jorge Rafael Videla’s dictatorship governments.

– Some people say the end came with the start of the AustrofascismAustro-fascist dictatorship in 1933/34 following the Austrian Civil War.

– This was during the last military dictatorship Dark Years:.

– In Mexico, the entire era was dominated by the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz.

– Venezuela’s modern history was shaped by a number of people, including President Romulo Betancourt, who replaced a military dictatorship with a democracy.

– Former plantation owners, dissatisfied with the abolition of slavery, joined the Republicanismrepublican movement led by Deodoro da Fonseca, an elderly Marshal, to carry out a Coup d’etat and install a republic which became Brazil’s first dictatorship on November 15, 1889.

– He had earlier been a General officergeneral in the dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

– The importance of the idea of despotism is that today it is a very common type of dictatorship or direct rule.

– He came to power after he and his Guerrilla warfareguerrilla soldiers overthrew the dictatorship of General Fulgencio Batista.

– Fidel Castro’s Cuba and Mao Zedong’s China were able to maintain a dictatorship without using secret police.

– He never said publicly why this was but critics have said it may have been a silent dislike of the Spanish military dictatorship of Francisco Franco.

– After a short war with Italy a Fascismfascist dictatorship formed the Independent State of Croatia in 1941, but it was not independent from the control of Nazi Germany.

– Since World War II, the SI helped social democratic parties to re-start themselves when dictatorship gave way to democracy in Portugal.

– Soon, South Vietnam became a military dictatorship with some basic freedoms.

– When in power the Nazis created a dictatorship called the Third Reich.

– This marked the beginning of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.

– Other members of the party spoke for the dictatorship of the working class.

– But there are also many who condemn Pak for the brutality of his dictatorship and for his service to the Japanese army during World War II.

– Protests against his dictatorship became common.

– In 1926 he attempted a revolt against the Spanish dictatorship of Miguel Primo de Rivera.

– People thought van Buren believed in dictatorship and was not fair, especially with Mexico.

– After the dictatorship ended in 1983, Menéndez and was accused of nearly 800 crimes.

– Anti-communist purges in Indonesia in the 1960s resulted in hundreds of thousands dead and the three-decades long dictatorship of Suharto.

– Shortly after the revolution, Iraq under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein invaded Iran producing a war that ended in 1988 with neither side getting anything.

– The “Rule of Law” prevents dictatorship and protects the rights of the people.

– In the list are persons who worked in other places before the war and are also considered exiles due to their properties being confiscated by the communist dictatorship under Josip Broz.

– The dictatorship collapsed after the invasion of Cyprus, and handed over power to Constantine Karamanlis.

– It is used to scare people living under a dictatorship into agreeing with the dictator’s policies.

– He was Chief of the Philippine Air Force during the last years of the dictatorship of Ferdinand MarcosMarcos, notably during the 1986 People Power Revolution.

– Life under Pinochet’s dictatorship still proved impossible, so they found political refuge in Québec, Canada.

– However, to prevent the dictatorship from threatening the state itself, limitations were placed on his powers.

– The two talked about improving relations, issues in the hemisphere, and an apology from the United States for its support of the dictatorship in Argentina in the 1970s and 80s.

– He was a fascist leader and made Italy into a dictatorship without much liberty.

– A military dictatorship was put in place.

– The king returned in 1935, and Greece was under a fascismfascist dictatorship from 1936 until 1941, friendly to the Allies, when it was invaded by Nazi Germany.

– It also has their written ideas of how the capitalist society of their time would be replaced by dictatorship of the proletariat, and after that, communism.

– The economic problems from the payments was said to be an important factor that led to the end of the Weimar Republic and the beginning of dictatorship of Adolf Hitler.

– The novel is set in the Stockholm suburb that the author grew up in, Jakobsberg, and in Argentina where a Swedish woman disappears during the military dictatorship in the 1970’s.

– China’s constitution states that The People’s Republic of China “is a socialist state under the people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants”.

– In dictatorship this is done by asking one powerful person to make the decision and then agreeing to force everyone to follow it.

– In a television interview in the 1990s for the popular magazine “Veja”, he also made controversial declarations about the Augusto PinochetPinochet’s military dictatorship in Chile, praising the Chilean dictator and stating that “the regime should have acted more violently to restore the country.”.

- He was had an important role in the overthrow of the dictatorship by refusing to carry out the orders of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu during the Romanian Revolution of 1989.

- In 1973 Víctor Jara was killed by a military dictatorship led by General Augusto Pinochet for singing songs about social problems and social injustice.
- During the impeachment voting session of former President Dilma Rousseff, in his speech, Bolsonaro honored Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, a widely known military colonel in Brazil by have been a torturer of militants and protesters in the Brazilian military dictatorship period.

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